S/D Griefing/Roaming spec
Just about any S/D spec (probably with 6 in Trix) would work. I know that 2 0 0 6 6 works fine in WvW (I always use it when I play WvW/EotM).
Here you go: http://tinyurl.com/sdroamer
This is something a bit different: 03650 build
20066 and 20606 are also great great sword builds at the moment. I think x6600 is still fine too.
I may get some criticism for recommending this build, but I think it accomplishes your goals, and it would work well with a PU mesmer (you’d both be very hard to kill, feeding off each others stealths).
Pack runes are a nice relatively budget option, and they get the job done very well, especially in a party situation, and if you like swiftness, this is a good offensively leaning option for runes that accommodate that.
Taking on D/P means you don’t necessarily need the interrupt from 6 in trickery. Also keep in mind heartseeker distance is influenced by any +movement increase, so you can dodgeSwift, HSHS, dodgeSwift, HSHS as you’re traveling the map.
Trick is my fav line (always has been) but it’s not necessary in sword if you bring another interrupt, or some other way to manage your opponents healing game (ie poison+confusion for attrition, etc).
It will be fun for you to try out all of the suggestions tho, good luck!
@ Woaden, I don’t know if you use it anymore but I tried it from one of your vids and its had very nice results, to where I even use it in PvP was the S/D 2/0/2/4/6 with two point in SA for Shadows Embrace for a reliable on demand condi clear with cloak and dagger and a pinch of toughness. OP this is another good one to use. It’s basically like the 20066 only it has more condi clearing at the cost of some vitality and whatever you’d spend that last grandmaster slot on in acro.
Thanks for the replies – is withdraw necessary for an S/D build? I’m so used to using HiS that I miss it when it’s not on my toolbar.
Also, I was under the impression that S/D builds tended to be a bit tankier, but most seem to be full zerk?
@ Woaden, I don’t know if you use it anymore but I tried it from one of your vids and its had very nice results, to where I even use it in PvP was the S/D 2/0/2/4/6
The build has taken some big hits from recent patches, but I do still use it on occasion. It is good in duels, but there are better builds for that purpose now that lyssa is weaker, and ferocity has lowered damage. Shortbow is still great, but that Disabling Shot nerf was pretty tough imo. Doable, but tough.
So it’s still really fun, and 20246 is still great in group situations (it’s a great brawling spec) and you can outplay an opponent and look really cool, but vs equal skill in a duel it’s an uphill battle vs more builds than used to be the case.
I’ve used my old build in a GVG recently and it worked well, but I wasnt getting any condi pressure, so tbh 20066 would have been better for the +10% damage alone.
Oddly enough, I’m running Rampagers 20606 build right now.
Thanks for the replies – is withdraw necessary for an S/D build?
Withdraw is just so nice for our low HP pool, combined with S/D evades, it works really well. Essentially, if you get hit ONCE, it’s a withdraw’s worth of damage, and you want to GTFO of that area anyhow, with no cast time.
Hide in Shadows is great, but I think you’re playing on the edge if you want to take full advantage of the heal, because you may be below 50% HP at that point, and you don’t want that. Even going 6 SA with all the benefits to stealthing (making HiS OP!) I still choose withdraw if im at 11-16k HP.
Also, I was under the impression that S/D builds tended to be a bit tankier, but most seem to be full zerk?
It’s from fast reaction time, ample condi clears, damage mitigation from weakness (and blindness on stealth if SA) and most important of all: evasion.
(edited by Woaden.9425)