S/D for WvW

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


I want to try this. Before dpending the money, what are your thoughts about it?


Should I switch some Cavalier for Zerker? In sPvP I go full Zerker because there is no other way but in WvW I like to have some Thoughness

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Hamster.4861


I think your build will probably work, but It will be very hard to do without much access to stealth. SA traits are pretty crucial to survivability in WvW, as most of the roamers you’re going to run into know what you’re(thieves) up to at this point.


That’s what i would recommend. the runes are cheap as hell, so its not a burden to buy the armor with badges.

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


I think your build will probably work, but It will be very hard to do without much access to stealth. SA traits are pretty crucial to survivability in WvW, as most of the roamers you’re going to run into know what you’re(thieves) up to at this point.


That’s what i would recommend. the runes are cheap as hell, so its not a burden to buy the armor with badges.

Well yeah but SA with S/D doesn’t work that well. Most of the damage doesn’t come from stealth attacks. And the access to stealth can be increased with the switch from one signet with SR, wich I problably will.

Interesting rune choise, and thanks for the feedback

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324



Just something I threw together quick. It’ll hit harder than the build u posted, but u do lose a little hp and precision due to the lack of Critical Strikes.

-Damage (Higher power, same crit damage, more traits that add +% damage ex. Exposed Weakness)
-An interupt and decreased cd for steal
-Mug (very nice burst heal, especially with a low steal cd)
-Access to poison, and additional weakness to help limit opponents healing + damage

-3k hp (Comes from Practiced Tolerance mostly, and with guard stacks it won’t matter very much imo)
-12% chance to crit (I find that with fury, 67% crit chance is the most you’ll want because it seems to crit just about every time with that. This build gets u to 62% opposed to 74%(I deem uneccessary )
-Vigor on heal. (I just like dat might better)
-Executioner (Yes, this is a sad loss </3)
-Pain Response (Generally I don’t find this trait very useful anyways)
-Fury when they get low, but u’ll probably have enough fury anyways

Did this sort of fast so I hope I didn’t miss anything, let me know what u think

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258



Just something I threw together quick. It’ll hit harder than the build u posted, but u do lose a little hp and precision due to the lack of Critical Strikes.

-Damage (Higher power, same crit damage, more traits that add +% damage ex. Exposed Weakness)
-An interupt and decreased cd for steal
-Mug (very nice burst heal, especially with a low steal cd)
-Access to poison, and additional weakness to help limit opponents healing + damage

-3k hp (Comes from Practiced Tolerance mostly, and with guard stacks it won’t matter very much imo)
-12% chance to crit (I find that with fury, 67% crit chance is the most you’ll want because it seems to crit just about every time with that. This build gets u to 62% opposed to 74%(I deem uneccessary )
-Vigor on heal. (I just like dat might better)
-Executioner (Yes, this is a sad loss </3)
-Pain Response (Generally I don’t find this trait very useful anyways)
-Fury when they get low, but u’ll probably have enough fury anyways

Did this sort of fast so I hope I didn’t miss anything, let me know what u think

It’s an option, altough if I try this I will do it with full valkyrie armor since that what I use for D/D and the runes are the same, so I will lose a bit of crit chance.
I might try this first, less expensive

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


It’s an option, altough if I try this I will do it with full valkyrie armor since that what I use for D/D and the runes are the same, so I will lose a bit of crit chance.
I might try this first, less expensive

Or just stay d/d plox. Game needs more d/d thieves T.T

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


It’s an option, altough if I try this I will do it with full valkyrie armor since that what I use for D/D and the runes are the same, so I will lose a bit of crit chance.
I might try this first, less expensive

Or just stay d/d plox. Game needs more d/d thieves T.T

And I play D/D, but I’ve allways played D/D with Thief in WvW and PvE. I want to try S/D. This also might help me get better with the set and that will help in sPvP

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Rudy.6184


I also want to run s/d so much, but it has much less potential then other stealth builds in wvw ;/. Stealthless sizer build (2/0/0/6/6) works well in some situations (roaming with friend), but die to condies and 1 vs x. 2/0/6/0/6 is what i’m trying, but the hp pool is not as nice and it doesn’t have thst much spike dmg as other stealth builds. Tried 0/2/6/6/0 – no dmg, nice sustain. I want s/d so much, but it is inferior to d/p, d/d, p/d builds.

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Delta Blues.8507

Delta Blues.8507

I’m in a real pain too trying to find a VERSATILE stealthless build. I can manage to pull builds that do really good in group play but then don’t have the burst to 1v1 tanky enemies. Or I can manage to pull a great bursty build that will do great for solo encounters but that wil suffer just soo much when fights will get longer.

I was just trying a 6/0/0/4/4 build that seemed to do fairly good but now i really feel like XPGAMER’s build could surprise me. On paper it does look good. I don’t like the really small health pool though, if someone manages to condi burst you mmh… maybe there’s where pain response could come in handy

Also i’d use vigorous recovery instead of power of inertia

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: shadowstone.9817


I am currently playing dagger pistol because it is well balanced and a lot of fun. I wish I could play sword dagger but i find several things lacking in this build. First off the weapon attack speed for the sword is to slow and the damage output vs the dagger is to low. Second, the sword should be single target not multiple target. I would not even mind if the daze was lowered to one second if the backstab damage with the sword was more in line with dagger. I cannot believe there is such a disparity in damage between weapon sets. Its as if you are almost forced to go dagger dagger or dagger pistol to keep up with the damage of a warrior. The main focus behind the thief is high spike damage due to the soft target nature the thief is.

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


I love playing S/D even though it’s not really a bursty set, you have to keep utilizing Infiltrators Strike as much as possible to pin them down while avoiding any of their own spikes.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I am currently playing dagger pistol because it is well balanced and a lot of fun. I wish I could play sword dagger but i find several things lacking in this build. First off the weapon attack speed for the sword is to slow and the damage output vs the dagger is to low. Second, the sword should be single target not multiple target. I would not even mind if the daze was lowered to one second if the backstab damage with the sword was more in line with dagger. I cannot believe there is such a disparity in damage between weapon sets. Its as if you are almost forced to go dagger dagger or dagger pistol to keep up with the damage of a warrior. The main focus behind the thief is high spike damage due to the soft target nature the thief is.

Then the only reason to play one or the other would be cosmetic.

Sword is stronger in group fights than 1 vs 1 as you can often hit multiple targets at once. Sword aa hits like truck if you get the full chain in. Personally I don’t see any reason to make sword like dagger, I prefer to have multiple weapon options for a variety of playstyles. If you think the only way to play thief is high spike dmg once in a while, stay with daggers.

Overall to some previous posts, any wvw buid without shadow embrace will melt to condis, pain response won’t save you. 3k extra HP from acro helps but won’t save you either. All that extra HP is useful for the start of a fight, it won’t do much during a fight. Removing a single condi can save more than 3k HP.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

I’d like to point out the WvW builds all have offhand dagger…. because pistol is so lackluster….

To let the debate have a little fun—-
S/D I use 0/6/2/6/0… Yes, yes I do. Shadow Embrace removes a condi and lines me up for a lovely daze and stacks 3 vulnerability… Sword/Dagger can still function like a backstab build if you look at it right. Backstab applies massive damage instantly but lets the target respond as soon as its applied( unless basil, but the auto on dagger is weak). Tactical Strike dazes for a bit and applies normal crit damage then the target cannot respond- during that daze time I like to 1) Immobilize 2) Go through an auto attack chain 3) Apply and Use Basil Venom 4) Steal any boons they used to recover 5) Auto chain again… more than likely stomp em silly…if not, repeat steps 0-2/4.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Delta Blues.8507

Delta Blues.8507

Then the only reason to play one or the other would be cosmetic.

Sword is stronger in group fights than 1 vs 1 as you can often hit multiple targets at once. Sword aa hits like truck if you get the full chain in. Personally I don’t see any reason to make sword like dagger, I prefer to have multiple weapon options for a variety of playstyles. If you think the only way to play thief is high spike dmg once in a while, stay with daggers.

Overall to some previous posts, any wvw buid without shadow embrace will melt to condis, pain response won’t save you. 3k extra HP from acro helps but won’t save you either. All that extra HP is useful for the start of a fight, it won’t do much during a fight. Removing a single condi can save more than 3k HP.

Actually for my experience in the last 2 weeks i’ve been playing S/P (in a duo with an ele) running 2/0/0/6/6 and I find it extremely rewarding, and imho a full bleed/poison/burn removal / 1,8k health every 30seconds added up to a 2k heal from mug every 20s can do marvels.

I’m not saying pain response is AWESOME, i’m just saying that for me it adds up to mug and infiltrator’s return helping to get my survaivability just about right. Because actually i do surprisingly VERY well against condi classes even without SA (also because playing S/P you don’t really have much access to stealth).

What i find more difficult about sword builds is that you won’t get barely any toughness if you want to keep decent sustained damage, and heavy armored classes will eat you at your FIRST mistake.

It’s quite funny though how you look like a ninja jumping and evading and juking around endlessly trying to chip down a war’s health pool one inch at a time while he just stands there like an idiot and tries to hit you. Except that when he actually does hit you’ll see your health pool go chipchip in two seconds

How do you guys do against warriors as S/D? Cause if i’d have to pick, that one would be my nightmare

S/D for WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Well yeah for S/P shadow embrace is pointless.

As an S/P, warriors should be easy, black powder just shuts them completely and a lot of them don’t even notice they are standing in it. For those I use black powder—>steal —> whirling axe in black powder.gg

Fighting warrriors without blinds is very difficult, S/D only has access to blinds on stealth from SA. If the warr camps hammer then it’s an uphill battle. Because of this I often use P/P but if I get caught without it, I usually cnd a lot more than usually save my dodges/evades for his burst skills. Keep your stun breaks for the oh kitten moments when a warr manages to cc you.

I noticed a lot of warrs lately with the cavalier/100% crit on burst/int sigils build, very annoying to fight as sword doesn’t have as high dps as daggers for single target and with their high toughness, I barely scratch them. They still hit me for almost as much as backstab tho x_x

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr