S/P build traits
If you’re going for the offensive version of S/P that focuses on Pistol Whip for spike dps? Yes, it should work. All of the offense S/P people use Critical Strikes 30 in their build. Then I see that you took some AoE support for your Trickery line traits. The only comment I’ll make is that some builds choose to take the Critical Strikes trait that provides a 20% chance to grant +Init on a Crit. On marathon fights, you might want to think about shuffling your Major traits around to include this.
Yet if you’re going for a defensive S/P build, then it’s a poor Trait setup. If you were going that route, I’d expect something more like Deadly Arts 20 / Shadow Arts 30 / Acrobatics 20.
The nice part about S/B is that it can support radically differnet play styles. Between skill and trait choices, each S/B character can end up being different. Even the way that someone physically playing just the S/B weapons will all of the difference.
Thanks very much I was aiming for an offensive S/P build, especially so i can breeze through the mobs in PVE much quicker. From your comment does that mean the site that I used is out of date? Because it had that listed as a minor trait, not major.
I’ll take the defensive build into account for dungeons too
As to the trait levels of Major and Minor? Not a clue. I wasn’t paying complete attention when I looked through your trait spec to peek at the Minor traits. If the GW2 Wiki says it’s a Minor trait, then you’re good to go.
Yes, you’ll kill mobs faster with an offensive Pistol Whip spec. But then again, my quasi-tank S/B character can solo rediculous things by using Smoke Screen and chain spaming Black Powder (while using Sword #1 for my dps output). By the time I hit 60th, I had access to Venomous Aura and that made Thieves Guild especially deadly when soloing.
Like I’ve already said, you can play S/P multiple ways. One of the key rules that I’ve learned about S/B “advice” is that it always comes from a specific view point. If you’re trying to follow someone’s advice and it isn’t working out for you, it may be because they’re playing a different S/B version. Just use whatever ends up working for you and ignore anything that doesn’t fit.
Looks like I will have to try both builds out then
Thanks once more