Saltiest Thief NA

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Corodox.5421


Throughout the week I’ve been trying to climb higher in the pvp ladder. I started by doing a staff daredevil until i got flamed at, so I eventually switched to the metabuild dagger pistol thief. Although I went on a hot streak of winning 8 games and only 2 losses, my very last game had quite the surprise for me.

Immediately upon entering the game two of my teammats told me to switch or leave, and an enemy team ranger said gg they have a thief. Normally I would shrug this off but after eventually coming to a decently tight game the flaming became even more real.

Towards the beginning of the game the guardian on my team left after we won the mid fight. So already, the game was a 4v5. I continued to do what most thieves do and go in for quick damage and run to side points with my shortbow for quick decaps when mid was okay. However, having only four people on our team did have its disadvantage and the game boiled down to a score of roughly 350-400, so we rushed the enemy lord.

We did eventually lose the lord fight due to having less numbers and the enemy team killed the lord before us, but I’m actually glad we lost due to the enlightening moment that I would soon get. Upon losing, two of my teammates immediately blamed me for the loss and told me that I was the only one at fault for losing the game, reguardless of me having the second highest score (which I do know is fairly irrelevant but it still goes to show just how active I was moving points and killing targets). So this brings me to the sad conclusion where thieves in pvp or wvw get flamed at for their mere existence. In today’s meta most players would prever a 4v5 than have the hindrance of having a thief on their team. 10/10 would flame again.

NSP, Human Thief. [YARR]

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Do what I do. If they’re not playing ele, engi, mes, or rev, tell them to re-roll too

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Blue Hare.8612

Blue Hare.8612

So this brings me to the sad conclusion where thieves in pvp or wvw get flamed at for their mere existence. In today’s meta most players would prever a 4v5 than have the hindrance of having a thief on their team. 10/10 would flame again.

That is pretty much the reason why I started playing teef in pvp. You can make ppl mad without even trying. The best thing is to call gg yourself: “Hey guys, we have a teef so… GG”. The best response I have gotten is: “Don’t worry, they have one too”.

Not that I wouldn’t do my best, this whole meta situation is just ridiculous. I fully support everyone playing teefs. I mean, seriously, what is pvp whitout teefs? Teefs create interesting situations in pvp, they keep up that thrilling suspense of not knowing where the enemy is or when they strike, and put everyone on their toes in fear of a backstab. Well, that’s what it could be…

To sum it up, there is no excitement in the current meta.

{Lepus Timidus}

(edited by Blue Hare.8612)

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

In which fights between bunkers never end, or can eventually, slowly be lost in the enemies favor, I enjoy bringing builds to a team designed to remove enemies and sway the fight in our favor.

P/P Carrion venomshare thief allows me to turn all those crappy bunkers into condi spamming machines XD Had a team with 3 DH’s on it who decided to cry at me for playing thief. Then they proceeded to die repeatedly in the team fights at mid, and not rotate well enough to recover the match anywhere else. Still, blame the thief because you didnt have anyone to carry you with constant hard resses the whole match XD

Yet in other matches…


Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Takoyakii.2146


Easiest target when you want to blame something.

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Kaishina.6584


Easiest target when you want to blame something.


Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Do what I do. If they’re not playing ele, engi, mes, or rev, tell them to re-roll too

Lol, pretty much how I feel most of the time.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: EazyPanda.6419


Once entered a ranked match with another thief. Asked to reroll class.
Out of politeness (because i was duo queuing, and didn’t want to lose), I swapped to a signet necro. Which I have played a grand total of 3 matches with.

Obviously, i have no idea what i was doing aside from spamming all staff skills, and removing conditions. Ended up being useless, and died in mid at least 8-9 times.

Final score, we lost, I was the worst scorer. Thief was third best. (scores don’t matter… if you are a bunker). I felt bad.

Other two pugs blamed the thief. Actually they have been blaming thief since the start.
I felt worse. =(

Anet logic:
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Complaints aside don’t bring a knife to a bunker fight.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Amineo.8951


Wanna know a funny story? My team lost against 3 thieves in the other team (they had a ranger and necro too), I was a Thief myself (no HoT so no DD), my team had 2 rangers and 2 Eles and we lost so easily. I was shocked.
So losing or winning only depends on you and your team even though some specs are harder to deal with than others (like Condi Rev, Power Druid, Bunker Mes and Bunker Tempest).

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Throughout the week I’ve been trying to climb higher in the pvp ladder. I started by doing a staff daredevil until i got flamed at, so I eventually switched to the metabuild dagger pistol thief. Although I went on a hot streak of winning 8 games and only 2 losses, my very last game had quite the surprise for me.

Immediately upon entering the game two of my teammats told me to switch or leave, and an enemy team ranger said gg they have a thief. Normally I would shrug this off but after eventually coming to a decently tight game the flaming became even more real.

Towards the beginning of the game the guardian on my team left after we won the mid fight. So already, the game was a 4v5. I continued to do what most thieves do and go in for quick damage and run to side points with my shortbow for quick decaps when mid was okay. However, having only four people on our team did have its disadvantage and the game boiled down to a score of roughly 350-400, so we rushed the enemy lord.

We did eventually lose the lord fight due to having less numbers and the enemy team killed the lord before us, but I’m actually glad we lost due to the enlightening moment that I would soon get. Upon losing, two of my teammates immediately blamed me for the loss and told me that I was the only one at fault for losing the game, reguardless of me having the second highest score (which I do know is fairly irrelevant but it still goes to show just how active I was moving points and killing targets). So this brings me to the sad conclusion where thieves in pvp or wvw get flamed at for their mere existence. In today’s meta most players would prever a 4v5 than have the hindrance of having a thief on their team. 10/10 would flame again.

I don’t play thief, but I can relate as a warrior main and it’s pretty funny. As soon as they see a thief or warrior everyone is all ASIASSAGYDGYA

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Not trying to say those people are right per say, but in a ways they are. For a thief to properly work in PvP it requires the other 4 players to be able to 4v5 and let the thief freely roam the battlefield. Those other 4 players will have to rotate properly as well.

Now what do we know about all the meta specs that are in this game? They are brainless low skill high reward builds. You don’t have to think while playing these builds.

So why would you expect these players to meet the criteria that allows a thief to be an asset?

Do you see what I’m getting at? In the PUG world of PvP ladders thief is actually a detriment to the team. Its hard to have them play 2 points while the thief does his job. I will state though it takes an extremely good thief to succeed in today’s game as well.

p.s. Also no one in the pro league is using a thief as well. You had Toker play 1 round on Kyhlo, and the Abjured didn’t roll them nearly as handily as they did w/out the thief.

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


Not trying to say those people are right per say, but in a ways they are. For a thief to properly work in PvP it requires the other 4 players to be able to 4v5 and let the thief freely roam the battlefield. Those other 4 players will have to rotate properly as well.

Now what do we know about all the meta specs that are in this game? They are brainless low skill high reward builds. You don’t have to think while playing these builds.

So why would you expect these players to meet the criteria that allows a thief to be an asset?

Do you see what I’m getting at? In the PUG world of PvP ladders thief is actually a detriment to the team. Its hard to have them play 2 points while the thief does his job. I will state though it takes an extremely good thief to succeed in today’s game as well.

p.s. Also no one in the pro league is using a thief as well. You had Toker play 1 round on Kyhlo, and the Abjured didn’t roll them nearly as handily as they did w/out the thief.

He also played it on Temple where they completely steamrolled the others.
They also had the interview after where it’s pretty clear that they didn’t have a close match because of the Thief, but rather due to trying some new ideas in terms of strategy and/or rotating.

I agree with what you say though, there’s indeed a massive difference between pug PvP and pro PvP. That’s exactly why your exmple is a bit peculiar… Especially considering a fair number of pro-league players actually do pug-PvP on a Thief. But really, there’s just no point in cherry picking to make a point (even though it’s a rotten cherry…)

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

Saltiest Thief NA

in Thief

Posted by: Azukas.1426


Not trying to say those people are right per say, but in a ways they are. For a thief to properly work in PvP it requires the other 4 players to be able to 4v5 and let the thief freely roam the battlefield. Those other 4 players will have to rotate properly as well.

Now what do we know about all the meta specs that are in this game? They are brainless low skill high reward builds. You don’t have to think while playing these builds.

So why would you expect these players to meet the criteria that allows a thief to be an asset?

Do you see what I’m getting at? In the PUG world of PvP ladders thief is actually a detriment to the team. Its hard to have them play 2 points while the thief does his job. I will state though it takes an extremely good thief to succeed in today’s game as well.

p.s. Also no one in the pro league is using a thief as well. You had Toker play 1 round on Kyhlo, and the Abjured didn’t roll them nearly as handily as they did w/out the thief.

He also played it on Temple where they completely steamrolled the others.
They also had the interview after where it’s pretty clear that they didn’t have a close match because of the Thief, but rather due to trying some new ideas in terms of strategy and/or rotating.

I agree with what you say though, there’s indeed a massive difference between pug PvP and pro PvP. That’s exactly why your exmple is a bit peculiar… Especially considering a fair number of pro-league players actually do pug-PvP on a Thief. But really, there’s just no point in cherry picking to make a point (even though it’s a rotten cherry…)

Last match they didn’t play temple.

When was the last time you saw those guys solo q? They all q with amber to cheat the system due to refusing to sit in 20 mins q