Seeking assistance!
Yes I can help you
Whisper me ingame eu server
I myself like using deadly arts, trickery and daredevil with following traits:
Da: 121
Tr: 123
DD: 221
Dagger/dagger and shortbow
Signet of malice
The dagger physical skill with poison I forgot The name of
Signet of agility
Should be enough sustain with malice for sinister or the new viper gear with krait runes and condi sigils like bursting or corruption on weapons. Insane condi clear with EA and trickster
Thank you! I forgot to mention this is for World vs World roaming!
Concur with Holliday, but you could also run withdraw for more condi heal or the DD heal for more dodges. Also, the new poison runes are very cool (gain condi damage when struck by a poisoned foe), but krait, undead, or orr are fine.
Concur with Holliday, but you could also run withdraw for more condi heal or the DD heal for more dodges. Also, the new poison runes are very cool (gain condi damage when struck by a poisoned foe), but krait, undead, or orr are fine.
Which condition runes are the poison ones? Also, prior to this I was playing P/D condi thief so using D/D for conditions feel a bit iffy to me. Is P/D still good with DD or what?
hi sry i haven had much time as i was with tpvp
here is the build
roaming mainly in wvw with condi build
your main weakness is hard cc and condi bomb as your condi cleanse comes from evades and dodges this is why you have lots of endurance gain
have fun