Seraph on Thief?

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Have any theory crafted a build using the new stats of Condi Precision healing and Concentration. ?

The way I see it in order to maximize.

Needs access to boons. Needs high evade or stealth to make up for no toughness or vitality. Needs multiple heal sources.

P/P hybrid or pure condition or D/D hybrid condition seem the best bets but devilishly hard to make work with little vitality or toughness. You would really have to leverage the healing aspects to the max and consider regen, assassins reward, leeching venoms , SOM , Mug and such inside of the build.

This likely better suited to a class that has higher base health or armor to begin with. If any have any other thoughts on it I am eager to hear them.

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elbritil.3817


Cuz the build editor doesnt have this stat comb yet, I combined existing ones to get the condi dmg and heal stats as close as possible (so just add some crit chance and boon duration to it). This is a most logical i could make in theory.

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Interesting take. I was thinking P/D might work as I had used it in a hyrbid using sinister way back. Shadowstrike is not all bad damage wise with the second part of skill. If torment PvP app is moved to WvW it just might work.

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: saerni.2584


It might work, but I’m not sure how useful the boon duration is outside of P/P builds.

Northern Shiverpeaks (NSP)
Thief (Daredevil)
Commandant of Pistol-Dagger and Apex Predator

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


It might work, but I’m not sure how useful the boon duration is outside of P/P builds.

Yes I would think p/p as offhand set. I really think you need to leverage that might somehow.

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elbritil.3817


the boon doration might be usefull on boon aplying traits, might on trap, vigor on evade, swiftness on dodge, regen on truck under 75% hp. not much to be true, but for condi, the enchanted vigor with better uptime, and the longer regen with healing power and the swiftness helps a bit to stay alive, and the might is just a lil adding for it

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


I’m wondering what this might look like.

Commander’s is replaced by Seraph, but otherwise would look like this. Power goes into Condi Power and Toughness goes into Healing Power, so you’d have 1.1k Condi, 500 hpow, Precision, Concentration, and Expertise as stated.

Easy Might stacking, lots of initiative for Unloads and Sneak Attacks, Boon rip, and CC. You could always swap in Mug (which really might be the better option), and if Sigil of Agility just isn’t doing it for ya then Doom instead for a nice ~16s poison. Agility is nice for Sneak Attack(especially out of trap stealth)>Swap>Quickened Unload for bleeds and might. Also helps with swiftness uptime from Steal.


Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


P/P trapper (with might on trap use and possibly trapper runes), bound and earth/strength/frailty sigils could work if you played it right. You’d probably need DA, SA/trickery and DD to make it work though.

Edit: that said, assassin’s reward/pain response and acro with good healing power and a low health pool could be better than SA.

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

(edited by Jugglemonkey.8741)

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Thieves do not have access to enough boons to make the set work well compared to others. Healing is also vastly underpowered unless in a group setting.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Seraph on Thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elbritil.3817


the healing power might help the self sustain, if u choose Assassin’s Reward. With Quick Pockets its a great way to stay alive, and signet of malice helps too