Hello I am Seth Alre… And I am a D/D Thief for over 4000 hours.
I have loved it, hated it and loved it again. And I still play it 4 hours a day on an average base. I even had a period where I made some YouTube videos with it…
Well I am afraid, I am very very afraid. That there will be darkness to come specifically to d/d players like me… D/D which I personally consider one of the hardest sets to play as a thief and most fun to fight as opponents.
As they already made D/D useless in PvP ages ago… I had hoped to find mercy for HoT…. But as it looks to me now I am wrong, very wrong. Looking at the newer simplified trait system I noticed every thing that made d/d still work is moved, gone or changed so much it won’t work the way we would want any longer. ( I do like how it looks visually lol, but read on and know my concerns)
I do not know all the details of what is becoming baseline and core systems so excuse me if I am wrong about certain things and feel free to correct me in that manner
Now I mainly used
In critical arts I used ‘’Trait I: gain fury when target is below 50%hp’’ This is no where to be found in the new trait system…
I used 7 % crit change on sides, oh good that one is still in I like that, odd that its now I instead of III though.
And I used executioner and hidden killer.. Hmm executioner moved to deathly arts OK I don’t care much about that, If I want I can trait into DA for that.
Now shadow arts.. I just don’t even recognise it anymore…
I am glad they left in the condi-clean on stealth and I can live with not having blind on stealthing….. but to give 3 totally useless traits in the middle line is beyond me… sure stealth on steal may sound nice…
But to me… that means not being able to use half of my combo’s that I use with steal ability F1
I do not want to be forced to stealth on steal. I want just 2 initiative on stealthing… its shadow arts not Steal arts.
And gaining some buff by reviving someone… well good luck gaining something from that when you mainly play solo. and well venom share trait that’s just not my play style. especially not for d/d. and even if I play in a team it would be a quite useless thing for a squishy like me. or a much to rare event as my roaming buddies are boss and don’t die often <3. (oh I jest.) (mostly if we die its a zerg that rolls us over so yea xD reviving is futile)
then acrobatics…
I used speed in stealth that’s there, and I used fall damage trait… but now they combined it with steal stealth something I do not want as it screws up my combo’s so I can’t really take it and feel comfortable. and that leaves me with? well not much.. rather spend the other 4 points into another trait line but well they simplified it, and took out about 50% of the creativity in making the builds… and 99% of the fun in doing it.
Honestly I do not see why they want to simplify a system that was so unique and so rewarding to play around with, I have never faced another MMORPG I liked making builds in as in GW2, I am a loyal GW2 player, I love about every work Anet did to the game truly I do. but this seems so wrong, I do not want to be alienated to the game I spend this much time and effort in. Changes are fine I love em.. but to overhaul a good system is weird to me. even if its easier to balance I think cutting out ability’s of a class is a bad idea..
I originally thought it would enhance build diversity so I got hyped till I noticed it became a line-click tingy with only 3 choices per level (adapt, master, Grand-master) and you cant even put adapt traits into the master lines… nor will you longer be able to spread around your points, something they made so amazing not even too long ago
So yea I am very worried…. I love lots of the new things I just think this new trait system will not work out as you guys at Anet hope, I believe simplifying it this much will just chase away veteran players, veteran players who make the best community in MMO gaming.
Unless of course I got it all wrong.. In that case I would stand corrected. Until then I am very worried I will be able to enjoy a class I main’ed for 4k hours, and loved. I’f I’d lose that sure I have 13 other characters but non of them will mean the same to me as my main thief.
And before you say, I don’t wanna become a full zerker d/d thief. I like skirmishing not fights that end in 5 sec with either me dead or my opponent dead. Any SA thief would understand this.
I know many of you will I say I should just adjust, and honestly I can not agree more.. but there is a limit to that, what is happening here is a cool system with tons of options, being trimmed down to a minimum, a shell, a shadow of its former ways. (unless I miss interpreted it all.)
Seth over and out. I hope for feedback from players and perhaps even devs.
~ \(._.)/
[TSP] The Shadow Phantoms – Guild master
Gunnar’s Hold