Shadow escape doesn't escape

Shadow escape doesn't escape

in Thief

Posted by: Kartel Ampell.2189

Kartel Ampell.2189

I’ve been bugged by this since the release of HoT. The downed skill shadow escape is supposed to be escaping. During my playtime in PvP, more and more I experience that whenever I use shadow escape, my opponent just travels with me. Anyone else experiencing this?

Shadow escape doesn't escape

in Thief

Posted by: Coinhead.7591


Guardians, thieves, mesmers and elementalists have instant cast teleport spells. They can start a stomp and when you use “Shadow Escape” they can teleport next to you. This happens very often.

Do you think that it could have been this instead?

Shadow escape doesn't escape

in Thief

Posted by: that baby stealing dingo.7216

that baby stealing dingo.7216

I believe that fellow thieves can use a well-timed Steal in mid-stomp to teleport to your new location and finish the stomp.

I believe at least one other class has a similar ability to follow your Shadow Escape in this way. I don’t have HoT so not sure which class…

So I don’t think SE is bugged exactly, but there is a way for certain classes to defeat it. I don’t know if it’s WAI or not to be honest.

I have a sword, a dagger, and an estimated life span of 2.47 seconds.

Shadow escape doesn't escape

in Thief

Posted by: iZakari.1076


Lots of classes have skills that follow the player if they move after downed state. For thieves, you can use Infiltrators signet. Start the stomp and if they move, just use your signet and you’ll be right next to them. Timing is important though of course.

Shadow escape doesn't escape

in Thief

Posted by: godz raiden.2631

godz raiden.2631

The best thing you can do if you’re in downed state and someone is stomping you as a thief, is practice timing your shadow escape better. My advice: wait until your enemy is just about to stomp you and then teleport away. This wastes as much of their time as a possible, even if they do use a skill to teleport to you and stomp you, they may time it too late and waste that skill as well. Make sure you aren’t using shadow escape as an enemy begins to stomp you either.

Godz Raiden (Thief)