Shadowstep is a very nice and useful skill, but i wanted to make a suggestion. Cooldown for this skill is a bit too long, 30 sec would be nicer (at least in PvE), since i would like to use it more often (Nightcrawler’s fault
) and duration in which you can use shadow return to be increased to 15 (same as with infiltrator’s strike).
I know this is probably not gonna happen, but i had to make a suggestion.
Bumping SR to 15s sounds plausible, but base CD at 30s would be too much- it’s fine at 50s.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
Agreed for shadow return, the return goes on cd way too fast.
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
Well at least I support the second part, since the first one would be too much.
Compare it with the ele’s teleport, ours goes both ways and is way more powerfull.
It is the most powerful utility skill we have, no need for buffs.
Am I the only one who just wants the condi clear on the first use of Shadowstep and now when you are using SR. I mean seriously… yay i get to clear a condi, but now im right back where i was when i got the condi…in the middle of a fight that i wanted to get out of…
Yes the condition cleanse on return is odd as cheesey chewing gum. Still one of the best abilities and a complete life saver, gap closer, movement addition and all round generally confuser though.