Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Shrack.8013


Part 1 of my world pvp videos with my guild Newlanders [NEWL]. Music is all old school game music with a few random tunes thrown in. This is NOT a video where I only show “perfect” situations or clips. I picked a lot of random clips from my recordings to put in, so there are PLENTY of mistakes available. I mainly upload this to help new players and for entertainment. All the clips are taken from the Gates of Madness, Borlis Pass, and Anvil Rock server matchup. Our group sizes generally range from 3 to 7 players. Watch on 720p. Hope you enjoy it.

The video is pretty long (30 minutes) so feel free to skim the video for larger fights.

And sorry for the shoddy editing, had to use WLMM :P.

Spec is:
Omnomberry Ghosts
Maintenence Oil
Stats generally range from around 2300 power, 69% crit, 104 % crit damage unbuffed to 2500-2600 power, 89% crit, 104% crit damage buffed.

Group makeup is generally 2 thieves, 1 mesmer, 1 guardian, 1 engineer + 1-2 random others.

Shrack – 80 Thief
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]

(edited by Shrack.8013)

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: mischwoof.9785


i still can’t get over how much damage you do, rofl

Nisha The Medicat [NEWL] | Lv. 80 Engineer | Dragonbrand

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Mikemad.2495


Might I ask wwhat you are doing to get 69% crit chance and 104% crit damage? I use full berserker gear with wurm runes and 30 in crit trait line but i only get around 49% crit chance and 85% crit damage.

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Holy cow that is a lot of damage…

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Shrack.8013


Use Ruby orbs in your armor slots instead of runes. And have an offhand dagger you can toss on to build up 25 stacks of precision, then move your main dagger back over. And if you really don’t want to use Omnomberry Ghosts, you can use plate of truffle steak dinners for +200 power and +10% crit dmg more to make it 114% crit damage bonus. Though omnomberry ghosts give you a lot more sustain when AOEing so you don’t die to random splash damage.I could have even more base crit, but I use vitality instead of precision on a couple of my accessory pieces.

Shrack – 80 Thief
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Hadlis.2893


What armor/jewels are you wearing and which traits are you picking and why? Great vid btw!

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Shrack.8013


Spec is 25/30/0/0/15

Deadly Arts: I go Mug and Dagger Training, though that 2nd option-able trait is really up to you. The important one is Exposed Weakness for the +10% damage boost.

Critical Strikes: Side Strikes (7% crit), Critical haste (10% chance to proc quickness on crit), and Executioner (20% more damage on targets under 50%). All of these flat 10% and 20% damage boosters are whats making people cry about every thief skill doing too much damage. Plus you want a high crit rating to proc as many heals from Omnomberry ghost as possible. As long as you’re attacking from the back or side you should have around a 60-66% chance to proc a 300 point heal on yourself for every single hit. So assume you’re cluster bombing 5 players, chances are you are self healing for nearly 1000hp every time you spam the skill. It really helps you have some sustain in fights.

Trickery: Thrill of the Crime for the group/self buffs, and the +3 initiative at 15 points.

Armor is all just berserker’s gear with Ruby Orbs. For accessories I’m using all berserkers except for a valkyries ring and necklace for a little more vitality.

As far as weapons go: I actually am using the badges shortbow at the moment so my crit damage is only 94%, while cluster bombing one day I might just go to a berserker shortbow, but not at the moment. I use superior sigil of fire on the shortbow. Rage + Air on the two daggers. I also use a perception offhand when I’m working up to 25 stacks of precision, which will probably get nerfed one day :P.

Shrack – 80 Thief
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


you moved good arround the battlefield
with that defence you could be 1/2 shot from other thief or warrior
Good Job
no.1 WvW kills

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: DirtyBird.6093


Use Ruby orbs in your armor slots instead of runes. And have an offhand dagger you can toss on to build up 25 stacks of precision, then move your main dagger back over. And if you really don’t want to use Omnomberry Ghosts, you can use plate of truffle steak dinners for +200 power and +10% crit dmg more to make it 114% crit damage bonus. Though omnomberry ghosts give you a lot more sustain when AOEing so you don’t die to random splash damage.I could have even more base crit, but I use vitality instead of precision on a couple of my accessory pieces.

You really think the damage output from having ruby orbs is better than having a full stack of divinity runes? Is the difference that noticable? Just curious. You’re obviously doing a kitten ton of damage, not sure if its vs bad geared, or lowbies havent looked at the video in detail just spot watched it. Would love to know if you’ve tried the divinity runes in comparison before i go buy a new set of gear for ruby’s for a test drive. Couldn’t you run divinity with a full set of zerker’s jewelry instead?

[GoF] Smiks – Guardian/Necro
Thief/Mesmer Alts

(edited by DirtyBird.6093)

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: StugLyfe.2134


LOL do you think you play well or something, 90% or the time you just spam auto attacks and hit for 3k+ with them, why would you even post this? You must really be trying to get thieves nerfed more.

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Shrack.8013


You mean I’m trying to play a class to it’s full potential and I’m using teamwork with a good group? There are multiple other classes that do damage (thought not as much) in a similar fashion and yet offer much more utility, but most people don’t play them properly: Guardian, Elementalist to name two. Of course I spammed auto attack, auto attack is free and costs nothing while I wait to do something else. Auto attack is everyone’s main skill. If your auto attack sucks you probably should make sure you have a weapon set with a good auto attack…or you’re dumb. At the same time I can be insta killed in that spec vs multiple classes/specs if I play poorly. It’s risk vs reward play. I can’t play poorly or I will die, a lot. Especially since the enemy zerg only has 3-7 targets to choose from. It’s not like I’m some random thief in a sea of 40 players. We’re using each class to its strength in the video.

edit: the good play comes in the small things: Dodging the right skills, proper positioning, staying with my team, rezzing at the right time, NOT DYING and letting the 8 people we have downed rally off of me. Each individual class in this game isn’t that hard to play. The HARD things that most players can’t seem to grasp are positioning, group play, dodging properly, communication, etc.

I could rephrase this:

“LOL do you think you play well or something, 90% of the time you just spam auto attacks and hit for 400+ with them from ranged and stack bleeds as you dodge multiple times and spam cloak and dagger all day to abuse a rendering error with a bunker build with 20k health and high toughness and regens and condition removal and play vs bad players and and and” (. /end run on sentence)

Lol, your bad logic can apply to any class or spec. And I DO think thieves need a damage nerf, but they need a utility boost and overall more complexity added to the class. Anet needs to raise the skill floor on the class.

Shrack – 80 Thief
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]

(edited by Shrack.8013)

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: StugLyfe.2134


Blah blah you play a fotm op class and think you’re special lol ok

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Blah blah you play a fotm op class and think you’re special lol ok

Show on the doll where the bad thief have touched you.

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Shrack.8013


Use Ruby orbs in your armor slots instead of runes. And have an offhand dagger you can toss on to build up 25 stacks of precision, then move your main dagger back over. And if you really don’t want to use Omnomberry Ghosts, you can use plate of truffle steak dinners for +200 power and +10% crit dmg more to make it 114% crit damage bonus. Though omnomberry ghosts give you a lot more sustain when AOEing so you don’t die to random splash damage.I could have even more base crit, but I use vitality instead of precision on a couple of my accessory pieces.

You really think the damage output from having ruby orbs is better than having a full stack of divinity runes? Is the difference that noticable? Just curious. You’re obviously doing a kitten ton of damage, not sure if its vs bad geared, or lowbies havent looked at the video in detail just spot watched it. Would love to know if you’ve tried the divinity runes in comparison before i go buy a new set of gear for ruby’s for a test drive. Couldn’t you run divinity with a full set of zerker’s jewelry instead?

It’s really just a slight sacrifice either way and not a huge deal. Do you want a little more damage or a little more survivability/well roundedness? It’s really up to you. The positive is ruby orbs are way cheaper than the alternative, but it is not like money is a big deal.

Shrack – 80 Thief
Formerly GoM, now Dragonbrand – [NEWL]

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Adein.2031


Blah blah you play a fotm op class and think you’re special lol ok

Why are you trolling in the thief forums? The guardian section is here

LOL do you think you play well or something, 90% or the time you just spam auto attacks and hit for 3k+ with them, why would you even post this? You must really be trying to get thieves nerfed more.

Apparently, you only skim the thief forums for posts to rage at. If you had looked closer, you’d have found that the primary source of thief damage from most weapon-sets is from auto-attacking. Most of our other skills provide less damage but with some utility (especially with non-D/D sets).

Also, I see you immediately went to the thief feedback thread and complained that 3k auto-attack hits are too high. If you spent a little time on other class forums as well (like Warrior), you’d see that they can also crit for 3-4k on auto-attacks with a “glass cannon” build.

And looking at some of your other post history, you ask for anything you don’t like (portals, stealth, cluster bomb, backstab, heartseeker, and the initiative system) to be nerfed or removed from the game. It’s pretty funny, really.

Adein – SLAY – Thief – Ehmry Bay

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Adein.2031


Use Ruby orbs in your armor slots instead of runes. And have an offhand dagger you can toss on to build up 25 stacks of precision, then move your main dagger back over. And if you really don’t want to use Omnomberry Ghosts, you can use plate of truffle steak dinners for +200 power and +10% crit dmg more to make it 114% crit damage bonus. Though omnomberry ghosts give you a lot more sustain when AOEing so you don’t die to random splash damage.I could have even more base crit, but I use vitality instead of precision on a couple of my accessory pieces.

You really think the damage output from having ruby orbs is better than having a full stack of divinity runes? Is the difference that noticable? Just curious. You’re obviously doing a kitten ton of damage, not sure if its vs bad geared, or lowbies havent looked at the video in detail just spot watched it. Would love to know if you’ve tried the divinity runes in comparison before i go buy a new set of gear for ruby’s for a test drive. Couldn’t you run divinity with a full set of zerker’s jewelry instead?

It’s really just a slight sacrifice either way and not a huge deal. Do you want a little more damage or a little more survivability/well roundedness? It’s really up to you. The positive is ruby orbs are way cheaper than the alternative, but it is not like money is a big deal.

Yeah, if you compare 6x orbs vs (for example) 5x Scholar and 1x Divinity runes, you essentially trade (I’m going off of memory): 55 power vs 2% crit damage and 74 precision.

Orbs would give you a little more (3.5%) crit chance and 2% more crit damage, but you lose out on the base damage increase to all of your attacks (from less power). Base direct damage is linear with power (from the wiki).

Adein – SLAY – Thief – Ehmry Bay

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Tact.1053


+1 to anyone who runs a small group and can make it work in w3. My friends and I struggle to do that almost every day. Good job on the teamwork fellas.

On the orbs vs runs topic. Don’t forget the orbs cost a tiny fraction of the runes mentioned. Hence why I have orbs in my zerker gear for w3.

[IHOP] 24/7 baby.

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: Flayfirst.4735


You are amazing, those numbers are crazy, looks like I pay to conservitily on my thief and geared into a bit more vitality and use scholarX5 and Soldier X1 for survivability. I just really started using my bow last night and it is great, was closing with steal and SS but bow makes them mad and then they rush ya, which is great they close on me! I am going to try your spec, but keeping my runes, they cost to much! I am a S/D thief, but I have 2 daggers which I switch to, this weekend I am going to go D/D and SB and see how I do. Omnon Ghosts? I will give those a try, I have been using the Omnom Loaf for Vit and Toughness.

Thanks again

Flayfirst – Borlis Pass – clan DNA
Extremely brittle thief, but fun to play

Small Group Thief Gameplay vs Zergs Video

in Thief

Posted by: mischwoof.9785


Definitely want to use Omnomberry ghosts or Omnomberry pie, they’re your survivability godsend for glass cannon spec. :>

Nisha The Medicat [NEWL] | Lv. 80 Engineer | Dragonbrand