Sneaky new Thief tricks

Sneaky new Thief tricks

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Enough of the negative we might as well start looking at the new possibilities.

I will start.

Trait the new descent of shadows in the SA line. Steal into a smoke field. BP is released on steal so you stealth on steal for what should be 9 seconds.

Use Runes of the trapper and trait “trappers respite” . The Withdraw heal skill will now stealth you while leaving behind a trap.

In above use the 6/0/6/0/6 setup and take shadows embrace along with trickster.

When you use withdraw you cleanse immobilized chilled crippled and three other conditions and can do this every 12 seconds.

Sneaky new Thief tricks

in Thief

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

And this build is now called Ebola because it is that nasty.

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

Sneaky new Thief tricks

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Yeah, enough negativity! I like the new changes, makes up for some interesting builds and playstyle. It’s all subject to change tho. But yeah, your build sounds fun

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Sneaky new Thief tricks

in Thief

Posted by: the krytan assassin.9235

the krytan assassin.9235

tbh it looks like these traits are gonna offer so much extra spike potential to the thief.
you steal your enemy, triggering Mug, Serpent’s touch, lotus poison, exposed weakness, thrill of crime, and bountiful theft,descent of shadows+sleight of hand= dmge+poison+weakness+fury+boonrip+stun+stealth, insta backstab, panic strike pops up immobilizing the enemy then hearthseeker it down. When the oponent still is up (probably a guard/war/necro in that case because of their surviveability) you get mace head crack/skull fear x2 for extra stun/fearkill.

Also lead attacks grants a solid 15% dmge boost during the first part of the spike, exposed weakness 10% during the whole spike and improvisation another 10%. Steal recharge rate is 35% shorter because of sleight of hand and lead attacks making it a very short cd on it. Just pop your stealth wait 15 sec and you can do the same combo again.

this build offers insane spike in combination with nice surviveability because of shadow’s embrace+shadow’s rejuvenation making it a very OP build for roaming.

DDD|elementalist| Piken commander|RaW|

Sneaky new Thief tricks

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Pressure Striking is another interesting trait. The baseline changes to venoms now gives Basilisks 2 strikes which is two interrupts. Scorpion wire also sees a boost if traited with pressure striking and the interrupts off head shot with a X/P set can be rather nasty in a build with perplexity Runes wherein both Confusion and torment added with an interrupt.

Condition builds can take the sleight of hand trait over BA and get that torment on a properly timed daze. The venoms all get an extra strike and I can see more use for the Skale venom in a condition build focused around torment.

The structure of the skills along with that baseline boost to venoms does in fact open up some interesting possibilities in a venom build.

Using devourers venom along with the trappers respite AND panic strike will give you immobilizes coming out the ying yang without harming your build from a power or condition perspective at all. Add the two strike BV as the elite and you can lock an enemy in place for some time.

(edited by babazhook.6805)