So Thief is dead now right?

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


With the shiro legend on revenant I don’t see any reason why anyone would play thief, so be prepared to swap everyone!

In all seriousness though, I am a huge fan of the revenant, but I am concerned about the other classes, especially thief with this new development… I mean revenant has weapon swap, so now it’s basically thief except it’s utility and elite uses initiative now….

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


I’m sure when we see the Thief Elite Specialisation, our minds on this matter will be put at rest.

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


I hope you are right…

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Marthkus.4615


I know I am having trouble finding a thief build that I like.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Dex.6139


I’m re-rolling for personal reasons. Shiro is pretty much what I wanted my Thief to be since GW2 came out.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: lighter.2708


Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.
an effective of a class is not determined by how cool the skills look and how many skills they can use, im surprised people still haven’t realize it after the first open beta.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Dex.6139


Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.

That’s really up to the skill of the player. You win some you lose some. You learn, adapt, try new builds and move on.

My main in GW1 was an Assassin/x. When GW2 came out, I was hoping to play my sin again but the closest thing at the time was Thief, so that became my main.

So now we have Shiro, the Assassin character I was looking for. Ty, Anet.

I know I’m going to miss out on stealth, blinds, bv , steal and the holy bp – hs combo. I’m ok with trying something else for now.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: lighter.2708


Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.

That’s really up to the skill of the player. You win some you lose some. You learn, adapt, try new builds and move on.

My main in GW1 was an Assassin/x. When GW2 came out, I was hoping to play my sin again but the closest thing at the time was Thief, so that became my main.

So now we have Shiro, the Assassin character I was looking for. Ty, Anet.

I know I’m going to miss out on stealth, blinds, bv , steal and the holy bp – hs combo. I’m ok with trying something else for now.

im just responding to people who say revenant is so much better and kill thief for breakfast, thief dead, rev strong, nerv please.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Drayos.8759


Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.

That’s really up to the skill of the player. You win some you lose some. You learn, adapt, try new builds and move on.

My main in GW1 was an Assassin/x. When GW2 came out, I was hoping to play my sin again but the closest thing at the time was Thief, so that became my main.

So now we have Shiro, the Assassin character I was looking for. Ty, Anet.

I know I’m going to miss out on stealth, blinds, bv , steal and the holy bp – hs combo. I’m ok with trying something else for now.

not always down to skill tbh, proffession can turn the tides there, natural counters are on all proffessions it just depends on which one will counter the other to who has the advantage if u ever got stuck 1v1ing one another,

Looking at shiro itself it looks very strong, but unless ur going to either run half healing with the staff which will lower ur damage output and depend how good the healing really is while traited into damage or go hammer which is pretty slow and didnt prove to be worth alot of damage for a ranged option which by speculation the shortbow on the thief wil be stronger then naturally.

your realistically going to only have 1 weapon which will directly fight against a thief, rev has proven to be very squishy as a proffession so u wont even have the heavy armour to rely on when it comes to fighting either so u’ll be even squisher now ur delving into Zerker builds to maximise the damage in the new Assassins Set up.

Not to mention, u really want to puit urself 100% behind only ONE specific aspect which gives u assassin feeling play? it isnt a elite specialization Where the obvious meta will be on its launch, this Shiro specc could be permanantly at the bottom of the tier list for all u know, Anet have never been great at making EVERY Set up work for the proffessions what makes u suddenly have THIS much faith this Legend will be that viable in the Final results?

Shiro looks amazing, but no matter What set up im using thief Feels like a Assassin… i play proffessions to enjoy EVERY set up it has, Relying on 1 is just going to force u to either reroll or Constantly Put ur teams and urself at a handicap from the start off

Watch your shiro get reckt by thieves and rage quit and back to your thief.

That’s really up to the skill of the player. You win some you lose some. You learn, adapt, try new builds and move on.

My main in GW1 was an Assassin/x. When GW2 came out, I was hoping to play my sin again but the closest thing at the time was Thief, so that became my main.

So now we have Shiro, the Assassin character I was looking for. Ty, Anet.

I know I’m going to miss out on stealth, blinds, bv , steal and the holy bp – hs combo. I’m ok with trying something else for now.

im just responding to people who say revenant is so much better and kill thief for breakfast, thief dead, rev strong, nerv please.

dont worry, when the first 6 months are up and these new things are no longer new the meta will get changed, if it goes Condi sided Shiro will become useless where thief has D/D then we’ll just read them QQing over the fact this “amazing” new thing is no longer usuable.

Centring urself around 1 Specific thing in a proffession is never a wise thing, Metas change Nerfs happens things get broken, U need to love EVERYTHING in ur main proffession to really have a chance at sticking

If u love their Condi bunker Power Celestial and Hybrid Set ups then yes role one its clearly for u, but if ur just running into the class for 1 specific weapon set? Prepare to be rerolling shortly after… it just wont add up for them.

(edited by Drayos.8759)

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Mindtrick.5190


I’ve actually had fun finding a new build after 3 years. Glad I got scholar runes when they was cheap doe! Not a fan of the turn in to air vapor and run away cause I lost a fight. Those thieves are trying so hard its a joke

Got Ninja?
<3 and Hugs no Hate I Just Point Out Fail.

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


Yeah because the Revenant has all this amazing access to stealth, strong openers and (vertical) mobility.
Aye, Shiro is amazing.

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

So Thief is dead now right?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I’m sure when we see the Thief Elite Specialisation, our minds on this matter will be put at rest.

Ah yeah it will be pretty and flashy like rainbows, look good on paper and be mindblowing. And then when patch comes out devs will nerf it to the groud as usual and it will just some flashy crap that nobody uses~

I can kind of see why they keep hammering thieves, they want to sell xpac so they needed to make revenant spec attractive… why play revenant when you can play a thief…. so let’s nerf thieves. Dem selling politics~~~

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