Yes you said “many” when it should be “some” because by simply checking the Necro forum, you’ll know that you should say “some.”
You say “many Necro” yet “a lot go Rabid.”
Either it sucks for “many” which implies they don’t take Rabid, or it doesn’t sucks for many because “a lot go Rabid.”
Which is it? You’re contradicting yourself here. :/
None of the choices you’ve given me to choose from 1) “it sucks for ‘many’ which implies they don’t take Rabid” or 2) "it doesn’t sucks for many because ‘a lot go Rabid’ " are what I meant.
Sorry if my choice of words were misinterpreted by you to be contradictory. My meaning is not and I’ll reword it more simply:
Many Necros are Rabid Condition Necros. It is a popular choice. And Retaliation is weak for these Necros.
I have not found any compelling reasons on the Necro forum (which I do check out a lot—check my post history) to require me to use “some” over “many.” “Many” does not necessarily imply “majority” (seems this is what you are incorrectly trying to get at. If you’re not, and you’re trying to say I should have used “some” because you could quantify it somehow as less than “many,” then check the grammar link below.) So it’s wrong to try and be pedantic over that.
On the difference between “some” and “many”:
Now if you had tried to say I should have used “few” instead of “many,” then your statement would have been coherent. But I would disagree with the statement that few Necros are Rabid Condition. It’s a popular choice.
Now if you inferred from my usage of “many” that I believe it is a popular choice, then you are right in that inference (though it would have made more sense to bring up that inference and object to it rather than tell me to use “some,” as you can still use “many” and not imply “popular”)—I do believe Rabid Condition Necros are popular. And if you object that it’s a popular choice (popular-no necessary implication that most or the majority of Necros use it) and you tell me that it’s not a popular build, then I’ll disagree with you. And simply telling me to check the Necro forum does nothing, as I already do.
Perhaps your bringing up “some” vs. “many” was not out of pedantry (which would not hold), but out of your inference that I suggested it is a popular choice and you disagree. Nothing we can do about that, as apparently we both check the Necro forums.
And if your stance is that Rabid Condition Necros are popular but I still should have used “some,” then I’ll redirect you to the grammar link again.
And I think this should cover all the bases, but if you’re wondering why I would bother bringing up Spiteful Spirit’s not being good general advice, it is because I believe Rabid Condition Necros are numerous enough to warrant speaking out on their behalf.
Also good luck should you try to convince Necros on the Necro forum that, in PvP, Necros “with their Death Shroud mechanic, they really don’t have to worry much about their survivability, thus they can focus more on improving their damage output.”
I am not stating one way or the other on that particular matter. But I am quoting you so I can say that I frequent the Necro forums enough to know that few Necros there would agree with you.
(edited by Haley.2390)