(edited by Haley.2390)
So... how can I beat CND with a necro?
My statements on my belief based on my experience are as valid as the statements in this example (and in my case, my statement cannot be shown to be true or false but I do not care and make no claims on this):
My city has a population of 800,000. My favorite restaurant can hold up to 40 people. Everyday I go, the restaurant is almost full.
Statement A. “Many people in my city go to my favorite restaurant.”
Statement B. “My favorite restaurant in my city is popular.”
Hardly anyone would object to someone who uses one or both of these statements. These two statements make no claims on “most” or “majority.”
If someone says, “Many girls like Matt Damon. He is popular among girls.”
Do you object and say, “You’re implying the majority of girls like Matt Damon! You are wrong!” ?
Do you object and say, “You do not know exactly how many girls like him! You should be humble and say some girls like him!” ?
By the way, if you still don’t understand this, there is no hope.
(edited by Haley.2390)
Here, since it is obvious you get distracted easily.
I’ll list my stances that I have gone over many times.
1. I know there is no way to know with certainty what builds PvP Necros use. There are no tools to know this.
2) I believe many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
3) I believe a lot of PvP Necros go Rabid based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
5) I have never said the “majority” of PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
6) I have never said “most” PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
7) When someone says something is both “many” and “popular” they do not necessarily mean “most” or “majority.”
How much clearer can I be? I’ve already discussed stances on empirical knowledge and unscientific belief early on (read 5 days ago.)
Do not misrepresent my meanings.
You said “There are no tools” yet you used the “Necro forum and the thread [you] made there” as your tools.
You said “There are no tools” yet you used the popularity of Rabid as your tools.
If “There are no tools”, then there is no way to justify your belief that “many PvP Necros go Rabid” nor “a lot of PvP Necros go Rabid” nor “Rabid is popular”. You believe all those because you used a tool.
Since you refuse to use “some”, “few”, or even “uncertain”, what other meaning is left when you use “popular?”
Besides I don’t have to misrepresent your meaning, it written all over this thread.
You said;
I’ve already said it is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my evaluation of the the Necro forum atmosphere.
Then from YOUR thread you asked;
So Condition Necros are popular, right? And you said pretty much * most Condition Necros are running full Rabid*?
Even Bhawb.7408 made this statement;
Rabid has always been, and probably always will be a very common gear stat for Necromancers.
As oppose to “uncommon” or “rare”, what does “very common” mean if not “most?”
So please do tell, what do you mean again?
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
(edited by Sir Vincent III.1286)
I’ve already said using the Necro forum brings an unscientific belief.
Can you separate from belief vs. knowledge?
Just as when someone says, “Many girls like Matt Damon. He is popular among girls.”
There are no tools available to them. They are using their own experience to make that statement.
If only you’ve read my posts.
As oppose to “uncommon” or “rare”, what does “very common” mean if not “most?”
So you believe “very common” necessarily means "most*?
Oxford dictionaries:
Show me how it necessarily means “most.” Show me how from all the definitions of “common” that “very common” necessitates that “very common” means “most”? Can you even find an authoritative dictionary on specifically “very common”?
Stop grasping at straws. Geez. We will not argue based on your feeling that “very common” necessarily means most when there are no authoritative stances saying this is necessarily the case. You are not an authoritative stance.
(edited by Haley.2390)
“It’s very common for girls at my alma mater to major in Microcellular Biology.”
You take this to mean I’m talking about the “majority of girls” or “most girls”?
If you do, that’s your prerogative, but it does not necessitate that I mean “most” or “majority” and there are no authority stating so.
If I wanted to mean “most” or “majority,” I would simply use “most” or "majority."
(edited by Haley.2390)
I’ve already said using the Necro forum brings an unscientific belief.
Can you separate from belief vs. knowledge?
Just as when someone says, “Many girls like Matt Damon. He is popular among girls.”
There are no tools available to them. They are using their own experience to make that statement.
Again, how do you come up with that assessment without tools? Often times, someone will reply to that saying, “you just pull that one out of your kitten ”
The correct way to make this statement is using “probably” or “maybe”
If only you’ve read my posts.
As oppose to “uncommon” or “rare”, what does “very common” mean if not “most?”
So you believe “very common” necessarily means "most*?
Oxford dictionaries:
http://oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/common?q=commonShow me how it necessarily means “most.” Show me how from all the definitions of “common” that “very common” necessitates that “very common” means “most”?
The “very common” is attached to “gear stat for Necromancers” in that context. You can’t just nonchalantly ignore the context to justify your fallacy.
Stop grasping at straws. Geez. We will not argue based on your feeling that “very common” necessarily means most when there are no authoritative stances saying this is necessarily the case. You are not an authoritative stance.
No authority? You used Bhawb.7408 as the authority in one of your posts. And he posted,
Rabid has always been, and probably always will be a very common gear stat for Necromancers.
If “very common” in this context doesn’t imply “most”, then what does it imply?
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
This thread turned completely dumb.
Again, how do you come up with that assessment without tools? Often times, someone will reply to that saying, “you just pull that one out of your kitten ”
How do people who say, “Many girls like Matt Damon. Matt Damon is popular among girls,” mean?
Do you believe they use a tool? You can say their experience is pulling it out of their own kitten .
Do you go around telling them that?
There are no tools to know for sure so I never attempted to make any assertions on knowing for sure.
I can say my experience on the Necro forum tells me in an unscientific manner that Rabid is popular among PvP Necros. It tells me nothing about the actual absolute truth.
Let’s go back to my restaurant example again.
My city has a population of 800,000. My favorite restaurant houses up to 40. Every day that I go to this restaurant, it is almost full.
I make both statements:
1. “Many people in my city go to my favorite restaurant.”
2. “My favorite restaurant in my city is popular.”
These are not scientific claims. These do not show absolute knowledge! I do not know how many people go to the restaurant when I’m not there! I do not claim that the majority or most people in my city go there! I do not claim to know without a doubt how many people go there!
People talk like this all the time! If you get into an argument every time someone makes such a statement, then that’s your choice.
To reiterate!
1) You can say something is “many” and “popular” and not necessarily mean “most” or “majority.”
2) You can say “very common” and not necessarily mean “most” or “majority.”
3) You can say you have no way of knowing for sure, but your experience gives you a belief on the matter. Person A can say he cannot know if God exists for sure, but he can say he still believes in God despite not knowing for sure (also called an agnostic theist.)
Yet you continue to try use “popular” and (now) “very common” to necessarily mean “most” or “majority.” You are wrong in that assumption and have no authority to back that up (and I’ve shown you both Oxford and Merriam-Webster on definitions for “popular” and “common,” there are no section for specifically “very common.” The definitions from both dictionaries do not necessitate “popular” to mean “most/majority,” and how are you going to draw “very common” to necessarily mean “most/majority” from these authorities?)
So why do you keep trying to argue? I am not going to argue with your inferences of what I meant if such inferences do not agree with both what I mean and what I’ve explicitly said.
Again, here are my stances. Do not taint them with your inferences that you cannot soundly back up. Your attempts at reading in between the lines and making inferences fails when I’ve explicitly said otherwise many times before and esteemed dictionaries do not agree with you.
I explicitly (in an extremely clear manner for your sake) say I never did and still don’t mean “most” or “majority” in there.
Also, I am reposting this post on “very common” since you did not address it and I’ve corrected a minor typo in it.
“It’s very common for girls at my alma mater to major in Microcellular Biology.”
You take this to mean I’m talking about the “majority of girls” or “most girls”?
If you do, that’s your prerogative, but it does not necessitate that I mean “most” or “majority” and there are no authority stating so.
If I wanted to mean “most” or “majority,” I would simply use “most” or "majority."
And here are my previous posts on how I am not necessarily implying “most” or “majority.”
Anything I said that you felt was “misleading” because you felt I meant “most” or “majority” even though I have explicitly said otherwise many times, is your fault. You’re arguing against a ghost of a stance that I have not held nor am currently holding.
You cannot argue with me on true knowledge of what PvP Necros use because I’ve already said multiple times that I make no claims on this other than that there are no tools to know with certainty so I cannot know.
And to wrap everything up. Should you try to argue with my belief from my personal experience with the Necro forum that Rabid is popular (no implications of “most” or “majority”) for PvP Necros, then this example will illustrate that there’s nothing to talk about:
A stranger says, “Many girls like Matt Damon. Matt Damon is popular among girls. It is very common for girls to like Matt Damon.”
You have no platform to stand on to accuse that person of necessarily meaning “The majority of girls like Matt Damon.”
Also, if you wanted to say to the stranger, "You are wrong! You should be humble and have said ‘some,’ instead of ‘many,’ " then go ahead. But that doesn’t mean you’ve got a justified argument. It just means you are out of touch with reality and are not bringing anything on the table to argue about. It should be obvious that that stranger is not claiming he knows with scientific certainty how many girls like Matt Damon. It should be obvious that stranger is talking about his personal experiences with girls he interacts with.
And in my case, it should be especially obvious since I’ve said early on that I cannot know for sure and that my belief from my experiences with the Necro forum are unscientific/non-technical/not empirical.
(edited by Haley.2390)
Yep. Turned 100% full kitten.
I can say,
“It seems that S/D is popular and probably many Thief uses it.”
But I cannot say without evidence,
“S/D is popular because many Thief uses it.”
And here is what you said;
I’ve already said it is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my evaluation of the the Necro forum atmosphere.
And since you cannot show proof, it is proper to take the humble approach.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I can say,
“It seems that S/D is popular and probably many Thief uses it.”But I cannot say without evidence,
“S/D is popular because many Thief uses it.”And here is what you said;
I’ve already said it is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my evaluation of the the Necro forum atmosphere.
And since you cannot show proof, it is proper to take the humble approach.
I see this is what you’re caught up on. You think I am saying “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros because many PvP Necros use it.”
If that’s what you’ve inferred, then rest assured I’ve never meant and still do not mean “many implies popular” in all scenarios. And I do not believe “many” = “popular” necessarily, just as I do not believe “popular” = “majority” necessarily.
When you criticized my use of “many” and told me to use “some” instead, I provided two scenarios.
First scenario I linked the grammar link. I say you cannot draw a line on when an amount is large enough so that someone is allowed to use “many.” In this scenario, I say regardless of whether or not I believe it is “popular,” I can still use “many” as long as I believe the number is large enough to me. You have no grounds for argument by telling me I should be “humble” and you have no authority to tell me when an indefinite number is “large.”
Second scenario. I go on to say that if you’ve inferred from my use of “many” that I believe “popular” then you are correct in this instance. This does not mean that I am saying “many implies popular” in all cases! This simply meant that I am adding onto it! That is why I separated in into two parts.
First part is to justify that even if I hadn’t meant “popular” when I said “many,” the grammar link does not say I cannot use “many.”
Second part is to make the claim that I do believe Rabid is popular among PvP Necros. But this does not mean I believe “many” always implies “popular.”
So here are two statements that I stand by:
1) I believe many PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum go Rabid.
2) I believe Rabid is popular among PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum.
In addition:
A) I cannot know for sure how builds PvP Necros use. I make no claim of having such knowledge.
B) I have never meant “many” to necessarily imply “popular.”
C) Something can be both “many” and “popular” and not necessarily mean “most/majority.”
Here are things I’m caught up on:
1. You keep saying I meant “most” or “majority” when I did not and still don’t.
2. You told Craig “popular means majority.” It does not necessarily mean majority. And when I used popular for the first time, I’ve added that addendum that I do not mean most/majority.
3. You seemingly are unable to separate my knowledge from my belief. My knowledge that I cannot know how many Necros actually use Rabid. My belief from my personal experience with the Necro forum that Rabid is popular and many PvP Necros use it.
4. I brought up my belief based on the Necro forum because you told me to check the Necro forum. We both know that the Necro forum does not offer any tools for objective knowledge. So I take this as an invitation from you to test my subjective belief. And my subjective belief from being both a frequenter of the Necro forum and creating that thread is that I believe Rabid is popular among PvP Necros.
No proof exists for the stranger to say, “Matt Damon is popular among girls. And many girls like Matt Damon.” He can say it. He is saying it based on his experience. He is not claiming he knows such proof.
Hardly anyone goes around avoiding “many/few/popular” because they don’t have have objective proof beyond their experiences. And I’ve already said on the grounds of objective proof, I make no claims of knowledge. It seems so hard for you to understand this.
Why should they restrict themselves from using “many/few/popular” based on their experience?
Especially if they’ve clarified further by adding that they cannot know for sure and thus will make no attempt to say they know. And that their use of it is in a personal belief based on their experience.
(edited by Haley.2390)
You’re only stand now is the meaning of the words OUT OF CONTEXT.
But as soon as we put them back where they belong we have these;
From You;
I’ve already said it is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my evaluation of the the Necro forum atmosphere.
So Condition Necros are popular, right? And you said pretty much most Condition Necros are running full Rabid?
From sorrow.2364
Full rabid is the only and best option for necromancers in any form of PvP.
Any condition necro you see around is most likely running full Rabid.
There is no point to ask people here in the Necromancer forum.
You can get your answer by yourself watching the PAX qualifiers and count how many Necromancers were running an amulet different from Rabid.
I counted none, but I may have missed one.
From Bhawb.7408
Rabid has always been, and probably always will be a very common gear stat for Necromancers.
If those doesn’t imply “most”, then surely the problem here is not me.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
I’ve already said it is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid based on my evaluation of the the Necro forum atmosphere.
So Condition Necros are popular, right? And you said pretty much most Condition Necros are running full Rabid?
I never said most. You said I “pretty much most.” Why does your saying that mean I meant that? Especially when I’ve said otherwise. And especially when you’ve asked me to clarify many times and I’ve confirmed each time.
Full rabid is the only and best option for necromancers in any form of PvP.
Any condition necro you see around is most likely running full Rabid.
Why does sorrow believing “most” means I do? I used him as an example to show it’s not unheard of that Rabid is popular in among PvP Necros in the forum. I do not use "popular’ here to mean “majority” either. If I find examples of people saying something is used by most, then they would agree it is also popular. It does not mean I believe it is used by the majority.
From Bhawb.7408
Rabid has always been, and probably always will be a very common gear stat for Necromancers.
From you: If those doesn’t imply “most”, then surely the problem here is not me.
I don’t personally know what Bhawb means by “very common.” But “very common” does not necessarily mean “most.” Show me an authority (besides you) saying “very common” necessarily means “majority/most.” And even if Bhawb did mean “most/majority” refer back to my comments on sorrow and my example below.
It seems you have trouble finding me to mean “most/majority.” Your only evidence are:
1) You say I “pretty much mean most” yet I have not agreed to your accessment.
2) sorrow said most.
3) Bhawb said “very common.”
How do these show I mean “most/majority” when I’ve said many times since 5 days ago that I do not?
Ridiculous. You have yet to show where I said I meant “most/majority.” You keep tiptoeing around this issue. It’s even more ridiculous because I’ve said explicitly many times that I do not.
Here’s another good example:
A girl says, "Many people like this candy. This candy is popular. I do not mean ‘popular’ to necessarily imply ‘most/majority.’ "
“I’ll show you examples from people that lead me to believe this candy is popular.”
“This guy says the majority of people like this candy.”
“This guy says this candy is very common.”
Then the girl goes on to say, “Sentiments like these are why I believe this candy is popular and that many people eat it.”
Why do you assume the girl believes most/majority in this scenario? Silly.
You know your argument is weak when you accuse the other person of saying “you pretty much said so-and-so” when you haven’t found a direct quote of that person saying so-and-so. And that person can quote from 5 days ago that they do not mean so-and-so.
(edited by Haley.2390)
How are you still arguing that I meant “most/majority” when I’ve said many times starting 5 days ago that I do not.
I even clarified that I do not for you multiple times.
Yet you keep saying I do based on your saying I “pretty much said most Condition go Rabid.” And you claim that sorrow’s use of “most” and Bhawb’s use of “very common” means I mean most/majority.
You asked what “popular” means.
Is Rabid a popular choice for Necros in PvP?
They answered that it implies “most.”
There is no point to ask people here in the Necromancer forum.
You can get your answer by yourself watching the PAX qualifiers and count how many Necromancers were running an amulet different from Rabid.
I counted none, but I may have missed one.
There is nothing more in there. Your belief is wrong.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
You asked what “popular” means.
Is Rabid a popular choice for Necros in PvP?
They answered that it implies “most.”
There is no point to ask people here in the Necromancer forum.
You can get your answer by yourself watching the PAX qualifiers and count how many Necromancers were running an amulet different from Rabid.
I counted none, but I may have missed one.There is nothing more in there. Your belief is wrong.
You can say my belief is wrong. Sure. I see nothing wrong with your saying that. And it’s not why I’ve argued. You should have said that in the beginning if that’s what you’re trying to get at.
It is my belief that many PvP Necros go Rabid. It is my belief that Rabid is popular for PvP Necros.
It is not my belief that the majority or most PvP Necros go Rabid.
And through these beliefs, I felt compelled to speak for Rabid Necros on Spiteful Spirit not being good for them.
It is my knowledge that I do not have objective tools to know anything on Necro build usages.
I do not know the distribution of builds for PvP Necros.
I never and still do not mean “most/majority.” And you cannot soundly show that I have. I’ve said on the contrary and I have showed to be consistent on this starting 5 days ago.
sorrow saying “most” does not mean I mean “most.” Bhawb saying “very common” does not mean I mean most. Reread that example with the girl.
Here’s another good example:
A girl says, "Many people like this candy. This candy is popular. I do not mean ‘popular’ to necessarily imply ‘most/majority.’ "
“I’ll show you examples from people that lead me to believe this candy is popular.”
“This guy says the majority of people like this candy.”
“This guy says this candy is very common.”
Then the girl goes on to say, “Sentiments like these are why I believe this candy is popular and that many people eat it.”
Why do you assume the girl believes most/majority in this scenario? Silly.
(edited by Haley.2390)
If you used the Necro forum to form your belief on what “popular” means and it turned out to be “most”. It is very dishonest of you if you to deny the meaning and insist that is not what you meant.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
If you used the Necro forum to form your belief on what “popular” means and it turned out to be “most”. It is very dishonest of you if you to deny the meaning and insist that is not what you meant.
I’m not being dishonest. You are willfully imposing what you believe my stance is. Incorrectly, too.
If you felt it was misleading, then I’m sorry. But I do not feel it is misleading. Especially since I’ve said since 5 days ago I do not mean “majority/most” and have continued to say so. And restated clearly to say I do not believe it is “most/majority.”
Do you think that girl in the example is misleading?
Here’s another good example:
A girl says, "Many people like this candy. This candy is popular. I do not mean ‘popular’ to necessarily imply ‘most/majority.’ "
“I’ll show you examples from people that lead me to believe this candy is popular.”
“This guy says the majority of people like this candy.”
“This guy says it is very common for people to eat this candy.” [Reworded this to be less ambiguous.]
Then the girl goes on to say, “Sentiments like these are why I believe this candy is popular and that many people eat it.”
Why do you assume the girl believes most/majority in this scenario? Silly.
If you do find this misleading, then we can argue no further. There is no objective truth on whether or not this is misleading. It is not misleading to me. And any further arguing is about a subjective thing—which is unproductive in this scenario.
(edited by Haley.2390)
Again. Let this sink in.
If you used the Necro forum to form your belief on what “popular” means and it turned out to be “most”. It is very dishonest of you if you to deny the meaning and insist that is not what you meant.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Again. Let this sink in.
If you used the Necro forum to form your belief on what “popular” means and it turned out to be “most”. It is very dishonest of you if you to deny the meaning and insist that is not what you meant.
Whoa whoa. I did not make the thread to find out what “popular” means! I made it to show that it is okay for me to believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros. Just like that girl in the example asking people around. If a bunch of people say “most/majority” or “very common” then I find it okay for me to believe “popular.” (as “most/majority” are stronger implications than “popular.”) Just like that girl. sorrow was used explicitly by me because he was the only one who posted by the time I edited in my response to you. Bhawb was posted by me because he is very active in the Necro community (a la But of Corpse all-Necro guild and podcast interview with Gibbly.) It’s the same as the girl first relaying what the first person said to her. And then relaying someone she knows is an authority on that candy and its eaters.
And 5 days ago, I first used “popular” and in that same post, I said there are no necessary implications of most/majority.
There is no journey to see what “popular” means. I’ve explicitly said what I meant by “popular” later when you asked many times.
This is my thread opener:
What are popular stat combination choices for Necros in PvP (WvW/sPvP/tPvP)?
Is there a large number of Necros who choose Rabid?
Is Rabid a popular choice for Necros in PvP?
How should I continue arguing with you when you are inferring my intentions incorrectly and refuse to show sound support against my assertion of my intentions stated from 5 days ago and onward and continuously?
Bizarre argument.
I think what led you to say “popular means majority” to Craig is really tainting your arguments. Why would you say that when it’s not necessarily true? And when I’ve said 5 days ago that my use of “popular” does not necessarily imply most/majority? Only reason I can think of is that you did not know it was not necessarily true. Now you are riding off the energy of this sentiment when you should not even have this sentiment.
(edited by Haley.2390)
Again. Let this sink in.
If you used the Necro forum to form your belief on what “popular” means and it turned out to be “most”. It is very dishonest of you if you to deny the meaning and insist that is not what you meant.
Whoa whoa. I did not make the thread to find out what “popular” means! I made it to show that it is okay for me to believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros.
lol. You sound desperate.
Let’s review that thread shall we?
So Condition Necros are popular, right? And you said pretty much most Condition Necros are running full Rabid?
Then you ask again;
Hey, Bhawb. When you say that Rabid is “very common” for PvP Necros, do you mean “most” or “majority” of PvP Necros go Rabid?
My take from your use of “very common” is that you did not necessarily mean “most” or the “majority” of PvP Necros choose Rabid.
The most simple answer came from sorrow.2364;
There is no point to ask people here in the Necromancer forum.
You can get your answer by yourself watching the PAX qualifiers and count how many Necromancers were running an amulet different from Rabid.
I counted none, but I may have missed one.
Then you have this belief;
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
If you believe that, then you are affirming that you agree with the meaning of “popular.” It’s just too bad for you because “popular” means “most” or “majority” in that context.
Now you are here denying all that. Very dishonest. tsk tsk
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
So Condition Necros are popular, right? And you said pretty much most Condition Necros are running full Rabid?
This is me asking if someone else said it (I actually wasn’t sure what you were referring to when you linked this first as I had asked it and a string of other posts to try keep my thread active.) I also mentioned your post on Death Shroud giving enough survivability (this is unrelated, my main impetus for using this was to get the thread going, I thought it would keep the thread active.) This is not saying I believe “pretty much most Condition Necros are running full Rabid.” It is asking to confirm if that’s what someone else meant. I’ll illustrate with the girl example below.
The thread wasn’t active enough for me so I posted those things. No where does it say I believe that.
You quoted this by me:
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
Then you responded:
If you believe that, then you are affirming that you agree with the meaning of “popular.” It’s just too bad for you because “popular” means “most” or “majority” in that context.
What? How?
If the girl says this:
“I believe that many people like this candy. I believe this candy is popular.”
And she goes around asking:
“Is this candy popular?”
Someone says:
“This candy is eaten by the majority.”
She asks:
“So you’re saying pretty much most people eat this?”
Someone else says:
“It is very common for people to eat this candy.”
All these people have said stronger statements than her belief that this candy is “popular.”
But having people with stronger sentiments than her means she feels comfortable in believing her own not-necessarily-as-strong belief.
lol. You sound desperate.
I can assure you I’m not. I’m also not sure if your being antagonistic towards me was due to my being antagonistic towards you. If it is, then I’ll try and be more civil if you choose to, too.
If you are willing to take a step back and pretend what I say is my point of view is indeed my point of view (that I have never believed most/majority) then you maybe can understand the motivations behind my posts and examples.
And I want to further flesh out my example of the girl.
She says, “I believe this candy is eaten by many people in my town. I believe this candy is popular in my town.”
Abe says, “You should say it is eaten by ‘some’ people, not ‘many.’ It should be evident if you go to town.”
She then decides to go to town to ask people this question:
“Do many people eat this candy in this town? Is this candy popular in this town?”
Bob says:
“This candy is pretty much the only candy people in this town eat.”
She asks:
“So you mean pretty much most people in this town eat this candy.”
Bob responds:
“Yes. Most people you see around eating candy are eating this candy.”
She gets excited and goes back to leave a note on Abe’s door to relay this and goes back to finding more answers.
She asks around some more if this candy is popular, Charley responds:
“I don’t know, but I would guess so.”
Dave says:
“I don’t know, but I personally eat this other candy.”
Eric says:
“Yes, this candy is popular.”
Frank says:
“A large number of people in this town eat this candy.”
She goes to ask Gabe, who is very active in the city candy community. And he says:
“It is very common for people to eat this candy.”
So she thinks to herself, “I feel justified in believing that this candy is popular especially with people who hold stronger beliefs that most/majority of people eat it. Now I will go back to Abe and tell him to look at my notes and I will especially note Gabe because I see him as our town’s candy connoisseur.”
That is my case—as you haven’t found my saying that I believe most/majority. Yet there are many times that I do say I don’t believe most/majority.
Now, if I should have waited until a “reasonable” amount of responses have occurred and picked them to relay to you, I feel it is more compelling for me to choose strong statements by others to justify my not-necessarily-as-strong statement.
Just as if you believe the secret number (from 1-100) to a mystery bag is over 50. And you go around asking people. The answers people give are {50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.} You feel most justified by believing it is “over 50” due to the people who answer 90 and 100. This does not mean you believe it is 90 or 100. You just believe it is “over 50.”
(edited by Haley.2390)
sorrow saying “most” does not mean I mean “most.” Bhawb saying “very common” does not mean I mean most.
Yet, your belief is based on that.
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
If you based your belief on that, then you agree with sorrow and Bhawb.
If you don’t agree, then you are attempting to mislead, because you’re now denying the antecedent just so you can keep your false conclusion.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
sorrow saying “most” does not mean I mean “most.” Bhawb saying “very common” does not mean I mean most.
Yet, your belief is based on that.
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
If you based your belief on that, then you agree with sorrow and Bhawb.
If you don’t agree, then you are attempting to mislead, because you’re now denying the antecedent just so you can keep your false conclusion.
Please read the girl’s example and mystery bag example clearly.
sorrow saying “most” does not mean I mean “most.” Bhawb saying “very common” does not mean I mean most.
Yet, your belief is based on that.
4) I believe Rabid is popular for PvP Necros based on my experience with the Necro forum and the thread I made there.
If you based your belief on that, then you agree with sorrow and Bhawb.
If you don’t agree, then you are attempting to mislead, because you’re now denying the antecedent just so you can keep your false conclusion.
Please read the girl’s example and mystery bag example clearly.
Those are obvious “straw man.” I rather stick to what you posted. Thank you very much.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Those are obvious “straw man.” I rather stick to what you posted. Thank you very much.
Then please stick to what I’ve posted explicitly on what I meant rather than what you try to infer to support your view of my stance.
Isn’t it odd that every time you’ve asked if I believed most/majority that I’ve said no?
You said I didn’t state it clearly enough, and I state it again. And again. And again.
Yet it’s odd that you think I am being misleading and actually do mean most/majority.
From 5 days ago:
popular-no necessary implication that most or the majority of Necros use it
From 1 day ago:
Who said anything about in comparison to non-Rabid Condition builds (that would only make sense if I had said “most” or “majority”?
What authority says “popular” necessarily means “most” or “majority”? And why would you think I meant “majority” when I clearly and explicitly said I never meant “most” or “majority” many times?
In addition, my restaurant example strongly reflects that I never meant “most” or “majority.” My restaurant example was also used for both “many” and “popular.” Do you really think that when someone says a restaurant is popular in a city they mean most people in the city go there?
Here are 3 definitions for “popular” by Oxford dictionaries:
Definition #1: “liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group”
And here are 4 by Merriam-Webster:
Definition #3: “frequently encountered or widely accepted”
I would hope you hold Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries in high esteem.
You cannot show me how these authoritative dictionaries necessitate that “popular” means “most” or “majority.”
Remember, dictionaries list multiple meanings for words. Coupled that with my explicitly saying I do not mean “most” or “majority” and my restaurant analogy, and any competent person would not try and say I meant “most” or “majority.”
I would say “McDonald’s is a popular place for people to eat” and hardly anyone would get their panties twisted over that statement. Does that statement necessarily show that I meant most people go there to eat or that most people who go out to eat go there? No.
Yes! Thank God! I’ve been saying it so many times. And your constantly accusing me of meaning “majority” and “most” despite how many times I say otherwise was unproductive.
I’ve already listed the definitions from Oxford and Merriam-Webster that my use of “popular” means! Why would you ask? Because you didn’t read that post? Why am I not surprised?
I make two statements. “Many PvP Necros go Rabid” and “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros.” Neither statement necessarily implies “most” or “majority.”
I said that very early on. And I repeated myself constantly that I never meant “majority” or “most.”
And you are working all this on assuming my use of “popular” means “majority” yet all the while I said I do not mean “most” or “majority.”
Why is it misleading? I explicitly said I do not mean majority or most many times starting early on.
I’ve also explicitly said I did not mean “most” or “majority” many times.
You can use “many” and “popular” and not imply “majority.” Especially obvious after the person says their use of “popular” has no necessarily implication of “most” or “majority.”
I’ve already linked you Oxford/Merriam-Webster on this.
Restaurant example again: My city has a population of 800,000. My favorite restaurant restaurant can house up to 40 people. Everyday I go, it is almost packed. Hardly anyone would object to my saying, “My favorite restaurant in my city is popular and it has many people going there.”
I am quoting this again. I cannot believe you think I have not been clear on my not meaning “majority” or “most.”
Why is it misleading? I am stating it again here: I never meant and still do not mean “majority” or “most.” Is that clear enough?
Let’s be clear here. You think my definitions from Oxford/Merriam Webster do not make sense in this case?
“liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group”You think it does not make sense to say “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros” in this context?
“frequently encountered or widely accepted”You think it does not make sense to say “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros” in this context?
5) I have never said the “majority” of PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
6) I have never said “most” PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
7) When someone says something is both “many” and “popular” they do not necessarily mean “most” or “majority.”
My post from the Necro forum 1 day ago:
I have no opinion on what most or the majority of Necros use, just that Rabid is popular. And I do not believe there is any way to know with absolute certainy.
How many times must one explicitly state their meaning so that someone else stops claiming they have a hidden misleading meaning?
I mean, what else is there to argue?
You think my way of doing something makes me misleading. I assure you I’m not. I express my explicit meaning over and over.
You keep repeating that I’m misleading. Holy cow. If you are just going to ignore all those explicit posts, I’m just going to post them over and over.
Who could be misled thinking I meant “most/majority”? Only someone ridiculously absurd would choose to ignore these explicit posts on my saying I do not mean “most/majority.”
(edited by Haley.2390)
Within the context of Necro builds, Rabid being “popular” means “most.”
You are denying that is not what “popular” means.
Then you are being dishonest.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Within the context of Necro builds, Rabid being “popular” means “most.”
You are denying that is not what “popular” means.
Then you are being dishonest.
You are so strange. Would rather blind yourself to evidence so long as you can pretend you are right. You keep posting wishy-washy “evidence” and making acrobatic feats of “logic” to support yourself despite all the explicit evidence saying your conclusion is wrong. Explicit. I’m going to post my stuff again.
My post from the Necro thread 1 day ago:
I have no opinion on what most or the majority of Necros use, just that Rabid is popular. And I do not believe there is any way to know with absolute certainy.
(edited by Haley.2390)
From 5 days ago:
popular-no necessary implication that most or the majority of Necros use it
From 1 day ago:
Who said anything about in comparison to non-Rabid Condition builds (that would only make sense if I had said “most” or “majority”?
What authority says “popular” necessarily means “most” or “majority”? And why would you think I meant “majority” when I clearly and explicitly said I never meant “most” or “majority” many times?
In addition, my restaurant example strongly reflects that I never meant “most” or “majority.” My restaurant example was also used for both “many” and “popular.” Do you really think that when someone says a restaurant is popular in a city they mean most people in the city go there?
Here are 3 definitions for “popular” by Oxford dictionaries:
Definition #1: “liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group”
And here are 4 by Merriam-Webster:
Definition #3: “frequently encountered or widely accepted”
I would hope you hold Oxford and Merriam-Webster dictionaries in high esteem.
You cannot show me how these authoritative dictionaries necessitate that “popular” means “most” or “majority.”
Remember, dictionaries list multiple meanings for words. Coupled that with my explicitly saying I do not mean “most” or “majority” and my restaurant analogy, and any competent person would not try and say I meant “most” or “majority.”
I would say “McDonald’s is a popular place for people to eat” and hardly anyone would get their panties twisted over that statement. Does that statement necessarily show that I meant most people go there to eat or that most people who go out to eat go there? No.
Yes! Thank God! I’ve been saying it so many times. And your constantly accusing me of meaning “majority” and “most” despite how many times I say otherwise was unproductive.
I’ve already listed the definitions from Oxford and Merriam-Webster that my use of “popular” means! Why would you ask? Because you didn’t read that post? Why am I not surprised?
I make two statements. “Many PvP Necros go Rabid” and “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros.” Neither statement necessarily implies “most” or “majority.”
I said that very early on. And I repeated myself constantly that I never meant “majority” or “most.”
And you are working all this on assuming my use of “popular” means “majority” yet all the while I said I do not mean “most” or “majority.”
Why is it misleading? I explicitly said I do not mean majority or most many times starting early on.
I’ve also explicitly said I did not mean “most” or “majority” many times.
You can use “many” and “popular” and not imply “majority.” Especially obvious after the person says their use of “popular” has no necessarily implication of “most” or “majority.”
I’ve already linked you Oxford/Merriam-Webster on this.
Restaurant example again: My city has a population of 800,000. My favorite restaurant restaurant can house up to 40 people. Everyday I go, it is almost packed. Hardly anyone would object to my saying, “My favorite restaurant in my city is popular and it has many people going there.”
I am quoting this again. I cannot believe you think I have not been clear on my not meaning “majority” or “most.”
Why is it misleading? I am stating it again here: I never meant and still do not mean “majority” or “most.” Is that clear enough?
Let’s be clear here. You think my definitions from Oxford/Merriam Webster do not make sense in this case?
“liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group”You think it does not make sense to say “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros” in this context?
“frequently encountered or widely accepted”You think it does not make sense to say “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros” in this context?
5) I have never said the “majority” of PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
6) I have never said “most” PvP Necros go Rabid. Nor do I believe it.
7) When someone says something is both “many” and “popular” they do not necessarily mean “most” or “majority.”
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himself
Exactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.
51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
(edited by Engels.8537)
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himselfExactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
Do you even know what “eHP” is?
And WTH? Vampiric Precision? lol, that’s your basis? No wonder you have that kind of perspective.
Major L2P issue.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Ok, let’s end this non-sense once and for all.
This is what you said;
I make two statements. “Many PvP Necros go Rabid” and “Rabid is popular among PvP Necros.” Neither statement necessarily implies “most” or “majority.”
Rabid is neither popular nor many in PvP due to the diversity in builds. The replies in your thread is proof of this.
But—if you choose to run a Condition build, which is one of many classification of builds, the popular choice is Rabid and most of the Condition builds runs Rabid.
The difference in these contexts illustrates the fallacy of your claim. Someone in your thread even pointed this out to you;
Any condition necro you see around is most likely running full Rabid.
You see how sorrow place it in that context?
Another one;
Yes, leaving aside any debate about what is best, Rabid is the most common gear stat for condition Necros.
Not only your claim is false, but also your stance.
Within the context of the “PvP Necros”, your statement is wrong because Rabid is only popular within the small subset of Condition builds, which most of these Necro runs Rabid.
Rabid Condition is just a small subset of Condition builds since other Condition builds runs Carrion or Hybrid.
Switching back and forth within different context just to make your claim works is both misleading and dishonest.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himselfExactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
Do you even know what “eHP” is?
And WTH? Vampiric Precision? lol, that’s your basis? No wonder you have that kind of perspective.
Major L2P issue.
Show me a necromancer able to sustain himself, and i’ll show a D/D thief doing that x4 better, doing x4 damage with x4 mobility,
Use this build editor, http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=V00;9;9;9;9;9;9;4Fh
The monstruosity you’ll create will be epic,
A necro QQing about thieves? Tell me more, OP.
After all that hours, you are here to tell me that;
- necromancer defense is ok is stupid
- vitality =/= defense in this game
- necro don’t have any way to mitigate damage
- In 1v1 necro has no way to sustain himselfExactly, this and stability access,
This is the current state of the necromancers, this has been saw in the last tournament and every veteran necromancer is aware of this,
But a thieffabboy knows more I guess,
As I said, stop giving advices as “acting as a clone to counter a mesmer”
And don’t talk to me about “life stealing and regeneration on necromancers” because is arguably the worst part of the necro, is beyond useless,
Vampiric Precision —-->
Steals 31 health when triggered at level 80.
Steals 51 health when triggered at level 80 when traiting Bloodthirst.51 hit points per hit
AND YOU NEED TWO MAJOR TRAITS, not scaling with healing power plus the eternal cast times of the necromancer is awful,
Please, shut up dude,
Do you even know what “eHP” is?
And WTH? Vampiric Precision? lol, that’s your basis? No wonder you have that kind of perspective.
Major L2P issue.
Show me a necromancer able to sustain himself, and i’ll show a D/D thief doing that x4 better, doing x4 damage with x4 mobility,
Use this build editor, http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=V00;9;9;9;9;9;9;4Fh
The monstruosity you’ll create will be epic,
Sorry but I think Blaine have put you in your place;
My day is nice, how about yours?
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.