Venomshare relevant again in WvW? Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Zerhoth.1528


With the new skelk venom could you say p/d vshare thieves can make a comeback? I’ve been wanting to try it out but i don’t want to spend the gold then have it suck royally. Any thoughts are welcome.

All Hail The Flame Ram God #MagSwag
Level 80 Thief (Maguuma) Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


It was always relevant, people are just selfish by nature and want to be Rambos with huge damage, so sharing didn’t even register on the radar, not even when they upgraded the radius.

Venom share in small group combat is ridiculous. Not only can you share out venoms, but you can share the extra hit from 30 DA, the bonus Might from Venomous Strength, and the life leech from Leeching Venoms. With Skale Venom this is now a lollerskates amount of utility. Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


Depends on the size of the group you are running with and the comp.

Heavy ranged, sub 20 people, yeah, I think a spot could be made. More useful? Ehhh.

5 man roaming/havoc… Eh, the single target burst is nice and I would hate to lose it. Very situational. Slightly more viable, but not much more.

Skritt Happens

(edited by Omnitek.3876) Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


NOPE! its laughable. Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


but the new healing skill is useless imo Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: MrAmputatoes.6031


Of course it’s viable, but you lose out on condition removal, stun breakers, a decent self heal all for supporting your team with subpar conditions, might, and life steal.

Do you use the new skelk venom when you’re low and waste it for your teammates? Or w8 for your teammates to get low and hope ur low enough to make us of it as we’ll? Venomous aura is only 360 which means hitting all teammates is extremely difficult unless they are extremely coordinated. Venomshare relevant again in WvW?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


you lose all DEFENSE for this. plz check out the thread i just made with a quick video showing why its dangerous. "VENOMSHARE in REALITY- VIDEO