Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
If not, I rescind my concession of defeat on “Thief is not made to 1v1” and re-ask the following.
RE: Above.
Oh boy I wish I could play some phoenix wright music at the moment.
I figured someone would chime in about “The wiki is player maintained!”, so before this I did some digging with the wayback machine. The original intent of the class, as seen on the official site, is as follows, and I quote:
“A master of stealth and surprise, the thief is deadly in single combat—particularly when catching enemies off guard. Thieves compensate for their relatively low armor and health by being quick and evasive. They can move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Enemies should watch their backs, or the thief will watch it for them.”
Heres source.
So uh.
Deadly in single combat.
Erasculio is on the money more than you might think.
That does bring to the forefront a rather interesting question though.
Why did that snippet of being good at 1v1 vanish from the official site?
If someone could confirm, it appears (Thieves are good at 1v1) is explicitly stated as the intent of the class.
Original Thread:
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
They have no clue what they are talking about!!!
Deadly on 1 on 1? Please care to explain? You mean deadly for us?
They have no clue what they are talking about!!!
Deadly on 1 on 1? Please care to explain? You mean deadly for us?
Originally, Thieves had “deadly in one on one combat” as a feature of their class. This information is still present on the wiki.
However, it is not present on the main site as regards thief character information, which some players took to mean that thief was originally meant to be deadly in 1v1 (as per the date of the wayback machine link), but that somewhere along the line the intent changed to +1.
If this information is still present under character creation for the thief class though, it means that “Deadly in 1v1” was meant to be a feature of the thief class, and that recent balancing efforts are not doing that measure justice.
I conceded defeat a while ago because a player convinced me that along the line thief class intent had changed, but apparently that is not the case.
We’re apparently supposed to be deadly, not just decent, in 1v1. And certainly not just the best at decapping uncontested points.
its just a typo man. what they meant was “Dead in one-on-one combat”
its just a typo man. what they meant was “Dead in one-on-one combat”
They should refund my thief then right
its just a typo man. what they meant was “Dead in one-on-one combat”
They should refund my thief then right
if you ask for refund and buy something again for your account, your accnt will get permanently terminated…. happend to some guy that got refund for HoT
They don’t stick to those ideas. I still remember when warrior was meant to be vulnerable or weak vs. conditions, and when players pointed it out, the devs responded by editing the page.
Thief used to be very good in 1v1, even against sustain builds, but now if it tries to be, the 1v1 will simply never end because the thief will be able to keep evading and resetting, but lack sufficient damage to win.
its just a typo man. what they meant was “Dead in one-on-one combat”
They should refund my thief then right
if you ask for refund and buy something again for your account, your accnt will get permanently terminated…. happend to some guy that got refund for HoT
Sad life.
1v1 against rabbits = deadly Thief
1v1 against up-level = deadly Thief
1v1 against equal = dead Thief
2 out of 3 the Thief is deadly.
It’s called Nerfbat. It’s been nerfed so many times it nolonger performs it’s original role. So instead of fixing it Anet changed it’s role to +1.
Yeah, deadly in 1v1 should be dead in 1v1. We used to have the speed advantage, and stealth in exchange for all the other boons. Now we don’t have a speed advantage, we don’t have a stealth advantage, and we still miss out on all the other boons.
I love how GW2 Character select is saying “teeves are deadly in 1v1” , and metabattle is like
“Its a lie. Decap or gtfo [obv Sic]”
They felt as though that having a “thief” be a role-model is backwards logic, so making us heroic and being able to handle anyone that comes across us gives kids the message that if they become thieves in real life, they can fight anyone and rip people’s hair out to blind them with it. Flawless logic, like their trenchoat logic too: Well kitten all these medium armor people wearing trenchcoats, they must really like them, let’s make more!"
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