Solo q and thieves

Solo q and thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Nimrud.5642



I was wondering how our role changes from the tpvp roamer to something else (that I’m not really getting atm). Because from my experiences – solo q is just way too different from tournament finals or any other high-end pvp. Namely, that roaming that is thieves’ job usually in coordinated gameplay cannot be done in solo q due to its unorganized nature. Its very rare that the typical ‘hold middle plus home or far and we’re good’ tactic is used. Players group capping empty points just to get score, mini-zerg running from point to point, etc. All these situations tend to end me up in a group fight (2v3, 3v3, 4v3, etc.) where I’m the primary target of the enemy team. I almost can hear their thoughts ‘get that thief first’.

This is partly a l2p issue too, I admit. So what I’d like to know is how do you stick to the roamer playstyle? When you know that the enemy team is organized, you can expect a certain style of gameplay from them and you can prepare in advance. But what if the enemy team is unorganized? What do you do to adopt to a completely unpredictable enemy team? How do you (try to) make sure that all your encounters take place amongst favorable circumstances? All in all: How can you still stay a roamer when everybody else is running around too like crazy?

enthusiastic noob

Solo q and thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Woaden.9425


Solo Q is only slightly less wild west than hotjoin.

My best soloQs are when I identify the bunker on our team and just do whatever they need/communicate. Your mobility, and their immovability, can carry even an outnumbered team in spvp easily.

Kole —Thief

Solo q and thieves

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Ah, soloq. I have done some of it lately, but I always roam. I try to keep their home decapped (shadow trap to easily get back) and just stay in the outskirts of the team fights. I wait until I find a target below 50% and just burst it down within seconds. But yeah, it’s pretty much chaos 90% of the time…

Melder – Thief