Staff animations

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


I noticed all of the revenants staff skills have increadibly fitting animations. The daredevil staff animations coukd use a ton of work to feel fitting as well.

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: savacli.8172


Sigh…waiter, there’s thief in my Revenant forums again.

Edit: thread got moved

(edited by savacli.8172)

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: InsidiousWaffle.7086


I’d love it if we just shouted: “No Hands!” after we finish an auto attack chain

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Ausfer.1853


I can only hope that Anet actually listened to the multitude of complaints on Daredevil animations and gave us some spiffy martial arts-inspired animations to make the class feel like its worth playing.

If the next beta weekend rolls around and we still have the awful spinny autoattack ripped straight from the Revenant, I will have a fit.

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Well, I have tried hard and petitioned this topic enough I would say, I have created multiple threads trying to shed more light on this topic and I have seen many others do so as well. I posted this initially in the rev forums because it seems to get ignored here but It seems it’s been shoved back to these forums. I think i am just done trying. If the dare devil just gets thrown into the game with all these recycled animations, well I guess I am done with this game after three years of supporting Anet. If anyone else cares this much about animations, by all means make it known by making your own posts and suggestions. (as if 90% of us we’re not already complaining about it)

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Made another post on the BWE3 feedback thread addressing the staff animations. It would be great to get some sort of confirmation from Karl that we are generally dissatisfied with the recycled animations, even if they don’t make it into the release of HoT, they certainly should be worked on for a more appealing looking/feeling specialization.

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


Staff animations really needed. I made a Charr Thief the moment I saw the Human Staff animation. I know it’s a gamble, but Charr animation is a little smoother in general, just hoping this rule holds.

and you know, you would think they would hire professional Martial Artists to make visually appealing moves every Daredevil skills, but it’s look like they brought Stalone or some random WWF star to put fake some moves.

But I am fairly confident they will work on it. It will be smooth

I wanted Tony Jaa or Donnie Yen lol.

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Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Shalien.9018


The optimist in me is hoping they are keeping quiet on the animation changes so they can reveal it at twitchcon.

Here’s to hope!

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Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


The optimist in me is hoping they are keeping quiet on the animation changes so they can reveal it at twitchcon.

Here’s to hope!

I Am in the same boat. Just holding my fingers crossed, this will literally make of break the expan for me.