Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

in Thief

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


Simple as that.

Steal can already be used regardless of your current state so it should break Stun as well. Although Steal is better than it used to be, it is still a little bit lacking. Making it a stun-breaker will help improve our mechanic to be up to par to others.

Steal can only be used every 45 seconds (depending on traits) so it’s not like this would make us overpowered. There is a lot of CC in this game and very few stun-breakers.

Plus you can’t use Steal to break Stun if you have a stolen item in your slot. So there is a risk VS reward in that.

Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

in Thief

Posted by: Cls.9346


Simple as that.

it’s not like this would make us overpowered

I know, that ship already sailed right ?

Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

in Thief

Posted by: Ruufio.1496


IMO I think Thieves are actually underpowered compared to other other professions when the players have the same skill level. But as far as stuns, knockdowns etc. go, if your stunbreaker is on cooldown and another class comes along then it’s GG for you.

Steal Should Be A "Stunbreaker"

in Thief

Posted by: Nande.6810


Hm, tricky. I don’t think it’s needed tbh, you can still get away with it in most situations. I think having one free stunbreaker seems pretty strong, maybe a bit to strong. We got plenty of utility skills that breaks stuns already.

And I dont really know evat you mean risk vs reward, it’s just all about planing really. If you know the say warrior has bullcharge up and you got one stilen item you better use it so you can stun break with steal or dodge like a boss. Imo

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)

(edited by Nande.6810)