Steal recharge rate malfunction.

Steal recharge rate malfunction.

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom.4157


When you trait into trickery, steal recharge is suppose to be reduced by a certain percentage matching the amount you trait into it. But it is not scaling properly with the % it claims it reduces it by.

For example, if I’m traited 15 into trickery, my steal recharge should be reduced by 15 % off of the base 35 second cooldown. So 15 % of 35 is 5&1/2 seconds. In that case, my new steal cooldown should be 29 &1/2 seconds, but the actual cooldown I’m getting in game is 31&1/2 seconds.

Is this intended, or is it a bug? It only started scaling improperly after the most recent balance patch. A dev response would be great!

Luci Lee | Thief R51 |

Steal recharge rate malfunction.

in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


No, the trait line says iy increase Steal recharge rate by 15%, it doesn’t mean the same as reducing CD by a flat 15%