Yolo Swaggins recently posted informing people about backstab and why it’s not as bad as they make it out to be. I’m here today to do the same with stealth. Hopefully I can give you all a different mindset to fighting and thinking about stealth on not only thief but any class that utilizes stealth. Wall of text incoming please do not post a reply unless you have read everything put here so you do not get the wrong idea about what I’m saying. Let’s begin:
1) The first thing we need to tackle is people’s idea that thief stealth (or stealth in general) is op.
The first thing I will say is flat out stealth is not op and here’s why:
Think of it this way: you get a thief low and he retreats to stealth to heal and reset a bit, who has the advantage? The quick answer would be to say the thief but the truth of the matter is you are the one with the advantages when a thief is in stealth. Yes he is healing in stealth, but while he’s doing that you can be healing too so that shouldn’t be a point of arguing stealth is op. You can do whatever the thief is doing in stealth outside of it. And while the thief cannot hit you unless he wants to get revealed and risk being bursted, you can hit him all you want and even kill him while he can’t touch you without exposing himself to more burst. How do you hit him, you can use aoe or simply auto attack and randomly turn around at times to significantly lessen the chances of the thief landing a clean backstab. Remember, the thief relies completely on position when he is stealthed to set up his burst, make it harder for him to position properly and you already have the ability to cut his burst in half just because you’re moving.
2) Second thing that comes up is their ability to burst people down really quick using a good opening combo with backstab while stealthed because you have no idea they are there.
Easy fix here is when in a wvw or pvp setting keep an eye on your surroundings. set a keybind to look behind you while you run forward so you can see when a thief is following you. Constantly be panning around to make sure they don’t get the jump on you. In addition, the thief’ potential to burst a target down in less than 3 seconds also means he is vulnerable to the same thing if he misses his initial burst. If you see a thief looking like he’s gonna burst you need to have some defensive skills you can use to either cc him so he cannot burst you or just use them to soak up his burst without dying and then burst him right away. If someone has the ability to burst you down in 2 seconds it means you can do the same to them. Use that knowledge when fighting a thief and you should be able to come out on top because if you play right stealth won’t help their burst because you’ll be ready to counter it because you saw them and prepared accordingly instead of giving up and whining on the forums.
3) People seem to have created the idea that thief has perma vade and perma stealth all in one build, this is absolutely ridiculous.
Thief is really limited to one defense in each build. They either use evades to survive or they use stealth. There are plenty of counters to each one but you need to figure out which ones to use in which situation. The best way to do that is research thief and learn what each of their specs do and how they are normally played. Counter accordingly. Stealth is not op if you know how to fight it so when a thief runs d/p or d/d you need to learn the signs that they are gonna stealth and either dodge the CnD or interrupt the combo. If you do that they lose a ton of initiative and either need to blow a defensive cooldown or you get to kill them.
General stealth fighting tips and how to deal with it:
Thieves who rely on stealth also rely very heavily on initiative and, in the case of an offhand dagger, rely on stealth targets. Learning the telegraphing of the skills or the combos can significantly increase your chances of winning the fight. Even with stealth, a thief with no initiative is a dead thief and with no targets to stealth on the thief is easily killed through a smart burst. Biggest thing to remember is that you have the advantage while the thief is in stealth. It’s a mindgame that tends to screw most people over because it forces them to over react and blow all their defensive CD’s while they prepare for a backstab then when they are left defenseless, the thief moves in for the kill. Just learn to manage cooldowns effectively and to remain calm in a situation where you fight a stealthed thief and you will be fine. Stealth will no longer feel like it is OP and you will realize that you have an easier time playing this game.
Thanks for your time and if I left something out or you have questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them.