good as Quaggan. Quaggan for President!
Stealth Usage in PvP
good as Quaggan. Quaggan for President!
So my question is – Are thiefs using stealth too reactively as opposed to proactively.
The Way I see it is there are three scenarios for stealth usage.
1) The engage. In this scenario the thief stealths before the opponent sees them and gets of a burst and then continues. As a frequent PvPer I don’t see this happen much.
2) The evaluation. In this scenario the thief has gone for their burst but either it misses or the opponent mitigates it. The thief then backs off to re-evaluate the situation.
3) The retreat. In this scenario the thief is low with few Utilities ready to go and so uses stealth as a retreat but often the opponent tracks and downs the thief. This is perhaps the most common situation I see.
So should we be using stealth more proactively (scenarios 1 + 2) rather than reactively (scenario 3).
~ Squishy
The only other way Thieves can react to high pressure is to Shadowstep away. Sure, I get what you’re saying, but you’d also need to suggest a replacing mechanic to reactively use in place of stealth to accompany your first idea of how stealth should be for Thieves.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Seeing as stealth is one of thief’s core defensive mechanics(the other being evades/mobility), it should be used all throughout the fight, including disengaging. As a thief, you don’t have the health or burst necessary to crack bunkers or even just tough hybrids and if a fight is taking too long, you’re better off just running to another point. IMO, if you aren’t about to win the fight(a 1v1 on point) after say 45 seconds, you should consider leaving and heading for an undefended point. By fighting them longer, you just risk their big skills coming off cd again and possibly dying. Thief’s superior mobility enables them to sort of be a free roamer, that jumps in to quickly finish off someone who is already in the middle of a fight or save an ally that goes down. By trying to hold a point while slower members of your group try capping, you’re just trying to make the thief something it’s not.
I use it as an opener to guarantee a burst from start. I then use blinds and evades to mitigate as much damage as possible. I sometimes stealth again to drop a second burst mid fight if needed. I also use it to get away if things look bad. That being said; I never engage in a 1v1 fight that I am not sure I can win. I usually back cap and drop some quick bursts in team fights – which is really where the thief shine
I see videos of successful thieves and they use Refuge in the middle of the fight. It’s something I have to get used to because I tend to use it too late into the fight and end up dying in stealth