Stealth and clones bug?

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I read somewhere that there is a bug with mesmer clones and thief stealth, and I might have just seen it firsthand. I was in WvW earlier with my mesmer, and ran across a thief. During our fight, he stealthed as I used illusionary leap (main hand sword, skill 3). I successfully followed it up with the teleport, and used blurred frenzy. When the thief’s stealth timed out, he’s down on the ground for my stomp.

I’m pretty sure that isn’t supposed to happen. I can remember; I cast the leap, he stealth, I swapped places with my clone, and used my burst. The swap immobilizes my enemy as well, and I’m almost certain it caught the stealth thief. I am supposed to have lost target with him, correct?

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I was in WvW again with my mesmer, and killed two more thieves like this…so yep. I can actually catch them without knowing where they are.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Reesha.7901


The bug was that Mesmer clones destroyed themselves when the Thief went into stealth. It is a bug that has been hot-fixed.

The leap clone has always worked like this. It appears in the beginning of the cast and leaps to the position of the Thief. Even if he stealth during the cast, he will be immobilized once the swap is made, if he did not dodge the leap clone charging him.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


reesha it hinkt hey are talking about being able to target thief while in stealth and not being a channeling thing.

i made another post about this while i was targeting in stealth and being attacked well outside of the realm of it being a channeling possiblity.

look in the threads u will see my name as threadcreator on a similar topic.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Reesha.7901


reesha it hinkt hey are talking about being able to target thief while in stealth and not being a channeling thing.

i made another post about this while i was targeting in stealth and being attacked well outside of the realm of it being a channeling possiblity.

Thing just is: You cannot cast the leap without a target. I don’t see how the scenario he described would possible, unless the thief went into stealth after the cast had started.

It could be a bug of some sort. Just not one I have come across.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


It’s not hard to tell what happened. You used skill 3 while the Thief was still visible and created the clone. The clone leaped to the Thief, crippling him. In the meanwhile (right after the clone was casted), the Thief went into stealth. Then you swapped positions with the clone, which triggered a small AoE-immobilize that hit the Thief because he didn’t move far yet (because you swapped positions so fast). Then you’ve hit Sword 2, which downed him. Working as intended.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


So, it’s not a bug. Well, I feel sorry for thieves. It seemed odd since I would teleport, but my clone did not.

I knew about clones destroying themselves when a thief went into stealth, but I also read that the fix now bugged the clone, to not lose targeting on the thief. I assumed that tied in with me somehow being able to leap to the stealthed thief, where neither myself nor my clone should have targeted.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Saturn.6591


No need to feel sorry; otherwise you also need to feel sorry for them that they can still be hit by attacks while in stealth.

You cast the clone before the Thief enters stealth —> the clone leaps to their position --> Thief enters stealth during the leap and doesn’t dodge away from the clone that runs to the last known position of the Thief —> you swap with the clone and the Thief gets immobilized and then killed --> the Thief obviously made a mistake and thus died.

Mistakes happen in most fights, because if two players play 100% perfect (and on that skill-level I just assume they also have decent builds) and also do not get interrupted, it will end up being a veeeeeeeeeeeeeery long fight. One that only ends once one of them really needs to go pee and goes afk. Or gets distracted by that pressure so much that he makes a mistake… oh wait. ^^

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: calavel.6249


Pretty sure that swap applying immobilized to a stealthed character is legit since it doesn’t require a target. All it needs is an enemy close to to the Leap clone.

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


listen…guys…go check my other post about phant/clone problem.

the one im talking about and THINK he is talkin about here has nothign to do with channeling.

i cast stealth. 4 secs later a new attack hits me. sorry this is not the samething. ping me a mesmer skill that has a 5second+ cast time thanks

(1sec to cast stealth skill + 4 secs before i was hit on several occaisons)

Stealth and clones bug?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Kaboomski.1508

Sir Kaboomski.1508

What the OP is talking about is a real thing, it’s a very stupid thing, but it happens.

If you cast a channel AFTER your target stealths, within a certain amount of time, you become magically able to track a stealthed target.

I’ve even done it to other thieves. Heartseeker AFTER they drop Shadow Refuge, facing a different direction, but all of a sudden, even though they have been stealthed already my character flies in the direction of the Shadow Refuge.