Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


Have they made an announcement that this is working as intended? Or is it just being ignored?

Thieves jump into Stealth and channeled skills still hit us. Pets still follow us around (and if they’re channeling, they follow and still hit us). We can Stealth and a pet will run and stand next to us until it breaks.

Meanwhile, a Mesmer’s Stealth breaks targets (don’t know if pets follow them or not, but the break target is essential to avoid channeling) and they can summon illusions in the process.

Thieves shouldn’t be getting the shaft on this.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: phor.7952


You can always hit an actual interrupt like [Headshot], [Tripwire], or a wall like [Smokescreen] before you go into stealth to stop the channel from hitting you.
Asking for stealth to act as an interrupt against all channeled skills might be too much.

Pets sticking to you in stealth definitely needs to be fixed though.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Redscope.6215


AI should not stick to thieves. Ranger pets are a whole other issue IMO. They need to be given a once-over.

Channeling skills are still hitting you because the skill was performed before stealth was used. Stealth is not a free dodge, its a confusion tactic. You’re not able to target the thief in stealth but any skill you use on the thief prior to stealth should be given its full chance to be landed/avoided as any other individual skill is.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


I don’t see too much problem with it as it is. Stealth isn’t meant to be a damage blocker, it’s mostly just a positioning tool.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Fizzlepip.5218


All fair points, which makes it make a little more sense. Although a channel that hasn’t started channeling yet but is still being cast hits us. I guess that’s just the gray area.

The whole pet thing is still an issue. Not much of a positioning tool if our movements are trackable.

Ink The Stained, Fizzlepip, Playground Bullies [SNFU]
…beware the unicorns.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: phor.7952


“Although a channel that hasn’t started channeling yet but is still being cast hits us.”

Not exactly sure what you mean by this, but just to make sure you know how stealth works, all damage still hits you in stealth; and that’s intended.

For example:
If a Warrior has nothing targeted and hits [Hundred Blades], he’ll start swinging wildly at the air. Once he’s swinging, it doesn’t matter if you’re stealth’d or not or whether he has you targeted or not, you can’t stand in front of him or you’ll take damage.

The same is true for skills like the Ranger’s [Rapid Fire]. If they don’t have anything targeted, they can still use [Rapid Fire] and it will just shoot a bunch of shots directly in front of them. If you stand in the way of the projectile, it’ll hit you regardless of if you’re in stealth or not.

So when you stealth, you need to dodge or move out of the frontal cone if you don’t want to continue taking damage. And that’s part of the reason why pets continuing to follow a player in stealth is a big deal. If they know where you are, they can keep hitting you even when you’re invisible.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


The whole pet thing is still an issue. Not much of a positioning tool if our movements are trackable.

That’s called a counter. You can counter the counter by killing or CCing the pet before you stealth.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


yup they need to fix this, how the hell do you continue to channel a spell if you cant see your target.

especially in pve it gets annoying

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Vile.5678


I think it’s fair for channeling skills to hit after stealth.
On the other hand, I’ve been downed before by phantasmal duelists who have found me after I escape around a corner about to recover my health. I think don’t think NPCs should be able to track when you are out of sight, such as behind walls. But if it causes too many issues to address, then just leave it alone, I can cope.

Warrior – Whrawl
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Vak.7194


“The same is true for skills like the Ranger’s [Rapid Fire]. If they don’t have anything targeted, they can still use [Rapid Fire] and it will just shoot a bunch of shots directly in front of them. If you stand in the way of the projectile, it’ll hit you regardless of if you’re in stealth or not.”

While true, that’s not the issue that a lot of us run into. It’s where player abilities (or even NPC abilities) continue to hit us and track us if they targeted us and started channeling, and continue to move with us despite the player no longer being visible or target-able. I’ve literally ran full circles around NPCs while “stealthed” and the whole time they just spun in circles and turned with me to continue channeling. I couldn’t even position myself properly to get a backstab in because they were always facing me. If a player or pet can’t see me, then they shouldn’t be able to track me.

Additionally, unless Anet feels like making pet a counter to stealth with an intended and -stated- mechanism (like scent or what have you) then pets are operating in a way contrary to how we expect them to, making it bug. At least so far as I know isn’t an intended purpose for them, so they shouldn’t function that way.

(edited by Vak.7194)

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


They will fix it when they fix all other class pets and minions to actually be worth having them.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: dank.3680


I don’t have a problem with channeled spells hitting (except pet ones those are annoying lol), what I DO have a problem with is ‘Queued’ skills still hitting.

For example, I was about to attack a Thief, I saw him start the animation to ‘Hide in Shadows’, I then queued up my CND-Steal-BS he vanished right about the time I hit steal and was invis before I actually shadow stepped to him, yet everything still went through.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Wraithforge.8710


I’ve got a huge problem with this.

Channels should definitely continue to channel, but they should not track a stealthed target.

If a channeled spell is tracking, it’s not just doing damage, it’s showing the other player where the thief is. It’s too much. I’ve even killed stealthed players because I could still see bleed numbers flying over their location. This kind of thing just shouldn’t happen.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: LOCO.1785


If you jump into stealth, you shouldn’t be able to be targeted and that’s the way it is now EXCEPT for channeled skills. Why do people think it’s okay for channeled skills to continue locking onto a target while in stealth? How can you still be locked onto something you can’t see?

Doesn’t make sense to me.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: savage.3469


people will rationalize it, and say if they have cast a channeled skill, it should still continue the channel because they have already started it.

it will track you, you cannot move left or right. rapid fire or any other abilitys will follow you while stealthed.

i doubt this is intended.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


problem is with autotargeting and and whole targeting thing – even if spell has cast time, at the end of which projectile is released, projectile will home onto a target even if target stealthed before skill was cast.
If someone AT LEAST pressed skill button (skill itself has not been cast yet) while targeting someone, skill will ignore any vision impairment afterwards. What is most annoying, this applies also to already queued attacks (ones that are yet even to be started casting).

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


problem is with autotargeting and and whole targeting thing – even if spell has cast time, at the end of which projectile is released, projectile will home onto a target even if target stealthed before skill was cast.
If someone AT LEAST pressed skill button (skill itself has not been cast yet) while targeting someone, skill will ignore any vision impairment afterwards. What is most annoying, this applies also to already queued attacks (ones that are yet even to be started casting).

It definitely shouldn’t apply to queued attacks. I think it’s fine on attacks that are already being cast, though. Otherwise stealth would be an extremely low cooldown interrupt, which would easily be quite overpowered. Then of course because ArenaNet like to apply band-aids instead of fixing the problem, we’d end up with 30 second revealed debuffs.

Still no fix to channeling/pet intuition in Stealth?

in Thief

Posted by: Winds.3087


Meanwhile, a Mesmer’s Stealth breaks targets (don’t know if pets follow them or not, but the break target is essential to avoid channeling) and they can summon illusions in the process.

Mesmer here, this issue hits our stealth too.