Struggling against necro's in spvp

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Swiftly.2385


I am running a pretty standard D/P build and I really struggle against necro’s

Any general tips against them?

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

sPvP is a 5v5 game mode…why are you alone? ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: MatthiasL.5346


What kind of necro? Well I assume you are speaking of celestial signet necro?
In general you shouldn’t fight 1v1, your role is to decap and to “+1” (sad but that’s how it is at the moment).
If you want to fight necro don’t miss your steal and use fear correctly. So if necro is in ds you can interrupt ds#4 with it. Otherwise go ranged if necro has full life force and wait till he leaves ds. Use the second skull to secure next steal and watch his boons. Necro signet build relies on might stacks, so if you manage to steal them he’s pretty much done. Try to avoid immobilize (dagger #3), pretty obvious animation. Blind just as always, if he casts insect swarm (warhorn #5) pay attention because blind condition procs on his swarm and therefore will be cleansed easily. Use headshot to interrupt skills but don’t spam.

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


If you talking about staff Necromancers (those who put large marks around themselves) try to dodge on the marks.

Your steals become very important especially when they use their #5 in deathshroud (a long green line attached to you).

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Midi.8359


I’m normally the guy that says he likes to 1v1 and that practicing in dueling rooms is a great way to learn matchups. But I gotta say, the necro’s are a class you should really avoid, and only go for in teamfight situations.

First off, in an actual fight it’s not enough to just down a class. You have to be able to stomp them. A downed dps necro (Which is likely the only type of necro you’ll be able to down solo in a timely manner) can easily hit for 5k or even 7k health from life leech alone. Meaning that not only do you have to win fight, but you have to win by a large margin/save resources for stomping or risk getting downed after. The downed mirror match heavily favors the necro. So much so that unless the necro is below 20% hp when downed he’ll likely be able to beat a freshly downed thief.

Even if you do manage to down them Death Shroud makes it very likely that the fight will take too long to be worth the investment. Generally speaking if that necro already has the point it’s not worth fighting on since you won’t be getting the decap anytime soon. Plus the longer the fight goes on the more likely the necro will get friends over and then you’ll be in a 1v2 situation or worse. The only redeeming factor to fighting necro’s is that they have no invulns/stealth/mobility. So you can get a lot of mileage out of just using your basic autos.

Learning the timing for Death Shroud’s Life Blast and the Lich’s Deathly Claws should help a bit. Both of those skills make a loud sound when cast and are fired at very noticeable intervals so they’re somewhat easy to dodge. If you see a necro using plague form switch to ranged and kite him, plague form has no gapclosers/mobility so it’s pretty easy to kite.

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: assassin.7895


thief struggles against every class in 1 vs 1, it’s normal

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


I am running a pretty standard D/P build and I really struggle against necro’s

Any general tips against them?

Thief is one of the worst classes 1v1 right now. If you are trying to do 1v1, you are not doing your job elsewhere on the map.

Struggling against necro's in spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Ragion.2831


It appears Anet didnt like that thieves were doing so well in spvp so they decided to not just nerf the class’ traits but beef everyone else up at the same time while buffing the thief’s weakness, conditions. Therefore we effectively got triple nerfed. This means that every class can now easily counter thief, either by out healing while doing high damage, using burns (only 3 stacks being enough to kill is of course balanced) or in mesmers case, keep stealthing and being invulnerable till you give up and go somewhere else.

So its not just necros, but if it is, it’s MMs. Even ranger is a problem now, they just need to tap taunt (which has no tell) and the bird somehow deals 50% damage. Its pretty funny actually, rangers dont even need to actually hit you to kill you.