(I want to begin by saying I am NOT a massively experienced player, and I am fine to admit that unlike 99% of this board. But I HAVE actually played a Thief to 80, and have participated in PvP as one, which counts for more than most of the people screaming for nerfs)
It is clear that no one is happy about the class. On one end you have a lot of annoyed players who want to pull their hair out trying to fight a Thief due to the nature of the class: being annoying.
Unfortunately, that is all Thieves really strive at, leaving the other end of the spectrum not feeling powerful enough to “finish the job” without the need to run away. Now, I have only really played D/D Berserker Thief (10/30/30/0/0), but I can agree with both sides of the spectrum, which all boils down to one thing: Stealth.
I’ll start with the nerfs:
- Stealth Reveal needs to be upped to 4 seconds again. There is no denying how easy it is for a Thief to pop in and out of stealth, and it is insane to think Thieves should have one fairly easy escape button, let alone 3+ (I didn’t say guarantee, just easy). Some builds can cheese stealth to the point where it is almost impossible for even a group to kill a single thief (granted, the thief won’t be killing anyone either, but this shouldn’t be a problem for ANY group against a single class). By increasing Reveal to 4 seconds again, there is a bigger window for someone to actually pull a few hits against Thieves before he disappears. Again, you SHOULDN’T be walking away with little risk in group fights by yourself.
- 1 or 2 seconds docked off the stealth from SR. There isn’t any reason for this skill to keep someone hidden for as long as it does. Otherwise, no changes.
- Healing from Stealth needs to be toned down (healing in general needs a nerf across the board). Why Hide in Shadow is the best healing ability a Thief has is still beyond me, and all the other healing abilities seem useless in comparison. Hide in Shadow needs slightly less healing done upon activation (I’d say roughly 10%). If a Thief wan’t fat heals, he needs to trait for them.
- Since the Thief no longer has a “burst” heal, the trait that allows Thieves to heal while in stealth should get buffed to compensate. Increase each tick by 10%
- Weapon SKill 3. Give the Thief the choice between the Dual Weapons Skill, or the Primary Weapon Skill if he would wield only a main-hand weapon. Nothing in dire need of attention, but could open up some new builds.
- Dagger Main Hand: INCREASE Poison time to 3-4 Seconds, keeping the damage the same. This will reduce healing on the target for longer, allowing the less bursty Thieves that we currently have still able to still go toe-to-toe with his target, preventing them from healing through all the damage dealt. Since the Thief won’t be popping back into stealth as often, this will help remedy that lost DPS as a result.
Again, I am an entry level player to GW2, only recently getting into the PvP scene. I do honestly think turning D/D Thieves into a DPS/Heal Denying class can make it viable again outside of UPlevel ganks. I know Thieves are basically useless without Stealth, and they fear being nerfed into oblivion. Just know, as a fellow Thief, my intentions are not to make us an easy kill. But I do have little experience with other builds, so please let me know if these suggestions harm (fairly) other playstyles.