Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: ChurchOfRuin.3891


Title pretty much sums it up. What is the best way to stay alive in an extended fight against a high health/damage enemy? What skills/abilities/weapons would best be used?

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: Rahar.9872


You don’t. Camp shortbow 80% of the time in teamfights and use your melee set to finish small fights, or the rest of the fight, quickly. Don’t do 1v1s.

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: Berengar.6951


You don’t. Camp shortbow 80% of the time in teamfights and use your melee set to finish small fights, or the rest of the fight, quickly. Don’t do 1v1s.

Not sure if serious

Just roll tons of stealth and you won’t ever die 1v1

Engineer, Thief, Mesmer, Elementalist, Guardian,Warrior, Necro
[KoM] Krewe of Misfits
[IB]Inglorious Basterdz

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: Rahar.9872


You don’t. Camp shortbow 80% of the time in teamfights and use your melee set to finish small fights, or the rest of the fight, quickly. Don’t do 1v1s.

Not sure if serious

Just roll tons of stealth and you won’t ever die 1v1

Very serious if we’re referring to PvP. In other types of the game like WvW, this is true enough. But in PvP, while you’re stealthed for excessive periods of time, your team is down one person. In 1v1’s stealthed, you’re not capping the base you should be contesting.

So yes. Super serious.

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: ChurchOfRuin.3891


More talking of high damage mobs like Champs and such. Though, being able to fight off a high health warrior for instance is always a welcome skill.

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

Zeke Azul Falcon.5176

you use SB and range skills for champs and mobs, you wanna bust a melee move on a boss/champ with that build make sur ehe is facing back, if not he sneezes and next thing you know your being res’d or dead LOL.

if its 1 on 1 in warriors/guardians/rangers/engi who has tons of HP, i say if its a head on start with SB after 2 or 5 good hits, burst them D/D. if its multiple enemies vs you alone, well you need to back off.

Thief DD : DP : PD : SB
Elementalist S : DD

Surviving in a Glass Cannon Build

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


High health doesn’t mean kitten without toughness. Although it makes bleeds suck.