Taking hits while Reviving...

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Sylexis.9350


Newbie thief question here.

I seem to keep getting caught in the trap of reviving an npc, and having a hostile npc spawn nearby and rip me a new one while I am stuck reviving this npc.

Even if I see it coming, I hit my dodge key, I hit an arrow key twice to try and manually dodge, I hit escape to drop my target, nothing works, I can’t ever seem to quickly break free of the revive process. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a quick-escape from reviving that I am not doing?

Amarithel ~ Norn Thief ~ Maguuma Server

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Breaking the revival process should be as simple as hitting a movement key. I’m unsure as to why you’re unable to do this but you may want to try submitting a support ticket or verify your game data integrity.

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


As a thief a great way to revive is Shadow Refuge, throw it on top of the NPC/PC and start reviving. If you stay in the field until the House icon drops you should have an extended stealth, enough to revive your target. Works great in PvE and PvP.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Sylexis.9350


I’ve deliberately double tapped directional arrows to break out of and dodge away from incoming hostilities only to not budge an inch and still be reviving. I’ll practice the next time I find something to revive and see if it happens in all directions but back and to the left and the key I’ve matched to dodge (which is another automatic backroll) all don’t work.

Amarithel ~ Norn Thief ~ Maguuma Server

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


IIRC a simple dodge doesn’t do it. You need some movement first, then dodge.

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Sylexis.9350


It’s the moving in general which does not seem to be responding fast enough. Turning doesn’t work, and moving takes forever to get a response from. The mob has spawned in plain view, aggro’d me, run up and smacked me before the keys register and get me moving.

Hmm I wonder if there is a way to turn up mouse sensitivity and see if mouse moving works.

Amarithel ~ Norn Thief ~ Maguuma Server

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


I think its server side or mechanics because I have the same problem, it just seems you cant get off of the revive fast enough. Each time I go in for a revive close to melee I know there’s a 50/50 chance I’ll be on the floor too… unless Shadow Refuge is used.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

Taking hits while Reviving...

in Thief

Posted by: douceline.2741


I have this issue, too. What I have to do is hit the walk button (w) to break out of the revive animation, and THEN dodge, but by that time it’s usually too late. I always pop Shadow Refuge when I rev someone now, but if you’re still in early levels you might not have access to that yet. So yeah, P.I.T.A!