Team Liability
Thief is just harder to play well. Surviving while dealing good damage and taking advantage of the thief mobility to its fullest is a lot harder than being tanky, and supporting teamates. They both take some skill, but its very different, and this is coming form someone who has played thief almost 1000 matches in ranked/solo queue back in the day, and I can say I suck. I love the profession, but some players can really make it work better than others. I always feel like a rock star on my thief, until I meet a really good one that 1-2 shots me all game.
Thief is not for everyone, but I think balance is close to good, especially if they nerf a few OP classes slightly. I’m looking at you Rev.
Uhh what? This is a really good meta for Thief. Sounds like a personal issue. If I switched to my elementalist, who I rarely play, I wouldn’t come to the ele forums if I started losing and complain about the balance.
I’ve tried playing my Thief in ranked today. Lost so many games just trying to push through. I switched over to my support Ele and magically started winning. It pains me to see that as a Thief, I’m a total liability to my team, yet I change class and things get better.
I wish this meta allowed for Thief to be played at the same level as other classes because as of now, it just doesn’t seem so. Pretty sad about it. At least I can play support.
Support Ele are rarely in melee range, the Thief is. So either you’re really good at playing Ele and bad at playing Thief, or you just don’t know how to play a profession at melee range. Whatever the reason, the profession is not the liability — you are.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.