“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
Raid is happening Sunday. The Results
Alright so here is the main team and what they are doing for the raid.
Zacchary – D/D conditions with SB focusing on bleeds, poison stacking and mobility
We need a balance of power, condition and ninja nurses.
http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ use this to post your build.
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
sign me up for medic
or tank, if that’s a thing. not sure what the plan is. What exactly do you mean by ninja nurse? Google search results in an old WvW build focused on reviving downed players. Is the plan to not worry about tanks and such and just revive people who go down? Intentions unclear.
Pretty much what a ninja nurse is. Also you’ll probably be put on an extras list just in case someone cannot come. Also discussion HOW roles are going to be filled is the point of this thread.
I am a kitten reikken. Didn’t see you were on the list. :P
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
Just in case I can’t get on in the next few days I’ll list it here that I can play any power set you guys need. If s/d is needed that’d be my first preference but if it is not wanted I will play another power set you guys think you need.
Edit: Do we have a time sunday? I may have a bit of trouble getting on depending on time but I should be able to make it if it’s any time after 12 mountain time
(edited by Ario.8964)
Just in case I can’t get on in the next few days I’ll list it here that I can play any power set you guys need. If s/d is needed that’d be my first preference but if it is not wanted I will play another power set you guys think you need.
Edit: Do we have a time sunday? I may have a bit of trouble getting on depending on time but I should be able to make it if it’s any time after 12 mountain time
That might work.
I’m not sure which build i should go for. Can you guys add me to the guild so i can get some advice from you?
Good luck for you guys !
kitten , I’m so envious of NA. I have to be around when you go at it…I will maybe pass by the TS if you use it.
Record it please!
Good Luck!
I can play any power spec, but I prefer staff.
Do share a video of this if you can; I would love to see the results!
I do have recording software, would you like me to livestream it or make a vid and then post to youtube?
I do have recording software, would you like me to livestream it or make a vid and then post to youtube?
Either one is fine with me. Maybe youtube would be better for other people to see it down the road
Tomorrow is the last day. Please post your build to prevent further issues.
I actually have full zealot on my druid, would it be possible with zealot on a venomshare build? Would the healing on all scale based on my healin power? If so i could come on my thief, with zerk offset if needed
I’m not clear on what’s going to actually happen. I need to know what I’m doing before I can make a specific build. I’ve never done an all thief raid before. What’s the plan?
Alright, what I got from Zach was:
The target is Vale Guardian. Since zach is already going on the condition team there are 2 more spots before the mandatory venomshare. I believe 3 d/d condition is enough to max bleeds and poison. So until we got definite builds I’de say play what you are comfortable with. Just be ready to change up last minute.
EDIT: and tactics will be discussed in game.
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
maybe something like this if I’m tanking?
swapping out rice ball for mussel soup, or the armor for nomad’s, if I need to be tankier
It might not be a good idea to be “the tank” especially since thief has no effective capabilities as a healer. If you are going d/d you could be part of the condition team and maximize evades.
well someone is going to have the boss’s aggro the whole fight
and venom share w/skelk, shadow refuge (heal + leech combo), and heal sigils does some ok ally healing. over 20k per ~35 seconds (venom cooldown)
also, alternate build as tank that doesn’t need to heal other people:
(edited by reikken.4961)
Wow those stats and choices are pretty solid. Try it.
Would you like me to put that as the build you’ll be using?
(edited by yolo swaggins.2570)
depends on when this is happening
unlike the first build, for which I have much of the gear already, I’ll have to get most of that. may need a couple days
Stick with the first build. Raid group is going to gather in 8-10 hours.
Hey guys, just been reading this for a bit, and although I’m not on the team to do this, I’d like to offer a few pieces of input from my own experience from raiding in my guild on thief, as the tank. We’ve had great success with it, and use it for our regular kills.
First and likely the biggest change I would make is the build of the tank. Simply put, all that toughness/vitality and survivability traits are not necessary for living; in fact, they may hamper your ability to survive. Running the standard damage build with full Berserker’s armor (with the minimum necessary toughness to hold aggro) and only swapping No Quarter to Invigoration Precision will provide much more than enough survivability. Either use S/P and spam Pistol Whip with Signet of Malice, or if you’re confident, use Staff with Channeled Vigor for a higher DPS tank. TL;DR, you get absolutely insane survivability by running a max damage build with Invigorating Precision, better than what you could get if you used a completely tanky build.
Next up, the topic of having the Ninja Nurse healers; I don’t think it is a good idea. Thief already has pretty good personal survivability, to the point where I don’t think it is necessary to have a healer, which would lower your DPS. I think that you’d be able to live without IP, but if you can’t just take it and have fun being immortal. That only leaves the condi team facing a serious issue…
They can’t run IP, and will be taking extra damage from the Lightning AoE. Here’s my suggestion for having them live; all four of them will be running P/D with a D/D offset, and at least 3 will take Shadow Refuge. When they run over to the lightning, they will swap to P/D to continue doing ranged DPS. One thief will drop SR on the lightning, stealthing them, so they can all do Sneak Attack for 5x projectile lifesteal. Combine that with putting them all in the same subgroup for optimal Leeching Venoms venomshare, and they should have enough lifesteal/sustain to live.
Next up, the Seekers. This will be a major problem for the group, considering the lack of knockbacks. My best advice will be to continuously move the boss away from the seekers, rather than focus on CC’ing them. Normally, this would be a problem since it would move the boss out of the AoE’s, but seeing as how thief doesn’t rely on AoE’s this isn’t a problem. In fact, it would actually boost the DPS of the condi team because they apply some Torment.
I’ll stop here considering how I’m not even a part of this, but if someone doesn’t show up and I’m online, feel free to send me a whisper, I’ll be sure to come. Good luck with this! It’ll be really cool to see.
Where are we meeting?
If i am going power DPS, am i using deadly arts, critical strike and daredevil? or should i trade deadly arts for trickery? sorry newbie here
Zach will talk to you all in game. He’ll give you suggestions in chat.
I can do any zerk build you guys want me to since I have zerk ascended forms of every weapon except pistols.
I also just realised I don’t have any food, any suggestions on what to get?
http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ post your build with this so I can add it to the list.
I’d say the usual truffle steak anf sharpening stones.
only half the group on
I’ll check back later
Deadline is in 2 hours. Spots are still open. If you want in: get on, stay on and contact Zacchary.6183.
learned a lot. let’s plan a second run
..and get more people
-Snip- double post
(edited by EazyPanda.6419)
Sry, PC died few days ago and forgot about the raid. I’ll have to reinstall gw2 one day, after I get my pc running again (currently on phone). My bad.
That, and 10 hours ago was 2am my time, so I would’t make in either way. =/
I am totally down for this, haven’t done the raids yet in HoT (still doing story) but am very experienced thief.
Will post the vid results here in a bit. We didn’t beat it but we learned and did minimal testing of possible starts to use for our next attempt. Look out for the next time we throw something like this out so you can join in on it
(edited by Ario.8964)
Here are the results from the NA raid attempt:
Thanks to all who participated in and supported the raid! It was a ton of fun for the little we did and we look forward to trying out new strats when we get the opportunity to do it again!
For what I can see in the video, people werent doing what they said they were going to do, and werent using the traits that were planed.
All the condi thieves were supposed to be using venom share. For might stacks for the party, damage boost and for control. You can immob the red seekers we said it since the beginning, one venom share casting devourer venom gives enough immob for the red orbs if necessary when you are on the Green circle.
Also we said that at least 2 in each subgroup were going to use trickery with thrill of chrime to keep fury and also bountiful theft.
Many times the the people that were supposed to go to Green circle duty didnt go and didnt even call for a cover on the ts, so most of the times 1 – 2 people tried to cover and it started to get really messy.
Also from tthe video the condi damage you were doing seemed really low, Im not attacking you I know you probably use power spec normally. But for it to work you need people with proper gear(for condi viper + sinister) and that knows to use the spec.
In conclusion:
I believe it s possible, but you need people that knows the fight( most were New), also you need good coordination and everyone properly geared. The builds should be discussed and planned properly for each member and everyone needs to use it as planned, no yolo.
Knowledge and practice in the fight is important, you should get people that knows the fight and has practice in it. If you cant find experienced people in the raid that also have thief, you should train you squad doing vg kills with a normal comp first before doing a full thief run. If you cant kill it with a normal comp, you wont be killing him with full thief.
Even if you get 10 experienced players it may be a good idea to do a normal kill first. To get used to each other and because if you cant kill him with the squad with the normal comp it would be just a waste of time doing it full thief, and it wouldn’t proof anything.
For the Green circle duty get venom share players. Make them use shortbow as second weapon set for mobility to the Green circles. Take turns with devourer venom and you can let the bouncing arrow do the job for the seekers.
Use the damage venoms on cooldown but make sure that they aren´t used by more than one thief at the same time and dont activate the venom on the next thief until the charges from the first thief that activated the venom are used or you will waste venoms.
Get experienced people in the raid willing to listen, and with patience and time.
(edited by BlueDragon.7054)
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