Thanks! Finally the promised moblity :))))
I’m not sure if I smell a faint trace of irony on this thread….
It isn’t irony, come on these shadowstep buffs are cool, i can already move 600 + 600 + 1200 + 1200 = 4000, imagine after buff, reducded cooldown at hard to catch, steal reach and such this will be very cool. even if even more moblity could be even more cool (targeted for weapon skills)
but, you do realize that’s just steal right? That’s a very little part of mobility. They’ve heavily nerfed some of the thieves just to add additional range on steal? The compensation is not worth the trade off imo.
Hard to catch is more effective at screwing you than anything else. If anything the cd reduction is a nerf.
This trait should be removed.
Hard to catch is more effective at screwing you than anything else. If anything the cd reduction is a nerf.
This trait should be removed.
True. Uncrontrollable, random position changes are horrible. It confuses you more than your enemy.
Hard to catch is more effective at screwing you than anything else. If anything the cd reduction is a nerf.
This trait should be removed.
Like, getting away of your enemy burst when you’re stunned is bad and should removed from the game?
Are you guys even considering that, according to the leaked patch note, the minimum recharge time of Steal is 15s?
Yeah it’s a bad, i honestly gave this trait a chance thinking it had potential but no, picking this trait is like enjoying random reveals from last refuge on a stealth heavy build.
The problem is that it’s random, sometime it’s awesome, as you said you’ll escape a potential burst which is strong, you’ll still have to react to the fact that you suddenly randomly changed location but whatever, from my experience that happens 30% of the time.
Because the stun happens randomly it can sometime simply move you 3 inches backward because there’s a wall/pebble behind you. Worse, it sometimes stuck you in random walls or in horrendous location including horrible camera (once it teleported me bellow the stairs in the “forest of whatever” right point (quarry or mine i think, never bothered with their names), i wasn’t able to see anything on top of wondering where the hell i was and died.
Sometimes you don’t even move because, again, teleportation in this game are buggy as hell… That’s anet fault though.
Using this trait basically means you can’t run sr at it’s full potential if you know it’s up because any random stun or whatever while under the sr will end up revealing you. Great!!! I especially love when i almost finish rezzing an ally and it screw everything.
And lastly (i’m sure there’s more but i’m still traumatized from when i used that thing), sometime a fleeing target or one of his allies will randomly stun you which will end up saving his life, yes, this trait can HELP your target in some situations. It’s equally as bad when you’re at 100% hp against an almost dead target, which sometimes result in the target being able to buy enough time for an heal or whatever (Basically it throws you out of position, there’s more scenario where it’s bad like potentially teleporting you in the middle of the enemy team).
Terrible trait is terrible.
Steal change i already said it on another topic, it can have some potential but i’m really not convinced traiting in trickery is worth it in most case. It’s just speculation anyway.
(edited by Puru.4217)
so much drama, theorycraft and hopes going on for a fake patch notes.
so much drama, theorycraft and hopes going on for a fake patch notes.
i don’t think they are a fake …. all those aftercast changes, skill speed changes, buffs and nerfs seems to be quite real…
We never needed more mobility tho… We needed pistol/venom buffs. So what did they do? They nerfed shortbow and gave us a new venom that is just a little less useless than before that no one will ever use competitively.
The biggest buff i think we got if the patch notes are real is the steal cd reduction, I always felt like it was a little long considering how long our TTK is, having steal off cd is crucial for opening as a melee thief, and at a 40+ sec cd there is a ton of times I wish it was at 30 seconds. I mean they nerfed the crap out of mug why not at least give us this.
Hey anet, thanks really, for these shadowstep buffs, steal (1500 range trait), making the shadowstep trap more viable, hard to catch reduced cooldown and more. so thanks really for the COMING patch!
lol..thieve’s complaining about mobility..I don’t know who makes me sadder..the thief that is so bad he needs more mobility or the dev that plays one and thinks its the lack of mobility explaining why he sucks at it and thus decided to grant an instant teleport of 1500 range ..I guess some classes were designed to help the casual players.
i like hard to catch on my p/d build when a zerg hits me i blinding powder and get ported 1500 away or 1200 away etc . after thakittens just a matter of doing the norm. lil disorenting but they lose target and are probably off their screen
OVERALL PICTURE: we got a huge mobility debuff lol look at shadow return alone. :P no longer a stun break. yyyyyyyyouch. just lost sword weapon as a set that is purely no need for invis. now we have to add invis back in to make it a really viable build which means it prolly wont be played in spvp. :P
Stun break change isn’t a direct hit to mobility but defense since actual A-B movement itself is not actually changed like it was with the range limitation.. Those notes indicate an increase to general mobility via traits/utilities/steal.
if stun break alows you to move and now we dont have stunbreak so now we cant move. id say thats a change in mobility.
The ability to move or be moved freely and easily.
cant move free and easily if ur stun in a spot stunned :P
You’re aware they wanted to change the significance on shortbow for movement. Which well the notes actually do?