The Crackers

The Crackers

in Thief

Posted by: thefirstlazydude.2408


Okay guys, so I’m leveling up a thief and I’m probably going to be taking it out for roaming and PvP eventually. I know the thief class has been fleshed out and streamlined like all the other classes (maybe not ranger) so I’d probably be wasting a bunch of time trying to create one on my own that will likely be inferior to the ones out there already.

So, I want to know (linked if possible) what are the cheesiest builds out there right now. I want to know what are the builds that make people who play against a thief want to give up. So cheesy that it will validate crackers (thus the title) and probably create “thief OP” threads.

Defensive Armor 80 Warrior (main) / Thefirstlazydude 80 Necromancer / Offensive Armor 80 Guardian
Champion Legionnaire of DTG and oPP
More then just a Zergling on Blackgate

The Crackers

in Thief

Posted by: oscuro.9720


Well, this isn’t a meta build by any means. I crafted this build myself, and it shreds apart everything in every aspect of the game. It is for level 80’s though, so you will have to wait or go into pvp. Not 100% sure if it is the build making people rage or my ability to play it. Without further ado,
I get people constantly messaging me to “at a real thief build that back stabs”, or I even got a message saying “Why you hack, thieves can’t attack at range”. That one made me lol. Basically, if you get good with it, there is no limit. The skill cap is incredibly high. Also, I find my self using every skill on this build. Enjoy

The Crackers

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


This is.


The Crackers

in Thief

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


0/30/30/10/0 d/p or condi 10/0/30/0/30 p/d with full dire and perplexity. (Most likely Balthazar after patch)

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]