The Music of a Monk

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Made this compilation / Mix today of some music i love from MoP in preparation for daredevil. hope they live up to this musics call, and i hope the devs listen in for some inspiration. Walk with the winds.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Zekeon.6950


Don’t encourage this monk bullkitten, please.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Don’t encourage this monk bullkitten, please.

See I love where the devs we’re going with the monk like theme. My issue is that they didn’t have it live up to what it could have been on the animation side of things. But there is still hope, I can still dream until the expan hits. I personally don’t like the vintage pistol dagger thief arctype.. So your opinion is surely out ruled by the many others that see the daredevil ( if they fix it) as more appealing.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Black Frog.9274

Black Frog.9274

They could have named it monk, but they didn’t. It’s not a monk.

Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

I Like to Run Randomly Around the Map

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

* Sigh… *

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

* Sigh… *

Well, then just leave it out there for Pete’s sake. Plus, if I recall correctly, it’s not exactly the sweetest place to tread in.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

(edited by MrForz.1953)

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Monks are all about “Balance”, “Meditation”. “Harmony”, “Peace”, “Gracefulness”, “Humility” and “Respect”.

If you want to make a song/melody, that catches all these aspects of a monks life and puts it downright on the pojnt with the melody and rhythm, I suggest you to hear these masterpieces, take the best parts out of them and make out of them a mixture:

The Strength from a Monk comes from Harmony, not from being ferocious like a wild Warrior, so any hectical, fast, loud and aggressive sounds, even for a “combat” song don’t really fit

This is much more fitting for a Daredevil played out as “Monk” with Monk Outfit.

But its just a matter of taste in the end.
Sometimes is simply less just more.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

* Sigh… *

Well, then just leave it out there for Pete’s sake. Plus, if I recall correctly, it’s not exactly the sweetest place to tread in.

Altough it was indeed left out at GW2 release, Cantha is still very present in the game’s lore. There are lots of references to it across the game’s content, many characters are undoubtely of Canthan origin, and even one of the Fractal mini-dungeons is a chunk of the Jade Sea.

If you ask me, I’d say that ANet is just awaiting the proper moment to release it as an expansion.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Monks are all about “Balance”, “Meditation”. “Harmony”, “Peace”, “Gracefulness”, “Humility” and “Respect”.

If you want to make a song/melody, that catches all these aspects of a monks life and puts it downright on the pojnt with the melody and rhythm, I suggest you to hear these masterpieces, take the best parts out of them and make out of them a mixture:

The Strength from a Monk comes from Harmony, not from being ferocious like a wild Warrior, so any hectical, fast, loud and aggressive sounds, even for a “combat” song don’t really fit

This is much more fitting for a Daredevil played out as “Monk” with Monk Outfit.

But its just a matter of taste in the end.
Sometimes is simply less just more.

I did not find anything ferocious about the songs I posted. I almost used the xian song you posted in my mix, but it would throw the tempo off of the rest of the songs I used. Believe me I am an orchestral music junky, I have heard them all, I appreciate the beauty in a song of quick pace as well as a song like “A land restored” from Jeremy soule.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


They could have named it monk, but they didn’t. It’s not a monk.

Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

Obviously you did not play GW1 or read much lore in GW2. There is in fact an Asia with monks on a continent called Cantha. They just have not implemented it into GW2 yet. If you recall the Bird people in the game (the tengu) they are also Asians from cantha.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Rain.9213


Made this compilation / Mix today of some music i love from MoP in preparation for daredevil. hope they live up to this musics call, and i hope the devs listen in for some inspiration. Walk with the winds.

Thanks for the mix! It’s pretty awesome Definitely gonna be whacking people to death with my staff while listening to this!

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Monks are all about “Balance”, “Meditation”. “Harmony”, “Peace”, “Gracefulness”, “Humility” and “Respect”.

If you want to make a song/melody, that catches all these aspects of a monks life and puts it downright on the pojnt with the melody and rhythm, I suggest you to hear these masterpieces, take the best parts out of them and make out of them a mixture:

The Strength from a Monk comes from Harmony, not from being ferocious like a wild Warrior, so any hectical, fast, loud and aggressive sounds, even for a “combat” song don’t really fit

This is much more fitting for a Daredevil played out as “Monk” with Monk Outfit.

But its just a matter of taste in the end.
Sometimes is simply less just more.

I did not find anything ferocious about the songs I posted. I almost used the xian song you posted in my mix, but it would throw the tempo off of the rest of the songs I used. Believe me I am an orchestral music junky, I have heard them all, I appreciate the beauty in a song of quick pace as well as a song like “A land restored” from Jeremy soule.

I respectfully disagree, for me your mix was just too loud, too much wardrums in the background at the begin and the middle to use that as a song, that symbolizes the way of life from a monk.
But this mostly has something more also to do with the controversy of monks and “battles” as monks normally don’t battle as said, the life of a monk is normally based on balance, meditating, peace, harmony and so on.

They treat everything in life with humility and respect… thats why I said, that sometimes less is more and that for a monk in my opinion a lesser aggressive and fast paced “battle music” fits just better.

My example of the Xian Song sure also has its slightly faster paced parts, but they aren’t so loud, what makes these sections not to sound so aggressive.
These kind of “epic” soungtracks have oftenly the tendency of being too loud, too fast paced to create for the hearer that immersion of sounding “epic” and impactful, because these kinds of songtracks are mainly made for orchestras back in mind, which have also a completely different accoustic when being played together with lots of people together in a good accoustical philharmony.

My point that I just wanted to express is, that I think, that when someone wants to make a kind of “theme song” for a monk, that this songtrack should also representate the values of monks which I named above and that by converting these values over onto the mood of the songtrack.
The result will automatically sound alot better and more fitting, than when you just simply mix together only various orchestra song parts together with just only looking about it, that these parts share the same “tempo”.

If tempo is just everything that was important for you, then you could just have researched as such a music junky for other good fitting more slower and harmonyful songtracks that do fit to a slower paced and less loud melody and rhythm.
For that I find that the Xian Song just would work as a good basis

But like said, in the end everything is just a matter of taste, if someone prefers rather faster paced melodies, or slower ones. I just prefer slower ones, as they are alot more relaxing and emotionally intense, giving you better the impression of feeling said values of a monks life when you hear that melody.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Arctarius.2649


Monks are all about “Balance”, “Meditation”. “Harmony”, “Peace”, “Gracefulness”, “Humility” and “Respect”.

If you want to make a song/melody, that catches all these aspects of a monks life and puts it downright on the pojnt with the melody and rhythm, I suggest you to hear these masterpieces, take the best parts out of them and make out of them a mixture:

The Strength from a Monk comes from Harmony, not from being ferocious like a wild Warrior, so any hectical, fast, loud and aggressive sounds, even for a “combat” song don’t really fit

This is much more fitting for a Daredevil played out as “Monk” with Monk Outfit.

But its just a matter of taste in the end.
Sometimes is simply less just more.

I did not find anything ferocious about the songs I posted. I almost used the xian song you posted in my mix, but it would throw the tempo off of the rest of the songs I used. Believe me I am an orchestral music junky, I have heard them all, I appreciate the beauty in a song of quick pace as well as a song like “A land restored” from Jeremy soule.

I respectfully disagree, for me your mix was just too loud, too much wardrums in the background at the begin and the middle to use that as a song, that symbolizes the way of life from a monk.
But this mostly has something more also to do with the controversy of monks and “battles” as monks normally don’t battle as said, the life of a monk is normally based on balance, meditating, peace, harmony and so on.

They treat everything in life with humility and respect… thats why I said, that sometimes less is more and that for a monk in my opinion a lesser aggressive and fast paced “battle music” fits just better.

My example of the Xian Song sure also has its slightly faster paced parts, but they aren’t so loud, what makes these sections not to sound so aggressive.
These kind of “epic” soungtracks have oftenly the tendency of being too loud, too fast paced to create for the hearer that immersion of sounding “epic” and impactful, because these kinds of songtracks are mainly made for orchestras back in mind, which have also a completely different accoustic when being played together with lots of people together in a good accoustical philharmony.

My point that I just wanted to express is, that I think, that when someone wants to make a kind of “theme song” for a monk, that this songtrack should also representate the values of monks which I named above and that by converting these values over onto the mood of the songtrack.
The result will automatically sound alot better and more fitting, than when you just simply mix together only various orchestra song parts together with just only looking about it, that these parts share the same “tempo”.

If tempo is just everything that was important for you, then you could just have researched as such a music junky for other good fitting more slower and harmonyful songtracks that do fit to a slower paced and less loud melody and rhythm.
For that I find that the Xian Song just would work as a good basis

But like said, in the end everything is just a matter of taste, if someone prefers rather faster paced melodies, or slower ones. I just prefer slower ones, as they are alot more relaxing and emotionally intense, giving you better the impression of feeling said values of a monks life when you hear that melody.

Because music is faster paced and more aimed for an exiting tone does not make it junk music as you described, that is your own shallow opinion. No tempo is not everything, but when I set out to make something that sounds fitting and flows well together song after song, yes tempo is very inportant. I understand that a monk is about harmony, I study daoist culture and plan to visit and learn one day… But again pressing biased oppinions as if they are whole hearted truth is foolish. Yes monks are not aggressive by nature, but what type and region of monk you speak of also can decide the line between harmony and physical prowess. A monk in tai chi wushu would indeed be more of the calm meditative type you speak of, as to where the shaolin live in the heart of battle. Though they meditate, they are structured around physical mastery and go through very brutal rigorous training.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


I don’t see why everyone is classifying Daredevil as “monk-like.” Monks are peaceful, calm-minded and nonviolent. The daredevil is the exact opposite, reckless, tough, and violent. The only similarity between them is that they use a staff.

I mean I guess everyone is just hyped because of Monks from GW1? (I didn’t play GW1 so.) But logically speaking the daredevil is the exact opposite of a monk.

sry I had to say it ;-;

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Rain.9213


Well Monk-like in the terms of being similar to a Shaolin Monk with their mastery of bo staff. But philosophy-wise, no they are not similar.

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Monks are all about “Balance”, “Meditation”. “Harmony”, “Peace”, “Gracefulness”, “Humility” and “Respect”.

If you want to make a song/melody, that catches all these aspects of a monks life and puts it downright on the pojnt with the melody and rhythm, I suggest you to hear these masterpieces, take the best parts out of them and make out of them a mixture:

The Strength from a Monk comes from Harmony, not from being ferocious like a wild Warrior, so any hectical, fast, loud and aggressive sounds, even for a “combat” song don’t really fit

This is much more fitting for a Daredevil played out as “Monk” with Monk Outfit.

But its just a matter of taste in the end.
Sometimes is simply less just more.

I did not find anything ferocious about the songs I posted. I almost used the xian song you posted in my mix, but it would throw the tempo off of the rest of the songs I used. Believe me I am an orchestral music junky, I have heard them all, I appreciate the beauty in a song of quick pace as well as a song like “A land restored” from Jeremy soule.

I respectfully disagree, for me your mix was just too loud, too much wardrums in the background at the begin and the middle to use that as a song, that symbolizes the way of life from a monk.
But this mostly has something more also to do with the controversy of monks and “battles” as monks normally don’t battle as said, the life of a monk is normally based on balance, meditating, peace, harmony and so on.

They treat everything in life with humility and respect… thats why I said, that sometimes less is more and that for a monk in my opinion a lesser aggressive and fast paced “battle music” fits just better.

My example of the Xian Song sure also has its slightly faster paced parts, but they aren’t so loud, what makes these sections not to sound so aggressive.
These kind of “epic” soungtracks have oftenly the tendency of being too loud, too fast paced to create for the hearer that immersion of sounding “epic” and impactful, because these kinds of songtracks are mainly made for orchestras back in mind, which have also a completely different accoustic when being played together with lots of people together in a good accoustical philharmony.

My point that I just wanted to express is, that I think, that when someone wants to make a kind of “theme song” for a monk, that this songtrack should also representate the values of monks which I named above and that by converting these values over onto the mood of the songtrack.
The result will automatically sound alot better and more fitting, than when you just simply mix together only various orchestra song parts together with just only looking about it, that these parts share the same “tempo”.

If tempo is just everything that was important for you, then you could just have researched as such a music junky for other good fitting more slower and harmonyful songtracks that do fit to a slower paced and less loud melody and rhythm.
For that I find that the Xian Song just would work as a good basis

But like said, in the end everything is just a matter of taste, if someone prefers rather faster paced melodies, or slower ones. I just prefer slower ones, as they are alot more relaxing and emotionally intense, giving you better the impression of feeling said values of a monks life when you hear that melody.

Because music is faster paced and more aimed for an exiting tone does not make it junk music as you described, that is your own shallow opinion. No tempo is not everything, but when I set out to make something that sounds fitting and flows well together song after song, yes tempo is very inportant. I understand that a monk is about harmony, I study daoist culture and plan to visit and learn one day… But again pressing biased oppinions as if they are whole hearted truth is foolish. Yes monks are not aggressive by nature, but what type and region of monk you speak of also can decide the line between harmony and physical prowess. A monk in tai chi wushu would indeed be more of the calm meditative type you speak of, as to where the shaolin live in the heart of battle. Though they meditate, they are structured around physical mastery and go through very brutal rigorous training.

Dude.. wait what??
I see, it makes from this point on already absolutely no sense anymore to discuss with you any further as you disqualify yourself right here for any further discussion with you about this topic, if you just can’t accept that different people can have different tastes of music!!

And what do you do? You make directly wild accusations about things I have NEVER said.
I said in my few postings in this thread nowhere, that faster paced music is “junk”

I also said nowhere in my posts that only slow paced melodies are the absolute whole truth. So stop spread lies about what I said and clearly read first what I have actually writting instead of laying words into my mouth that I have never written the way how you accuse me that I should have done that, yes please?, because I also don’t accuse you for things that you have never written.

I just posted here only my opinion about personal taste, that slow paced melodic songtracks are for me personally better fitting for a “monk theme”, unlike your mix that is faster paced and due to this sounds more aggressive (to me) and thats the only thing, where I said, its basically a controversdy for monks, because monks literally aren’t aggressive (most of them)

Also Shaolin Monks which you use as reference aren’t per se really aggressive, they use their martial arts to find their inner balance and harmony in their own way.
There are many different types of Monks, from Daoists/Taoists, to Buddhist to Shaolin to Hindhuist to Christian and ect.
Shaolin Kungkittenis not about fighting and if you want to study this, you will soon realize this. Its about to discipline the body and spirit and in regard of Shaolin Kungkittento emulate the movements of animals to bring you in harmony with nature.
And especially the Shaolin are all about Meditation, more than any other Monks to discipline their body through their your mentioned “brutal trainings” lol

If you really believe, the Shaolin live for the battle, kitten man, then you are pretty somewhat living under a big illusion I can tell you and that you have still to learn really. alot about them.
However, I can understand your intentions with your song mix, that you want to use it for a “battle related action based video” later that will most likely show your daredevil in combat using all the kinds of dodges, and martial artistical attacks, showing them as if they are some kind of “battle monks” and that you seem to prefer faster paced songtracks for that reason.
All good and fine.

My standpoint on that was just only, that I personally think that a slightly slower paced melody fits for that better, nothing else was it, what I said.
And due to knowing, that this is no strong argument, thats why I clearly said also, that its in the end just a matter of personal taste and that will always be so, because everyone has an own taste for rather slower of faster music.

I hope I made myself clear enough now, that I have absolutely nothing agaisnt your preferences.
Have a nice day.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

The Music of a Monk

in Thief

Posted by: Black Frog.9274

Black Frog.9274

They could have named it monk, but they didn’t. It’s not a monk.

Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

Obviously you did not play GW1 or read much lore in GW2. There is in fact an Asia with monks on a continent called Cantha. They just have not implemented it into GW2 yet. If you recall the Bird people in the game (the tengu) they are also Asians from cantha.

Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

* Sigh… *

Well, then just leave it out there for Pete’s sake. Plus, if I recall correctly, it’s not exactly the sweetest place to tread in.

Altough it was indeed left out at GW2 release, Cantha is still very present in the game’s lore. There are lots of references to it across the game’s content, many characters are undoubtely of Canthan origin, and even one of the Fractal mini-dungeons is a chunk of the Jade Sea.

If you ask me, I’d say that ANet is just awaiting the proper moment to release it as an expansion.

Also, there’s no Asia in Tyria.

* Sigh… *

That’s a place called Cantha. It’s not Asia. Asia is on a planet called Earth. Perhaps you’ve heard of it.

I Like to Run Randomly Around the Map