The new torment?

The new torment?

in Thief

Posted by: Dravenable.8657



So.. I’ve not been paying attention to the updates for my class but when I did I noticed the changes on my shadow strike… Time to take advantage of this new improvement

I play PvE a ton with my thief just because I love the double pistol combination and the single target damage from the thief is insane. I’ve got 250+- hours on my thief so I’m not like the all knowing thief player :p

After noticing the torment on Shadow strike I figured.. hey.. why not abuse this in wvwvw.. if we take the original permanent stealth idea and combine it with a condition build we should have something fun right? Correct.

I’m currently running with this:

It’s something I just put up today and used yesterday when practicing my idea with a friend of mine. I’m assuming that generally you’ll be facing more the one person in WvWvW so I think the stealth aspect of this build will come in handy ^^ being able to enter stealth whenever you want is great because you will need the stealth shot from your pistol hit, this gives the enemy free 5 bleeding stacks and if done correctly this should remove about 15-20% HP, now include torment and it’ll be 25% if the enemy doesn’t know about standing still when hit by torment. That’s just with the stealth hit (5x bleeding stacks+the damage dealt when shooting those bleeding stacks+torment from shadowstrike). Now we include Cloak and dagger, more basic hits and just general stealthing. With the 100% crit chance you’ll deal about 5k with your first shot and after the burst from your pistol (the 5x bleeding stack thing) you’ll deal another 4k excluding the bleeding damage.

I think this might be pretty useful and I am NOT sure if someone else already posted something like this =< I just wanted to throw this out here and share ^^

If someone has a change or new idea for the condition/torment build then please give me a heads up ^^

The new torment?

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


dont put 30 points in CS with condition build

you condition is too low only 1200 so about 100 bleed dps for each stack
the AA direct dmg is still too low so maybe if anet buff p/x AA dmg we would see more hybrid builds

go full dire and 0,0,30,20,20 build with 2.2k condition dmg and 40-60% duration

The new torment?

in Thief

Posted by: Dravenable.8657


I’ll give that a shot when I get home, thanks for the tip =)

The only thing I had on mind with the build I currently use is stealth and at least some conditions, I wanted to test out torment’s power ^^ (which I’m not disappointed with) But indeed, running a hybrid build isn’t that smart with the current way the thieves build. But how about full bers with double pistols and just keep the stealth utilities, run with Haste or the power signet and just burst people down with your unload and whatever the skill’s called when you are stealthed and you use your basic hit. But ofcourse, running full bers just gets you killed unless you are 100% sure that you can take someone down :p

The new torment?

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


if u wanna do hard torment burst go venom share with thieves guild with nice combo you can do 11-15 stack of torment for 8-10 seconds (potentially 12-24k dmg alone)(+bleed+poison+cripple+weakness+vulnerability)

if you wanna go p/p check my vid (viable only with group play and not roaming alone)
can do 6 dodges+3 stun breaks+condition clear, heal insane amounts AA heals you for 400-1000 and unload for 1800-2500

pvc armor +zerk trinkets