Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Hi guys kinda sic of all the false claims and all the misinformation people are writing about thiefs. I am gonna start making a few videos of me killing thiefs while playing other profs so we can tell people they do know what they are talking about and they need to learn how to pvp properly. Here are some fights of me on my noob war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbG1TCNxVY
Next vids with be of ranger and engi
Fake ! Thieves never lose! You hear me? Never!
I’m awaiting Burnfall and Sanduskel’s responses to this. Haha.
I’m awaiting Burnfall and Sanduskel’s responses to this. Haha.
I believe they are same person with split personality but same beliefs.
I’m awaiting Burnfall and Sanduskel’s responses to this. Haha.
I believe they are same person with split personality but same beliefs.
No they aren’t Burnfall is a drama queen/king and Sanduskel… well he is a non-cuss word that will probably get me another infraction because rules.
Sandy at first just came on the thief forums to establish that using permastealth is a crutch and that he doesn’t use it. People ignored him because his posts offered nothing to conversations.
Then he started saying permastealth is OP after a few weeks and I called him out on his BS. He backed off for about a week and then got back on easing his way back into discussions. I called him out again. He backed off for a few days. Repeat.So think of him what you will.
But, they are not one and the same. Their approaches to thieves are completely and I don’t think there is a single person in the world who can maintain two completely different personas simultaneously.
Troll A by day, Troll B by night. If a murderer can live amongst us is it hard to believe they can be so different during the day? And by murderer I mean trolls who want easy mode and cry for thief nerfs.
Not on my watch.
you know what, kitten it.
I deleted my thief for a few reasons:
1.) Trolls like those two, who are clearly trolling, are allowed to fill up an entire page of a serious topic with agenda-ridden lies plus 2 months worth of the same spam and not get banned.
2.) The developers listen to crying casualtastic baddies more than to the very people (me being one of them) who wasted most of their hours getting the most out of every part of thief gameplay. Since when is experience invalid?!
3.) The developers tried bull****ing us multiple times. MASSSSIVE +33% initiative regen (for a MASSSIVE 50% gain reduction)! Omg healing venom (a Signet of Malice for kittens on a kitten CD…. nope, venoms still suck. Would rather just use SoM.)!!! Oh and let’s not forget, we want you to be more engaged in combat so we made sword 2 unable to bypass stuns.
4.) Remember the last time we got a legitimate red post that actually showed genuine concern for the thief profession? I don’t.
5.) And then the mods dumped all of the thief QQ in the theif forums when they should have just deleted them.
6.) Then I get infraction after infraction for reminding scrubs they are bad players.
So let them damage the game further, I say.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
How dare you to beat thieves!!? What is this nonsense Did you miss the memo? Thieves are OP!!!
Jokes aside, i actually expected another QQ thread.
I’ll admit I’m the thief in the first video :P GF by the way. But I really hated how your eviscerate was heat seeking at the end since I shadow stepped out of the way and you did a 180 turn and hit me for half my health :/
I support this video series because it shows that an expert thief can still easily die to someone who is relatively new to the Warrior if they mess one or two stills. ( Also shows the overpowered Warrior :P ) I really hope when people come here to complain about thieves we just show them a couple of videos of thieves being dominated by other classes Having a video of thieves dieing to rangers would get the point across :P
I’m awaiting Burnfall and Sanduskel’s responses to this. Haha.
Picture #1: The waiting
Picture #2: after I read the comments
L2p /15 characters.
L2p /15 characters.
So when someone actually comes in with a valid argument, who is not a thief, showing that thieves aren’t OP, you have nothing to say other than telling them (or the thieves he beat) to learn to play? Please elaborate, Sanduskel. We’ll await your response with baited comments.
Fake for sure.
This never happened, thieves can’t be beaten.
Nice vid though, shows pretty much that thieves are facerollable by a basic warrior build that doesn’t even hit hard compared to other warrior builds. While being fairly tanky you can achieve an average of 3.5k eviscerate non crits, while maintaining around 40% crit chance and 100%+ crit dmg with axe. A build with around 2900 armor and above 21k hp one shotting thieves not investing enough in survival. #Balance #lol #omg
(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)
Btw guys the stats on my war in the vid: 3.2k power, 3.2k toughness, around 22k vit, 88crit dmg, and 60 crit chance due high fury uptime.
Btw guys the stats on my war in the vid: 3.2k power, 3.2k toughness, around 22k vit, 88crit dmg, and 60 crit chance due high fury uptime.
Looks like warriors have very balanced stats. They’re all high! Oh… wait “only” 22k vit when it could be 30k if the other stats were slightly lower.
Btw guys the stats on my war in the vid: 3.2k power, 3.2k toughness, around 22k vit, 88crit dmg, and 60 crit chance due high fury uptime.
The fact that a warrior has 3.2k power and 3.2k toughness really bothers me. Now if it was 3.2k attack power, 3.2k armor, that’s somewhat better. But other than that, I have never stopped believing the devs doesn’t know much about the thieves, other than stating how IR is so good at stomping down without repercussions (shadowstep, not the kitten sword skill. Gosh, thanks, devs.)
Btw guys the stats on my war in the vid: 3.2k power, 3.2k toughness, around 22k vit, 88crit dmg, and 60 crit chance due high fury uptime.
The fact that a warrior has 3.2k power and 3.2k toughness really bothers me. Now if it was 3.2k attack power, 3.2k armor, that’s somewhat better. But other than that, I have never stopped believing the devs doesn’t know much about the thieves, other than stating how IR is so good at stomping down without repercussions (shadowstep, not the kitten sword skill. Gosh, thanks, devs.)
I believe he means 3.2 k attack and 3.2 k armor.
L2p /15 characters.
I don’t understand this comment. He did L2P, thats the entire point of this. Heat seeking, channeled, and AoE skills still hit the thief in stealth which he showed. I mean, come on… a demo video for how to effectively engage, fight, and kill thieves using a class besides a thief from a thief main. So now when come here we can just refer them to a training video on how to kill thieves.
Your comment makes me think you read the title and didn’t watch the video.
nice video OP; you played well.
One thing though, the only 2 class who find thieves easy to kill are thieves and warriors.
That’s all i have to say.
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
nice video OP; you played well.
One thing though, the only 2 class who find thief easy to kill are thieves and warriors.
That’s all i have to say.
He said next vids are of a ranger and engi though.
I’m awaiting Burnfall and Sanduskel’s responses to this. Haha.
Picture #1: The waiting
Picture #2: after I read the comments
You sir, are a fortune teller.
nice video OP; you played well.
One thing though, the only 2 class who find thief easy to kill are thieves and warriors.
That’s all i have to say.
He said next vids are of a ranger and engi though.
i can’t wait
I’m sure he can pull it off.
I find thieves easy to kill on all classes except the ranger and necromancer. For the necromancer it’s down to my limited experience with the class, as I find they’re pretty tough.
Most of the imbalance is across the board though with 25 might stacks, blood lust and over the top condition damage, that needs a fix.
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
L2p /15 characters.
So when someone actually comes in with a valid argument, who is not a thief, showing that thieves aren’t OP, you have nothing to say other than telling them (or the thieves he beat) to learn to play? Please elaborate, Sanduskel. We’ll await your response with baited comments.
Nothing to elaborate on. If he tried to argue he would be dead wrong and too many people would call him out on that. So, instead of fighting it he just writes it off with the tried and true El Toopy. Way to avoid a discussion lol.
The claim usually is though that average thieves are impossible to kill; they’re a no risk/skill class. Here he shows an average skill warrior taking down average skill thieves. (No insult intended toward the warrior or thieves shown in the video)
The claim usually is though that average thieves are impossible to kill; they’re a no risk/skill class. Here he shows an average skill warrior taking down average skill thieves. (No insult intended toward the warrior or thieves shown in the video)
It takes skill to play a Thief correctly. In my personal opinion the classes that take skill to play are Thieves, Engineers, Elementalist, and more or less.. Ranger. Average Thieves against Average Warriors, there will always be a most predicted winner. And it’s usually not the class that can stealth (because it obviously makes the player invulnerable)..
I think the easiest class to kill on a thief is a thief. Not sure what that means exactly.
MORE! gief more!! more of these! and then we can haz thief buffs?
MORE! gief more!! more of these! and then we can haz thief buffs?
Knowing Anet’s balancing, the buffs will be something like “bow 3 now deals 10% more damage, increased initiative cost by 1, removed the evade from the skill” type buffs.
Woah… bro, holly kitten… where did you come up with the idea of swinging your greatsword around while the thief was stealthed…? Dude that’s a brilliant idea… Yo, you’re gonna cure cancer one day, I’m sure of it. And why were you moving around so much when the thief was stealthed… I don’t get that… It’s over my head… Isn’t standing the best thing to do in most cases…?
(Joking aside, nice video. Anti-thief QQ-er’s gonna hate ya)
MORE! gief more!! more of these! and then we can haz thief buffs?
Knowing Anet’s balancing, the buffs will be something like “bow 3 now deals 10% more damage, increased initiative cost by 1, removed the evade from the skill” type buffs.
DAMMMN, that’s a MAAASIVE buff. You shouldn’t give those so easily…
(Edited something out since AikijinX already brought it up… and got countered)
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
I definitely consider myself an above the average thief player, not the best but easily above average. I was the first thief in the video and I messed up. So does everyone. Doesn’t make me an average player or a bad one.
Everyone just needs to take away from this video is that even if a good thief messes up against an average or good opponent then there is a pretty good chance they will die.
And please explain why you were going around inside AoE field, the red-cicle with the house? You should never stay in AoE!
1.) He is a warrior.
2.) Shadow Refuge doesn’t inflict any conditions.
v To answer Zero without waiting 30 minutes for flood control:
1.) Chain attacks will advance if you clip a player in stealth. This let’s you know the thief is close enough to land a backstab.
2.) Moving around makes it drastically harder for a thief to land a backstab.
(edited by Zacchary.6183)
1.) He is a warrior.
2.) Shadow Refuge doesn’t inflict anything.
MIND BLOWING… can you explain why he swang his sword around while the thief was stealthed… or moved around instead of standing in one place … i still can don’t understand that…
v To answer Zero without waiting 30 minutes for flood control:1.) Chain attacks will advance if you clip a player in stealth. This let’s you know the thief is close enough to land a backstab.
2.) Moving around makes it drastically harder for a thief to land a backstab.
:P Thanks.
(Yeah, I had a 10 minute one at one point… There was a thread discussing about viewing infract points and so on… I posted there saying I had the 10 minute flood control, and if that would ever get removed. Next day I didn’t have it anymore… Don’t know if the consequence reached it’s end time, or they just removed it.)
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
Fighting a thief will also get easier if you play the profession for a bit. This is true for all cases, but more important here because counter to stealth is all hinged on experience.
I’ll admit I’m the thief in the first video :P GF by the way. But I really hated how your eviscerate was heat seeking at the end since I shadow stepped out of the way and you did a 180 turn and hit me for half my health :/
I support this video series because it shows that an expert thief can still easily die to someone who is relatively new to the Warrior if they mess one or two stills. ( Also shows the overpowered Warrior :P ) I really hope when people come here to complain about thieves we just show them a couple of videos of thieves being dominated by other classes
Having a video of thieves dieing to rangers would get the point across :P
Yea gf man I could tell you knew what you were doing and yes eviscerate is a heat seeking skill and will follow your target. Lots of professions have skills that will follow a thief even if he get behind you. Even single channeling abilities will still channel and hit a thief after he stealth but people make out thief is god mode and there is no way to fight them.
(edited by vincecontix.1264)
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
I definitely consider myself an above the average thief player, not the best but easily above average. I was the first thief in the video and I messed up. So does everyone. Doesn’t make me an average player or a bad one.Everyone just needs to take away from this video is that even if a good thief messes up against an average or good opponent then there is a pretty good chance they will die.
Don’t take the stab personally, I think it was more aimed at thieves in general to justify that we’re still OP by downplaying you in particular. Rather a kitten move…
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
The thing is though majority of thiefs are or should be easy kills but there has been an increase of qq lately (even after thief has been nerfed) people saying “thiefs are so op there is no way to fight them nerf!!!!!”. I intent to prove those players wrong.
Most players are not as good as they think they are, so when a player or multiple players die to a thief its inconceivable that they still need to learn a few things. To them its obvious thief is most OP thing in the game.
Any class build to duel can deal with thiefs easy, it mostly comes down to player skill.
Also if people are dying to an exceptional thiefs unless they are exceptional themselves ofc they should get beaten by superior skill.
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
I definitely consider myself an above the average thief player, not the best but easily above average. I was the first thief in the video and I messed up. So does everyone. Doesn’t make me an average player or a bad one.Everyone just needs to take away from this video is that even if a good thief messes up against an average or good opponent then there is a pretty good chance they will die.
I apologize, I in no way meant to personally insult you, I didn’t foresee you being part of the thief community forums. But to my defense i actually was contemplating putting in, “Although the first thief was by far better than the 2nd thief you dueled” blah blah blah.. Please take no offense my friend.
^^ Tricksy
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
The thing is though majority of thiefs are or should be easy kills but there has been an increase of qq lately (even after thief has been nerfed) people saying “thiefs are so op there is no way to fight them nerf!!!!!”. I intent to prove those players wrong.
Most players are not as good as they think they are, so when a player or multiple players die to a thief its inconceivable that they still need to learn a few things. To them its obvious thief is most OP thing in the game.
Any class build to duel can deal with thiefs easy, it mostly comes down to player skill.
Also if people are dying to an exceptional thiefs unless they are exceptional themselves ofc they should get beaten by superior skill.
Same tier lvl of skill vs same tier lvl= a fair fight. Average vs Scrub= bad fight, and not worth putting on video. Bottom line of it. (No insult intended, i’m speaking in general)
~to digress.. I hate YouTube hero’s, because they highlight the fights where they fight up levels or bad(easy) outnumbered (usually) fights in general
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
I definitely consider myself an above the average thief player, not the best but easily above average. I was the first thief in the video and I messed up. So does everyone. Doesn’t make me an average player or a bad one.Everyone just needs to take away from this video is that even if a good thief messes up against an average or good opponent then there is a pretty good chance they will die.
I apologize, I in no way meant to personally insult you, I didn’t foresee you being part of the thief community forums. But to my defense i actually was contemplating putting in, “Although the first thief was by far better than the 2nd thief you dueled” blah blah blah..
Please take no offense my friend.
What a sweet talker! Blushes
I really shouldn’t have taken the comment to heart, I am a thief after all and you need iron skin to survive the venomous comments that we get day to day.
I just had a bad day and I couldn’t shrug this comment off. So no offense taken :P
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
The same goes for all those vids of thieves beating people in WvW. Even in Yishi’s vids many opponents are pretty bad, let’s face it.
This does not show nor prove anything. The clips you had of your thief fights were against easy lackluster thieves that didn’t know how to play up to a thief’s true capability.
The same goes for all those vids of thieves beating people in WvW. Even in Yishi’s vids many opponents are pretty bad, let’s face it.
Curse those skill clickers and keyboard turners and people who don’t max their camera speed. It’s all their fault.
I just feel the need to point out that he did not fight any D/P Thieves who would have made things really difficult with constant Blind-spam.
Not on my watch.you know what, kitten it.
I deleted my thief for a few reasons:
1.) Trolls like those two, who are clearly trolling, are allowed to fill up an entire page of a serious topic with agenda-ridden lies plus 2 months worth of the same spam and not get banned.
2.) The developers listen to crying casualtastic baddies more than to the very people (me being one of them) who wasted most of their hours getting the most out of every part of thief gameplay. Since when is experience invalid?!
3.) The developers tried bull****ing us multiple times. MASSSSIVE +33% initiative regen (for a MASSSIVE 50% gain reduction)! Omg healing venom (a Signet of Malice for kittens on a kitten CD…. nope, venoms still suck. Would rather just use SoM.)!!! Oh and let’s not forget, we want you to be more engaged in combat so we made sword 2 unable to bypass stuns.
4.) Remember the last time we got a legitimate red post that actually showed genuine concern for the thief profession? I don’t.
5.) And then the mods dumped all of the thief QQ in the theif forums when they should have just deleted them.
6.) Then I get infraction after infraction for reminding scrubs they are bad players.
So let them damage the game further, I say.
this is true. anet / devs/ forum mods or w.e. doesnt want people to read this bc they wont spend more money in game. truth hurts. maybe they should stop nerfing every patch and start buffing weak areas. they only listen to a few QQers. do people hate stealth? yes. is it op? no. it would be if u could cap or do dmg while stealthed. is it as annoying as invulnerbity and protection and blocks? yes yes yes and yes! maybe we need to flood warriors/guards etc with QQ about blocks and how heavy PLATE wearing professions have more vigor than thieves wearing leather. yeah thats a real braniac move right there. but thieves get the vigor nerf. we cant even play outside of 1 v 1 without dying to incidental aka collateral dmg from other’s skills. 1 v 1still has no place in this game as i have yt to see. i still enjoy the style of my thief as it has the choice to be responsive in combat. other classes u just push skill A to take less dmg. i ahve to actually move react or counter with thief or im dead.
as i said before i can face tank
So let them damage the game further, I say.
:D And this is why you want the nerf wish list to come true!
Once the thief becomes a free-loot-bag-when-looked-at class, the QQ-ers will hopefully turn their attention to another class to make them into loot bags… Slowly but surely… Thieves will quit/leave/reroll… which will be hurtful to the game itself…
Thief already is a free lootbag. Just look at the video.
Thief already is a free lootbag. Just look at the video.
Well… I would agree … BUT
it’s still moving around. And I can’t just walk up to a thief and press F…
Thief already is a free lootbag. Just look at the video.
Well… I would agree … BUT
it’s still moving around. And I can’t just walk up to a thief and press F…
You need to mash 1 until the F button appears.
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