Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: franxi.6513


Why the character that by definition has to got the Higher singletarget damage DONT have it?

-Why one of the class that need more skill to play is so nerf now?

-Why everyclass can make critical damage with his Fskill (f1 warrior, shatter mesmer, necros, etc…) and thieves with steal DONT?

-Why everyclass has 1 way to counter thieves with “revealed” and thieves dont have counterskills to other class?

-Why you dont answer to thieves comunity to say that you care about thieves, and how do you think to make this class playable again in high level (making posible to duel)?

-Why there is no balance between thieves and another characters? Why you buff characters with top builds in the past (like meditation builds) now with ONESHOT traps?

-Why all the classes has blocks and invulnerabilities and thieves no?

-Why you HATE thieves?

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: senki.1046


Yes delete this class anet. Oh i forgot, they will never see any posts in thief’s forum

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Rezok.2709


Why the character that by definition has to got the Higher singletarget damage DONT have it?

And where is that definition from? Sure the single target damage should be higher than supporting professions or AoE damaging builds, but why should thief be THE highest single target? Why should, say, a LB ranger be worse than a thief? That’s just asking for your personal favourite profession to be god-mode.

-Why one of the class that need more skill to play is so nerf now?

While thief isn’t the easiest, it isn’t the hardest either. Now, playing it as main since the start I might not be a good example, but thief ain’t THAT hard to play, just need to understand their strength and weaknesses. I DO agree that thief got some problems atm, mainly in PvP (they seem fine for WvW and PvE), so does a lot of other professions. That’s just how MMORPG is.

-Why everyclass can make critical damage with his Fskill (f1 warrior, shatter mesmer, necros, etc…) and thieves with steal DONT?

Because it’s a different profession, obviously. Other professions don’t have backstab damage linked to their #1 skill. If thief got that you could just use trait for stealth on steal. Basilisk Venom pre-fight, steal into fight for half their hp and BV stun, then guaranteed backstab hit for the kill. (Like back when Mug were overpowered). That’s just stupid design.

-Why everyclass has 1 way to counter thieves with “revealed” and thieves dont have counterskills to other class?

Every profession does not have revealed. 4 profession does. And not even all of those 4 can play good builds that involves it.
How does thief NOT have counter to other people? Insane mobility (especially with the new DD traitline), great control and high damage. That’s enough already. Sure thief might be in a little tough place atm, but don’t forget they have been masters of 1v1 since release more or less. I think we can let other professions shine just a little for now.

-Why you dont answer to thieves comunity to say that you care about thieves, and how do you think to make this class playable again in high level (making posible to duel)?

Of course they intend to make it playable (which it already is). It’s not like they can just tune up thief and call it a day. It affects all of PvP and WvW if you buff one profession.

-Why there is no balance between thieves and another characters? Why you buff characters with top builds in the past (like meditation builds) now with ONESHOT traps?

It’s a whole new expansion. Of course things need tweeking, that’s how it is in every MMORPG. Remember it’s mere mortals making the game, it’s not as easy as sitting on a forum yelling about buffs and nerfs.

-Why all the classes has blocks and invulnerabilities and thieves no?

Because thieves are great at mobility, dodges and got stealth. You can’t have everything, why would you think thieves should have that? If every profession got everything, then what’s the difference between them?

-Why you HATE thieves?

Stop spreading hate.

There you go, answers to all your questions. Peace out.

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


Why should, say, a LB ranger be worse than a thief? That’s just asking for your personal favourite profession to be god-mode.

Ranger: Pet and invulnerability – Thief not. Give thief invulnerability and a companion (and then I could play ranger) and it would be even again.

While thief isn’t the easiest, it isn’t the hardest either. Now, playing it as main since the start I might not be a good example, but thief ain’t THAT hard to play, just need to understand their strength and weaknesses. I DO agree that thief got some problems atm, mainly in PvP (they seem fine for WvW and PvE), so does a lot of other professions. That’s just how MMORPG is.

The weird thing is that I kill thieves left and right in wvw recently. No matter their build, as a D/D thief who isn’t that much into fighting anymore anyway as it’s pretty useless (= I’m not giving “my best”)
So, I guess thief is hard to play. Otherwise every other build would defeat me.

Every profession does not have revealed. 4 profession does. And not even all of those 4 can play good builds that involves it.

Question is why it has been brought into the game without counterplay for the thief – that is a slap in the face.

How does thief NOT have counter to other people? Insane mobility (especially with the new DD traitline), great control and high damage. That’s enough already.

Problem is, you as a thief main should know that, that all other classes have invulnerability and dish out as much damage as thieves with backstab with a single skill.

Sure thief might be in a little tough place atm, but don’t forget they have been masters of 1v1 since release more or less. I think we can let other professions shine just a little for now.

I’m 1 vs 1 with thief for ~1,5 years, so basically since ferocity has been introduced – and during that time the class wasn’t the “master of 1 vs 1” but with some skill “even”. I don’t think that “letting other classes shine” because of poor balance is an argument.

Of course they intend to make it playable (which it already is). It’s not like they can just tune up thief and call it a day. It affects all of PvP and WvW if you buff one profession.

True, but some of the descisions of the June patch are petty poor – they should’ve seen that instead of bringing it into the game.

Because thieves are great at mobility, dodges and got stealth. You can’t have everything, why would you think thieves should have that? If every profession got everything, then what’s the difference between them?

Now you’re contradicting yourself: With revealed skills all thief has got is mobility with the “right” weapons and the “right build” so basically all you should equip is S/D and SB or Staff and SB – what about the rest of the builds? I’m not using ports – I don’t like the playstyle – so where’s my survivability?

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Cougre.6543


Because thieves are great at mobility, dodges and got stealth. You can’t have everything, why would you think thieves should have that? If every profession got everything, then what’s the difference between them?

This argument of thieves excelling at moving around and avoiding damage upsets me every time.
First of all, being the fastest doesn’t mean nearly as much as a lot of people make it out to mean. Yes, you can quickly move from node to node, but there aren’t always completely unattended enemy nodes for you to sit on, and even when they’re there, people can look at the minimap, see that it’s being captured and get there before you can finish capturing, forcing you to run because let’s face it; thieves are on the short end of the stick when it comes to fighting, effectively causing you to have wasted your time and leaving you unproductive.
Dodges? To help you fight people? Well, clearly they’re not doing their job because thief still can’t fight well. To help you run? See above.
Stealth also means kitten all. It’s mostly a mechanic that thief’s spike damage is locked behind. While in combat you’re not going to move a whole lot within five (or in a lot of cases even fewer) seconds of stealth, and the one stealth that lasts for a longer time is on a long cooldown, and generally best saved for running away and being useless when one gets tickled too hard.

The ability to run away will never redeem kitten poor combat capabilities when avoiding combat more often than not means you’re just wasting a space in the team comp.

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Gabriell.4856


Why the character that by definition has to got the Higher singletarget damage DONT have it?

And where is that definition from? Sure the single target damage should be higher than supporting professions or AoE damaging builds, but why should thief be THE highest single target? Why should, say, a LB ranger be worse than a thief? That’s just asking for your personal favourite profession to be god-mode.

-Why one of the class that need more skill to play is so nerf now?

While thief isn’t the easiest, it isn’t the hardest either. Now, playing it as main since the start I might not be a good example, but thief ain’t THAT hard to play, just need to understand their strength and weaknesses. I DO agree that thief got some problems atm, mainly in PvP (they seem fine for WvW and PvE), so does a lot of other professions. That’s just how MMORPG is.

-Why everyclass can make critical damage with his Fskill (f1 warrior, shatter mesmer, necros, etc…) and thieves with steal DONT?

Because it’s a different profession, obviously. Other professions don’t have backstab damage linked to their #1 skill. If thief got that you could just use trait for stealth on steal. Basilisk Venom pre-fight, steal into fight for half their hp and BV stun, then guaranteed backstab hit for the kill. (Like back when Mug were overpowered). That’s just stupid design.

-Why everyclass has 1 way to counter thieves with “revealed” and thieves dont have counterskills to other class?

Every profession does not have revealed. 4 profession does. And not even all of those 4 can play good builds that involves it.
How does thief NOT have counter to other people? Insane mobility (especially with the new DD traitline), great control and high damage. That’s enough already. Sure thief might be in a little tough place atm, but don’t forget they have been masters of 1v1 since release more or less. I think we can let other professions shine just a little for now.

-Why you dont answer to thieves comunity to say that you care about thieves, and how do you think to make this class playable again in high level (making posible to duel)?

Of course they intend to make it playable (which it already is). It’s not like they can just tune up thief and call it a day. It affects all of PvP and WvW if you buff one profession.

-Why there is no balance between thieves and another characters? Why you buff characters with top builds in the past (like meditation builds) now with ONESHOT traps?

It’s a whole new expansion. Of course things need tweeking, that’s how it is in every MMORPG. Remember it’s mere mortals making the game, it’s not as easy as sitting on a forum yelling about buffs and nerfs.

-Why all the classes has blocks and invulnerabilities and thieves no?

Because thieves are great at mobility, dodges and got stealth. You can’t have everything, why would you think thieves should have that? If every profession got everything, then what’s the difference between them?

-Why you HATE thieves?

Stop spreading hate.

There you go, answers to all your questions. Peace out.

Dec 14, 2012 Patch.


Thieves are the masters of mobility, stealth and high single target damage.

Basically, Anet said we are the master of high single target damage. Again, thief is the MASTER of high single target damage meaning no one should surpass the thief in this regard. Sadly, we are the student in terms of single target damage. Not even close to being a master.

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: xXBurningEmberXx.6085


m8… l2p… backstab can go as high as 12k (1 shotting most classes), stealth=escapes for dayz, blinds to never have a warrior hit you, shadowstep when stunned down, and shortbow/staff/dagger for insane mobility… learn to play thief before ranting on the forums

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: morgul.9276


m8… l2p… backstab can go as high as 12k (1 shotting most classes), stealth=escapes for dayz, blinds to never have a warrior hit you, shadowstep when stunned down, and shortbow/staff/dagger for insane mobility… learn to play thief before ranting on the forums

We’re playing different games then.
As I know this game is not based on 1v1 and warrior is too weak as well (not viable).
Mobility is only thing that allows thief to play in pvp, atleast after rev nerf.

The problem is that, thief was focused on stealth support and +1 in matches, now with those bunkers you can not burst single target quick enough.
It is funny to see when thief deals 5-6k by backstab and then target is invul and you must disengage, because support is comming and you can not be part of large team fight.
Comparing to revenant thief has like 0 dps with that sustain.
There is high risk and low reward, for example DH is like no risk and high reward :P

You probably have little experience as thief if you said something like that.

It is no coincidence that thieves are not playing in ESL, most of them reroll to something else.

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


m8… l2p… backstab can go as high as 12k (1 shotting most classes)

Out of the games current 9 classes, 6 of them have Base HP’s higher than 12k, meaning that “Most classes” can’t be 1 shot by a 12k backstab (which is also a highly suspect number in PvP). Only berskerker ammy wearing thieves, guardians, and ele’s (In effect, absolutely no one) could be 1 shotted by this mythical 12k backstab.

If you’re going to make things up when you post, at least require us to have more than a passing knowledge of the games most basic systems to disprove them.

What’s most unfortunate is, while this is most likely a troll post, if I didn’t take the time to point out how ridiculous it is, we’d have players believing this blindly due to their own desire to believe that thieves are broken.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

(edited by evilapprentice.6379)

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


A backstab hasn’t one shot a decent player in so long it is ridiculous. MAYBE an assassin’s signet→steal→mug→pulmonary impact→daze→stone→stealth→backstab can flatten a total glass build or newb but most classes these days shake that combo, heal and continue the fight. Even in that scenario a thief just burned every big hit they have and has to run.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Thief Higher Singletarget Burst/Damage

in Thief

Posted by: Daunt.8239


I fully support original poster.