Thief Newbie

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: Cureless.4672


Im a fresh level 80 thief and i wana roam in WvW as a scout & taking camps solo, i’ve been trying to dig up info on D/P but i couldn’t find much and i wasn’t sure if it was outdated or not

Could you guy’s help me out? I’m looking for a build/rotations and some basic tactics

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


This is what I use:;4Rw-1-J5R-Fd0;9;5TT9;205B49A5;3INl6L;9;0FS-A-6N

I was too lazy to add them, but the gear is full Berserker (except for a few Valkyrie and Cavalier pieces, but that’s just my preference).
There are also a few changes you can make, such as changing Fleet Shadow for Mug or Side Strikes for Furious Retaliation. If you’re having trouble with conditions, change Patience or Infusion of Shadow for Shadow’s Embrace.
The utility skills are also up to you, but I find those to be the most useful in every situation in WvW roaming.

Here are a few tips from my experience:

  • Always try to deduce what kind of opponent you’re facing from his signets, nourishment and weapons. With experience, you’ll learn to find the best target in a group of enemies and avoid fighting dangerous match-ups.
  • When there’s a corner or wall nearby, you ckittene it to Heartseeker through your Blinding Powder 4 times instead of 3.
  • Don’t panic. If you’re having difficulty against an opponent, remain calm. If you lose your patience, you’re bound to make a mistake. Just play smart and remember that you can escape easily from a fight with Shadow Refuge and/or your Shortbow.
  • Know your opponents. The better you know the enemy’s class, the more prepared you are for the fight.
  • Wait for the right moment to strike. Just rushing into a group of enemies randomly will make you lose your advantage as a thief. You can, however, go in briefly, have them attack you so you can figure out their playstyles/builds and then escape.

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


An alternative build would be the 2 6 0 0 6 build which is the D/P meta build for tpvp

The 0 6 6 2 0 build mentioned in the previous post is probably be the better choice for wvw having higher access to condi clear. The difference between both the builds is that the trickery build is a more offensive set whereas the shadow arts build is more passive

Knowing as you’ve just reached 80 with thief I would suggest giving the 2 6 0 0 6 build a try before the 0 6 6 2 0 build simply because I feel that it could leave you with some bad habits such as over reliance on stealth. A lot of new thieves just look for ways to stealth the moment the revealed debuff runs out instead of attacking. After you feel comfortable with the set feel free to use shadow arts

A few tips…

Infiltrators signet: Depending on the situation use it either offensively (a 900m ranged heartseeker/backstab) or defensively (as a stunbreaker).

Shadowstep: This skill is just wonderful! Use it as a stunbreaker, decieve a zerg, land backstabs and more trickery. The trick to playing a thief well is positioning and shadowstep helps you do that.

Shadow refuge: Try using it just before going down wink wink

Steal: With the 2 6 0 0 6 this useless non stunbreaking shadowstep becomes an ace up your sleeve. Try to land your steals accurately (since youve spent 6 points into it) and don’t use it the moment its off cooldown! Save it for your bursts, ripping stability and protection and more importantly interrupting game changing skills (heals and hammerstun :P)

PS. I hate shadow arts and I hope you couldn’t tell from reading the post

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: Cureless.4672


Thanks for the advice so far, i was mixing and matching from other builds and i came up with this

Would that work? I was watching some S/D videos and i was pretty hyped while watching, also i have around 3k badges should i use WvW gear or just get TP gear?
I’m worried about not being able to reclaim runes/sigils later on down the line because WvW gear cant be salavaged

Thief Newbie

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


If you’re not using shadow arts infiltrators signet would be better than blinding powder.

The build is lacking in damage for the D/P set especially after the crit damage nerf. You would fare fine against glassier enemies but the moment you come up against a guardian or a warrior who have invested a decent bit into toughness you might find yourself in a bit of a jam.

My build is full berserker since I get +3.5k HP from guard stacks. If you don’t have that available yet just use valk armour(only) to get to 14k hp.
High power is quite important for dagger mainhand since you want to be very bursty for which the assasins/cavalier gear and runes of the pack dont work too well. Runes of the pack are better suited for s/d since the swiftness on dodge from the acro traitline helps give perm swiftness.
Dont get wvw gear :p

Suppose runes of strength gets a super buff you will buy them for 100g and replace runes of scholar on it (24g) you cant salvage runes of scholar from the wvw armour so u lose the 24g. next thing you know runes of strength is nerfed and you will have to go back to scholar runes. Oh no! You can’t salvage 100g worth of runes?! And you have to buy 24g worth of runes of scholar again?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO