Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


>Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

hehehe boy are you in for a suprise

Ok so some attacks aren’t forces to miss but unless something’s been added since I last used blind its still constantly applyable and still causes a missed attack,

if this were true you’d see alot more….

$$$$$$$ LF 1 mes 1 thief (bring blinds) and 3 $$$$ZERKER WARRIORS$$$$$$ GEAR CHECK EXIOTIC ZERKER GEAR ONLY $$$$$$$$$ MONEY RUNS ALL DAY LONG$$$$$$

You thought thieves were useless (and might still do) until you saw some of the info in this thread. The people with the posts that don’t say need 1 thief are the kind of people who don’t know any better

Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Sometimes it seems like the ones that are the most critical/negative about a given profession are the practitioners of said profession. I haven’t been browsing the Thief forums for long, but Thieves having problems in PvE/dungeons, true or not, seems to be a common utterance around here, which is funny because Rangers, Engies, and Necros are constantly QQing about pretty much the same things, i.e. having people bail because there are too many of their profession, getting kicked from parties, etc. It kind of paints the picture that unless we’re playing Warriors, Guardians, or Mesmers, PvE/dungeons are pretty much not for us. And now I’m wondering if even those professions are complaining about similar things, i.e. “Aside from speed-running CoF, we have no purpose in life!” O_O

If you want to compare notes with Rangers on virtually the same subject:

Welcome to the “no trinity” setup where you dont need healers/tanks/dps but only dps and some classes which buff you.
Guardians excell at buffing others and taking some heat from enemies while Warriors are good for damage and Mesmers excell at buffs and damage. (Rune of Lyssa+Timewarp+Boonshare = every boon+quickness on your whole group)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


>(Rune of Lyssa+Timewarp+Boonshare = every boon+quickness on your whole group)

Warriors should already have fury the rest of the boons are defensive and dont mean much since pve is easy as hell, on top of it only lasting 5 seconds? it isn’t worth it to run those runes because if the mes was in full ruby orbs the amount of dps increase would obviously be greater than the 1 extra stack of might on those 4 warriors for 5 seconds.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


It was just an example for the buffs they can apply, but timewarp already gives quite a boost in damage. Mesmers even themself do tons of damage if they go zerker and put 3 phantasms out, they just need 25 sec to do so.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


>Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

hehehe boy are you in for a suprise

Ok so some attacks aren’t forces to miss but unless something’s been added since I last used blind its still constantly applyable and still causes a missed attack,

if this were true you’d see alot more….

$$$$$$$ LF 1 mes 1 thief (bring blinds) and 3 $$$$ZERKER WARRIORS$$$$$$ GEAR CHECK EXIOTIC ZERKER GEAR ONLY $$$$$$$$$ MONEY RUNS ALL DAY LONG$$$$$$

You thought thieves were useless (and might still do) until you saw some of the info in this thread. The people with the posts that don’t say need 1 thief are the kind of people who don’t know any better

Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

That could be said about every class though, unless they go full zerker they only bring in stuff that isn’t full zerker dps.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


>Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

hehehe boy are you in for a suprise

Ok so some attacks aren’t forces to miss but unless something’s been added since I last used blind its still constantly applyable and still causes a missed attack,

if this were true you’d see alot more….

$$$$$$$ LF 1 mes 1 thief (bring blinds) and 3 $$$$ZERKER WARRIORS$$$$$$ GEAR CHECK EXIOTIC ZERKER GEAR ONLY $$$$$$$$$ MONEY RUNS ALL DAY LONG$$$$$$

You thought thieves were useless (and might still do) until you saw some of the info in this thread. The people with the posts that don’t say need 1 thief are the kind of people who don’t know any better

Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

That could be said about every class though, unless they go full zerker they only bring in stuff that isn’t full zerker dps.

now you are getting it m8. zerker is the only thing people want in pve.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Consumables are more a crutch for missiong tools a character has… or doesnt has. The goal of Anet was probatly to promote more groupplay and more coopoerative play with the combofields, yet hardly anyone uses them as the gain of it just hardly isnt worth it.
Thieves have alot of combofinisher and access to all of them (hence I often see thieves as wrenches, tools to utilize other ones utility stronger), but the weakness of combofinisher defeats the purpose as thieves as enhancement for other ones utility skills.

Either buffing combofinishers to be VERY strong, or giving thieves more native combofields would help to give thieves better utility for their team.
Also stolen combofields are pretty random. Sometimes you get goo, sometimes the healing tree, sometimes only crap and with that it isnt reliable.

I already made a post about steal in the “Thief QQ thread”. The base idea was to give several possible steals of which you can slot 2-3 only. Like steal a heal skill, steal a CC, steal a dmg skill, …. with that you can use your steal more tactical and even use it for a little heal burst when you steal a waterfield. Further traits in trickery/acrobat/shadowarts/… could buff the duration and effect of certain steals and with that let the class feel more like a thief and not like a assassin with a serious case of cleptomania.

I have no idea what this guy is saying, stopped trying to read after the 1st paragraph. What I did get (I think) is that he doesn’t believe combo finishers are good enough. If that’s the case I didn’t know that giving the entire team 25 stacks of might, while doing solid dps to the boss, all in melee range wasn’t strong. Same deal with insane heals through water field, mass invis through smoke, frost and chaos armours in respectively fields, etc. And that’s ONLY IN BLAST FINISHERS! Thieves have access to every finisher and all but whirl are spammable (and can you guess which finisher is the worst of them all?)

Please stop people, just don’t comment until you at least look up the effects of fields and finishers. It’s a huge part of this game.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


>Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

hehehe boy are you in for a suprise

Ok so some attacks aren’t forces to miss but unless something’s been added since I last used blind its still constantly applyable and still causes a missed attack,

if this were true you’d see alot more….

$$$$$$$ LF 1 mes 1 thief (bring blinds) and 3 $$$$ZERKER WARRIORS$$$$$$ GEAR CHECK EXIOTIC ZERKER GEAR ONLY $$$$$$$$$ MONEY RUNS ALL DAY LONG$$$$$$

You thought thieves were useless (and might still do) until you saw some of the info in this thread. The people with the posts that don’t say need 1 thief are the kind of people who don’t know any better

Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

That could be said about every class though, unless they go full zerker they only bring in stuff that isn’t full zerker dps.

now you are getting it m8. zerker is the only thing people want in pve.

which really has no real bearing on a conversation about thief pve utility

As for the combofinishing debate it basically comes down to thieves have great finishers but not many initiators so we generally rely on others or consumables for them and they get overwritten etc

The whole point of combos is to reward those that actually work together to get the best buffs, if a team is overwriting combofields and not paying attention its intentional that they don’t get the benefits.

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


>Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

hehehe boy are you in for a suprise

Ok so some attacks aren’t forces to miss but unless something’s been added since I last used blind its still constantly applyable and still causes a missed attack,

if this were true you’d see alot more….

$$$$$$$ LF 1 mes 1 thief (bring blinds) and 3 $$$$ZERKER WARRIORS$$$$$$ GEAR CHECK EXIOTIC ZERKER GEAR ONLY $$$$$$$$$ MONEY RUNS ALL DAY LONG$$$$$$

You thought thieves were useless (and might still do) until you saw some of the info in this thread. The people with the posts that don’t say need 1 thief are the kind of people who don’t know any better

Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

That could be said about every class though, unless they go full zerker they only bring in stuff that isn’t full zerker dps.

now you are getting it m8. zerker is the only thing people want in pve.

which really has no real bearing on a conversation about thief pve utility

Title: Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Read my 1st post in this thread even tho its written sarcastically you should at least understand it. People do not care for blinds weakness or poison becuase without those things they can still faceroll the dungeon no problem. Its all about getting it done asap and warriors + mes does it best. A zerker d/d thief will do damage on par with warrior BUT from my expierence in dungeons most thieves are too bad/scared to run that build and try the “support” builds that really add nothing to the group besides kitten dps.

1. That is my build and I do survive along with having that sexy poison for regen bosses.

2. Blinds aren’t the only thing that thieves bring to the pt, not by a long shot.

3. People still don’t really know how to build a thief for pve because everyone is ALWAYS screaming thief sucks in pve, must kick now. Too many builds are being thrown around so most thieves don’t quite know what to do yet. There are support thieves because people always complain that thieves don’t bring enough to the pt, so those thieves decide they’ll bring the most to the pt… Then people complain their dps is trash.
People complain about zerker thieves dying all the time (that’s on the player and not the thief) so those same players go pvt to appease the ragers. Same problem, people complain that they do no dps…
Other thieves go condition tanky to try and do as much unmitigated dps towards bosses (assuming they don’t cleanse them) while staying tanky and not dying. That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

The fact is, stop raging at the thieves. If they found a build that works for them, they’ll do amazing things with it. It’s the community making the players feel obligated into changing their playstyle into something uncomfortable that’s making less skilled thieves show up in pve.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


yet your stance of anything but zerker gtfo is not about thief pve, nor is it really about anything but your own stance that farming is the only reason pve exists.

The thread is about how some people don’t realize that thieves aren’t just pure damage, the fact that they can be full zerker and still have a lot of support without dps sacrifice is just another example.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

Curious as to this part cheaper certainly, faster? I question that.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


You guys aren’t listening, the PvE content is the problem not thieves. It’s so mind numbingly easy that there is no need for anything but dps. I don’t know how else to explain it.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

Curious as to this part cheaper certainly, faster? I question that.

5 stacks for 4s instantly every time you shoot from stealth at the cost of no ini but the cnd. Passive bleeds on your aa for 4s. So you SHOULD be able to maintain 10+ stacks of bleed during the entire fight without the help of sigils or caltops or anything. Benefited by haste.

Death blossom is 3 stacks for 10s with no where else to get your stacks and at the cost of 5 ini and is harder to land against a moving target. This means you can maintain about 6 stacks at all times. NOT benefited by haste.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


You guys aren’t listening, the PvE content is the problem not thieves. It’s so mind numbingly easy that there is no need for anything but dps. I don’t know how else to explain it.

Precisely. Imo, bring back the BWE1 difficult, so those almighty melee dpsers will feel it on their skins

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


Guys i go 5 man thief party all venom share. Now lets talk about basilicum venom and how broken it is on any boss. You team will perma stun that mofo :P

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


You guys aren’t listening, the PvE content is the problem not thieves. It’s so mind numbingly easy that there is no need for anything but dps. I don’t know how else to explain it.

I am shocked when I opened my post this afternoon and saw 1000+view and 50+replies.
Here I draw a conclusion:
Above is the shortest( lol ) but most convincible insight I have ever seen. This explained a lot when post are most of “lf full zerk war only , gear check”(which really makes me sick.)
I will keeping enjoy my full zerk thief , which is going D/D and P/P , and will not hesitate to quit the party yelling “zerk war only plz”. Because those ppl dont worth to play with anyway. You will only see “lfm, all class, just EXPed and nice plz” in
That is me posting.
peace out.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


I have no idea what this guy is saying, stopped trying to read after the 1st paragraph. What I did get (I think) is that he doesn’t believe combo finishers are good enough. If that’s the case I didn’t know that giving the entire team 25 stacks of might, while doing solid dps to the boss, all in melee range wasn’t strong. Same deal with insane heals through water field, mass invis through smoke, frost and chaos armours in respectively fields, etc. And that’s ONLY IN BLAST FINISHERS! Thieves have access to every finisher and all but whirl are spammable (and can you guess which finisher is the worst of them all?)

Please stop people, just don’t comment until you at least look up the effects of fields and finishers. It’s a huge part of this game.

Thank you for showing that you have not the slightest clue about Combofinishers. I already explained it to you once in another thread but here we go again!

Dark field:
Blast finishers only apply blindness which is useless against bosses.

Blast finishers only apply chaos armor which is useless against bosses as you dont want to get hit in the first place.

Best field for blast finishers due to 3 stacks of might.

Blast finishers give frost armor, which gives a 10% reduction of incomming damage. It is kinda nice but not worth to focus on it.

Retal, useless against bosses as you dont want to get hit in the first place.

Blast finishers give AoE swiftness… seriously swiftness at bossfights? Hardly usefull to focus on it again.

Weakness on a blast, useless on bosses, except you want to play russian roulette.

Stealth, has its use to get past trash, usefullness dimishes at boss fights.

Healing at blast finishers and with that finally a usefull field again.

So congratulation out of 9 possible combofields, 2 dont suck kitten

Projectile and leap finisher often dont offer anything for your team either and are rather there for your team to apply passive some stuff. Again its not worth to focus on these tiny stuff you can apply with that.

Except 2 fields, blast in combofields suck and are mainly meant for your team to apply passive some stuff and dont care about its effect.
Maybe if you play Trash Wars 2 and enjoy the fight against trash mobs and go afk at the boss fight, you might find combofields and blinds and weakness usefull.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


Venom share build is op when will you ever learn that :P

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

Curious as to this part cheaper certainly, faster? I question that.

5 stacks for 4s instantly every time you shoot from stealth at the cost of no ini but the cnd. Passive bleeds on your aa for 4s. So you SHOULD be able to maintain 10+ stacks of bleed during the entire fight without the help of sigils or caltops or anything. Benefited by haste.

Death blossom is 3 stacks for 10s with no where else to get your stacks and at the cost of 5 ini and is harder to land against a moving target. This means you can maintain about 6 stacks at all times. NOT benefited by haste.

can’t really ignore the CnD cost which is higher than deathblossom and gives you a 3 a 3 second cooldown meaning you can apply 5 stacks for 4 seconds every 3-4 seconds meaning you won’t really keep many stacks on for very long.

It would even out if it wasn’t for the long duration of the deathblossom bleeds in 10 seconds you will regen at least 7 initiative so you can easily maintain your stacks, throw in any extra initiative gains (or max init) and you can keep just as much on and such.

Personally I’ve tried using pistol for bleed stacking but found I wasn’t hitting the 25 stacks I am with d/d and with a bit less options that fit my style.

Plus no poison without switching weapons

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Panacea why do you think blind is useless vs boss? And weakness? because the person getting hit wont be glad of taking less damage right?

and saying those armours are useless because you don’t want to get hit… what about the person who is actually getting hit and is the one actually getting these buffs?

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Guys i go 5 man thief party all venom share. Now lets talk about basilicum venom and how broken it is on any boss. You team will perma stun that mofo :P

except for venom share is a terrible build since it sacrifices TONS of dps just so everyone in a what? 1 inch range from you (maybe 1 person) gets venoms?Unless you got everyone organized and in vent, but that brings us to my point that PvE is just too easy and these “support” builds don’t matter because the only difference you are making is that boss fights now take 15 seconds longer because your dps is low. besides basilisk most are awful, shortbow poison fields pretty much do it way better.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Panacea why do you think blind is useless vs boss?

because bosses are for the most part 99% im guessing completely and uterrly immune to blinds.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


Guys i go 5 man thief party all venom share. Now lets talk about basilicum venom and how broken it is on any boss. You team will perma stun that mofo :P

except for venom share is a terrible build since it sacrifices TONS of dps just so everyone in a what? 1 inch range from you (maybe 1 person) gets venoms?Unless you got everyone organized and in vent, but that brings us to my point that PvE is just too easy and these “support” builds don’t matter because the only difference you are making is that boss fights now take 15 seconds longer because your dps is low. besides basilisk most are awful, shortbow poison fields pretty much do it way better.

Tons dps sacrifice hahaha. You sacrifice 0 dps because with so many venom sharing you will have 25 stacks of might… Not to mention stun lock boss for 25 sec. You still run full zerker gear.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Panacea why do you think blind is useless vs boss?

because bosses are for the most part 99% im guessing completely and uterrly immune to blinds.

since when exactly? unshakeable makes it 10% effective thats not immunity and considering a thief if they want can keep it up permenately its still a fair effect.

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Panacea why do you think blind is useless vs boss? And weakness? because the person getting hit wont be glad of taking less damage right?

and saying those armours are useless because you don’t want to get hit… what about the person who is actually getting hit and is the one actually getting these buffs?

Blindness works only in 10% of all cases and weakness:

" 50% of Non Critical hits are glancing blows (50% damage)"

That means that only 50% of all this which are not critcal will do half the damage. So it is rather a coinflip if the boss does pretty low damage or just one shots you. Hence I call it russian roulette.

And about the armor.
The person who is actually getting hit will either die or need to pull back. Means they maybe applied a little burn on the boss while dying for it. Bad tradeoff if you ask me.
Only frost armor is halfway decent there as it lowers the incomming damage for 10%… I’m just not sure if it stacks with protection.

(edited by Panacea.4927)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


if the person being attacked is being one shot by the bosses normal attacks you have bigger issues than weakness only effecting 1/2 the hits.

Heck if there getting 1 shot by the bosses special attacks you STILL have bigger issues than weakness only affecting 1/2 the hits

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


25 seconds stun lock = 25 / 1.5 (17 applications) 5 people doing this once every 40 seconds means its taking you over 2 minutes to kill a boss (warriors take 8-14 seconds on CoF sub bosses and no more thakittenseconds on final boss), and this is the PERFECT case scenario were everyone moves into you when your venom’s are off cd (losing dps doing so). and yes believe it or not putting 30 points into a defensive tree does hurt your dps considerably. Same thing for 25 stacks of might.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Thank you for showing that you have not the slightest clue about Combofinishers. I already explained it to you once in another thread but here we go again!

Dark field:
Blast finishers only apply blindness which is useless against bosses.

Stealth, has its use to get past trash, usefullness dimishes at boss fights.

Healing at blast finishers and with that finally a usefull field again.

So congratulation out of 9 possible combofields, 2 dont suck kitten

Projectile and leap finisher often dont offer anything for your team either and are rather there for your team to apply passive some stuff. Again its not worth to focus on these tiny stuff you can apply with that.

Except 2 fields, blast in combofields suck and are mainly meant for your team to apply passive some stuff and dont care about its effect.
Maybe if you play Trash Wars 2 and enjoy the fight against trash mobs and go afk at the boss fight, you might find combofields and blinds and weakness usefull.

Smoke + Blast = 5 seconds regeneration, if traited.

And don’t forget the most powerful support skill we have: Shadow Refuge

It heals + 5 seconds regen (traited) + dark combo field + physical projectile finisher (life leech) = GG everyone using ranged attack in the field is now full HP again.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Thank you for showing that you have not the slightest clue about Combofinishers. I already explained it to you once in another thread but here we go again!

Dark field:
Blast finishers only apply blindness which is useless against bosses.

Stealth, has its use to get past trash, usefullness dimishes at boss fights.

Healing at blast finishers and with that finally a usefull field again.

So congratulation out of 9 possible combofields, 2 dont suck kitten

Projectile and leap finisher often dont offer anything for your team either and are rather there for your team to apply passive some stuff. Again its not worth to focus on these tiny stuff you can apply with that.

Except 2 fields, blast in combofields suck and are mainly meant for your team to apply passive some stuff and dont care about its effect.
Maybe if you play Trash Wars 2 and enjoy the fight against trash mobs and go afk at the boss fight, you might find combofields and blinds and weakness usefull.

Smoke + Blast = 5 seconds regeneration, if traited.

And don’t forget the most powerful support skill we have: Shadow Refuge

It heals + 5 seconds regen (traited) + dark combo field + physical projectile finisher (life leech) = GG everyone using ranged attack in the field is now full HP again.

the heals are terrible, and any thief stacking cleric gear should reconsider his class choice. Shadow refuge is only good bc it pulls aggro off whoever is in it allow you to heal them (like the 1k heal means much when boss aoe hits for 3-5k?).

the leech is also low (200 or so?) and the field only lasts around 3 seconds, and you have to be in posistion for it, which isnt always possible.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


^ What Zepidel said.

Dark fields life drain only is usefull if you can use a projectile spamming ability like rapid shot, unload or sneak attack through it, which not all classes have.

Setting it up for others to regen enough life with that leech also requires more coordination as the outcome is worth it.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Thank you for showing that you have not the slightest clue about Combofinishers. I already explained it to you once in another thread but here we go again!

and thank you for showing us that you have no idea how to use boons and fields properly vs bosses and other content

Dark field:
Blast finishers only apply blindness which is useless against bosses.

Blast finishers only apply chaos armor which is useless against bosses as you dont want to get hit in the first place.

Best field for blast finishers due to 3 stacks of might.

Blast finishers give frost armor, which gives a 10% reduction of incomming damage. It is kinda nice but not worth to focus on it.

Retal, useless against bosses as you dont want to get hit in the first place.

Blast finishers give AoE swiftness… seriously swiftness at bossfights? Hardly usefull to focus on it again.

Weakness on a blast, useless on bosses, except you want to play russian roulette.

Stealth, has its use to get past trash, usefullness dimishes at boss fights.

Healing at blast finishers and with that finally a usefull field again.

So congratulation out of 9 possible combofields, 2 dont suck kitten

Projectile and leap finisher often dont offer anything for your team either and are rather there for your team to apply passive some stuff. Again its not worth to focus on these tiny stuff you can apply with that.

Dark: don’t need to apply that blindness to bosses, you apply that blindness to the mobs on the way to bosses, you know, the kind you CAN’T SKIP like in cliffside, ac p1 burrows, ta spiders and wardens, etc.

Ethereal: What are you talking about? Use PROJECTILE FINISHER here for the CONFUSION STACKS. That or leap finisher for the chaos armor or the whirl finisher for the confusing bolts.

Fire: Also has burning on projectile and whirl, fire aura (might when you get hit, dmg to boss, and pretty sure dmg mitigation). Don’t need to spam that cluster bomb if your team already has high stacks.

Ice: Only need the 1 for the armor for the team then go back to dpsing the boss. Also when the boss hits a guy with that armor, it gets chilled. You actually got that one right!

Light: isn’t optimal but if you’re already using finishers in the vicinity, mine as well poor our some boons. Some classes deal more dps per boon on them.

Lightning: Use it in combo after smoke field to super speed your team as you run past stuff to get to the bosses. If that’s not good enough, whirl is cleansing bolts, projectile is cure conditions.

Poison: Weakness doesn’t mean you stand and tank the hits, hell protection doesn’t mean that either. It just means that IF you do get hit, it won’t be so bad. Always useful.

Smoke: Drop a smoke field near downed guy and spam blast, boss is now deagroed off you for long enough for you to res the guy in safety. If you use smoke screen, added protection from projectiles while doing same thing. Use hs through it to do dmg with the hs then do a back stab. Smoke field now adds dps.

Water: Healing, nuff said. Did you know using leap finisher here

With that said, we have 8 fields out of 9 that are amazing 5-6 that are good-great vs bosses. Thanks again for demonstrating that you truly knew nothing about the usefulness of fields and finishers. Hopefully now you know the rest of the story (sorry, inside joke)

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


is there a combo field that procs 100 blades? no? combo fields are useless then.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

Curious as to this part cheaper certainly, faster? I question that.

5 stacks for 4s instantly every time you shoot from stealth at the cost of no ini but the cnd. Passive bleeds on your aa for 4s. So you SHOULD be able to maintain 10+ stacks of bleed during the entire fight without the help of sigils or caltops or anything. Benefited by haste.

Death blossom is 3 stacks for 10s with no where else to get your stacks and at the cost of 5 ini and is harder to land against a moving target. This means you can maintain about 6 stacks at all times. NOT benefited by haste.

can’t really ignore the CnD cost which is higher than deathblossom and gives you a 3 a 3 second cooldown meaning you can apply 5 stacks for 4 seconds every 3-4 seconds meaning you won’t really keep many stacks on for very long.

It would even out if it wasn’t for the long duration of the deathblossom bleeds in 10 seconds you will regen at least 7 initiative so you can easily maintain your stacks, throw in any extra initiative gains (or max init) and you can keep just as much on and such.

Personally I’ve tried using pistol for bleed stacking but found I wasn’t hitting the 25 stacks I am with d/d and with a bit less options that fit my style.

Plus no poison without switching weapons

I think you’re confusing CnD with backstab. It doesn’t matter where you land the CnD, it will give you invis. You will have to be in generally the same range as death blossom as you would to land CnD. Also with traited gain 2 ini on invis, it’s only 4 ini cost… and that ini WILL regenerate in the time it’s ready to be cast again.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Guys i go 5 man thief party all venom share. Now lets talk about basilicum venom and how broken it is on any boss. You team will perma stun that mofo :P

except for venom share is a terrible build since it sacrifices TONS of dps just so everyone in a what? 1 inch range from you (maybe 1 person) gets venoms?Unless you got everyone organized and in vent, but that brings us to my point that PvE is just too easy and these “support” builds don’t matter because the only difference you are making is that boss fights now take 15 seconds longer because your dps is low. besides basilisk most are awful, shortbow poison fields pretty much do it way better.

if even half the people are meleeing then 3 people get venom guaranteed

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


the heals are terrible, and any thief stacking cleric gear should reconsider his class choice. Shadow refuge is only good bc it pulls aggro off whoever is in it allow you to heal them (like the 1k heal means much when boss aoe hits for 3-5k?).

the leech is also low (200 or so?) and the field only lasts around 3 seconds, and you have to be in posistion for it, which isnt always possible.

3-4 shots out of the field and just standing in the field gives you around 2500 health, WITHOUT CLERICS.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


That’s when people start seeing the thief doing nothing but stacking bleeds at ranged (stacks faster and cheaper than daggers) and immediately jump to the conclusion that they’re pvp thieves with no reason to be in pve.

Curious as to this part cheaper certainly, faster? I question that.

5 stacks for 4s instantly every time you shoot from stealth at the cost of no ini but the cnd. Passive bleeds on your aa for 4s. So you SHOULD be able to maintain 10+ stacks of bleed during the entire fight without the help of sigils or caltops or anything. Benefited by haste.

Death blossom is 3 stacks for 10s with no where else to get your stacks and at the cost of 5 ini and is harder to land against a moving target. This means you can maintain about 6 stacks at all times. NOT benefited by haste.

can’t really ignore the CnD cost which is higher than deathblossom and gives you a 3 a 3 second cooldown meaning you can apply 5 stacks for 4 seconds every 3-4 seconds meaning you won’t really keep many stacks on for very long.

It would even out if it wasn’t for the long duration of the deathblossom bleeds in 10 seconds you will regen at least 7 initiative so you can easily maintain your stacks, throw in any extra initiative gains (or max init) and you can keep just as much on and such.

Personally I’ve tried using pistol for bleed stacking but found I wasn’t hitting the 25 stacks I am with d/d and with a bit less options that fit my style.

Plus no poison without switching weapons

I think you’re confusing CnD with backstab. It doesn’t matter where you land the CnD, it will give you invis. You will have to be in generally the same range as death blossom as you would to land CnD. Also with traited gain 2 ini on invis, it’s only 4 ini cost… and that ini WILL regenerate in the time it’s ready to be cast again.

the sneak attack that applys the 3 second cooldown still, my point still stands though cheaper sure, faster? not really and definitely not as easy to keep up.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


the sneak attack that applys the 3 second cooldown still, my point still stands though cheaper sure, faster? not really and definitely not as easy to keep up.

Understandable, just feel like you’re under shooting pistol aa if all you want is the bleed stacks. You can get stealth from other sources if you need it or can blink to your target many ways to land that CnD.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


the heals are terrible, and any thief stacking cleric gear should reconsider his class choice. Shadow refuge is only good bc it pulls aggro off whoever is in it allow you to heal them (like the 1k heal means much when boss aoe hits for 3-5k?).

the leech is also low (200 or so?) and the field only lasts around 3 seconds, and you have to be in posistion for it, which isnt always possible.

3-4 shots out of the field and just standing in the field gives you around 2500 health, WITHOUT CLERICS.


Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


one 4s bleed every half second means at base you can maintain 7-8 bleeds with Auto attacks, with sneak attack being five 4s bleeds every 4.5 seconds you don’t really keep many bleeds on with that.

It has its uses but for my playstyle it doesn’t fit and its not really faster just cheaper

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091



Nice cap lock. Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive? The fact remains 1 thief utility gives the same healing and more utility as 2 warrior shouts. If you’re low and your heal is down, just don’t attack through the field, gain the invis, and run to safety. I don’t understand why everything has to be guardian book with you. Do I have to take manual control over your keyboard and hit your dodge and heal buttons for you too?

Anyways I’m tired of trying to teach close minded people like you the difference between fact and common misconception. I tried to use facts but you shut your mind to actual points. You do this because you are mentally 12 years old so you must be right about anything and everything. If you aren’t right, call someone an idiot until everyone else thinks you’re right. I’m just going to put you on my blocks list and hopefully we don’t ever have to talk again.

I’m sorry if I offended anybody here who was trying to have intelligent ideas/debates/conversations. I got pulled into something I should have been smarter to avoid.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Sifu.6527


Aegis = Stops 1 hit on you, generally not applyable that often

Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

Not sure how aegis is better…

Please do the following.

Look at the champ boss.

LOOK and READ the buffs that the boss has.

Proceed to /facepalm

(edited by Sifu.6527)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349



Nice cap lock. Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive? The fact remains 1 thief utility gives the same healing and more utility as 2 warrior shouts. If you’re low and your heal is down, just don’t attack through the field, gain the invis, and run to safety. I don’t understand why everything has to be guardian book with you. Do I have to take manual control over your keyboard and hit your dodge and heal buttons for you too?

SR should ONLY be used to res someone not for a kittenty heal. what does any of that even have to do with me? Ofc i know how to dodge and heal im pretty sure somewhere in this thread I’ve said gw2 is all about active mitigation via dodge/block/invuln , another reason why full zerker is superior over the terrible passive mitigation you would get from grabbing vit/toughness.

> Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive?

no that’s the point using it as a heal is utterly useless.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Aegis = Stops 1 hit on you, generally not applyable that often

Blind = Stops 1 hit from the boss, reapplyable almost constantly.

Not sure how aegis is better…

Please do the following.

Look at the champ boss.

LOOK and READ the buffs that the boss have.

Proceed to /facepalm

10% efficiency doesnt mean it doesnt still block a bosses attack, just means it only blocks 1 in 10, considering you can keep blind up permenately if you wanted thats 10% less damage statistically, how often can you get aegis up hmm?

And thats only statistically depending on luck it could still work every time.

(edited by Dasorine.1964)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091



Nice cap lock. Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive? The fact remains 1 thief utility gives the same healing and more utility as 2 warrior shouts. If you’re low and your heal is down, just don’t attack through the field, gain the invis, and run to safety. I don’t understand why everything has to be guardian book with you. Do I have to take manual control over your keyboard and hit your dodge and heal buttons for you too?

SR should ONLY be used to res someone not for a kittenty heal. what does any of that even have to do with me? Ofc i know how to dodge and heal im pretty sure somewhere in this thread I’ve said gw2 is all about active mitigation via dodge/block/invuln , another reason why full zerker is superior over the terrible passive mitigation you would get from grabbing vit/toughness.

> Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive?

no that’s the point using it as a heal is utterly useless.

so using it to keep someone from going down is a dumber move than using it after someone went down? Also how about on teams where people don’t go down? Why have it there if you’re never going to use it?

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349



Nice cap lock. Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive? The fact remains 1 thief utility gives the same healing and more utility as 2 warrior shouts. If you’re low and your heal is down, just don’t attack through the field, gain the invis, and run to safety. I don’t understand why everything has to be guardian book with you. Do I have to take manual control over your keyboard and hit your dodge and heal buttons for you too?

SR should ONLY be used to res someone not for a kittenty heal. what does any of that even have to do with me? Ofc i know how to dodge and heal im pretty sure somewhere in this thread I’ve said gw2 is all about active mitigation via dodge/block/invuln , another reason why full zerker is superior over the terrible passive mitigation you would get from grabbing vit/toughness.

> Are you really getting hit that often that you need 10k heals every 5s to survive?

no that’s the point using it as a heal is utterly useless.

so using it to keep someone from going down is a dumber move than using it after someone went down? Also how about on teams where people don’t go down? Why have it there if you’re never going to use it?

Becuase the heal is terrible it wont save someone, using it on them wile they are alive they will most likely attack etc… breaking invis and the boss will proceed to kitten them. But if you waited till then downed then cloaked them and ressed it was put to much better use. SR is always kept on a utility bar for that exact situation, it means ya you probably wont be using it much.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Dark: don’t need to apply that blindness to bosses, you apply that blindness to the mobs on the way to bosses, you know, the kind you CAN’T SKIP like in cliffside, ac p1 burrows, ta spiders and wardens, etc.

So you play Trash Wars 2? Good to know. Trash is not dangerous and shouldnt wipe a team, except they are bad.

Ethereal: What are you talking about? Use PROJECTILE FINISHER here for the CONFUSION STACKS. That or leap finisher for the chaos armor or the whirl finisher for the confusing bolts.

We were talking about the uselessness of combofields as utility. I dont call a field which you drop and be fine with it as utility, its more a “well just drop it and dont care” stuff. Basicly all combo fields do something tiny when you shoot through it but again, it is something tiny which you drop and do not care about in the end.
And chaos armor sucks as you dont want to get hit, except you play your Trash Wars 2 and whirl finishers shoot bolts out in random directions, so you maybe dont hit anything with it.

Fire: Also has burning on projectile and whirl, fire aura (might when you get hit, dmg to boss, and pretty sure dmg mitigation). Don’t need to spam that cluster bomb if your team already has high stacks.

Like above at Ethereal, drop it and dont care as its a little gimmik you apply. Fire armor also doesnt mitigate damage
So thanks for agreeing that you play Trash Wars 2 and get hit by trash to get might stacks.

Ice: Only need the 1 for the armor for the team then go back to dpsing the boss. Also when the boss hits a guy with that armor, it gets chilled. You actually got that one right!

The forst armor doesnt last that long and cant be reliable applied. Applying it also drops your own dps, as you just stated and with that hinders your team. Furthermore you need a halfway coordinated team for it but again, if your team is halfway coordinated then they dont need frost armor as they will have other tools at their disposal which are easier accessable.

Light: isn’t optimal but if you’re already using finishers in the vicinity, mine as well poor our some boons. Some classes deal more dps per boon on them.

At least you agree now that combofields and finishers are mainly stuff you dont care about and take its passiv effect while not really working for it. Drop the field and some random stuff will happen which isnt bad, but not really good either.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Panacea.4927


Lightning: Use it in combo after smoke field to super speed your team as you run past stuff to get to the bosses. If that’s not good enough, whirl is cleansing bolts, projectile is cure conditions.

And again we fight Trash Wars 2, or rather Skip Wars in this case. The swiftness is pretty unimportant at bossfights and only helps you to a minor part, with kiting a boss.
Cleansing bolts and projectiles are again a “drop it and dont care” approach.

Poison: Weakness doesn’t mean you stand and tank the hits, hell protection doesn’t mean that either. It just means that IF you do get hit, it won’t be so bad. Always useful.

Wrong, it means that you play a revolver on your head and hope that the bullet isnt in the chamber. Weakness is unreliable and unreliable things are not desired at bossfights.

Smoke: Drop a smoke field near downed guy and spam blast, boss is now deagroed off you for long enough for you to res the guy in safety. If you use smoke screen, added protection from projectiles while doing same thing. Use hs through it to do dmg with the hs then do a back stab. Smoke field now adds dps.

We were talking about combo finishers and not smokescreen, so please dont mix up topics.
Smokefields offer only stealth if you do a leap or blast finisher through it. It can help to drop agro at a downed person, but why stealthing in the first place if the boss is melee? You will just get yourself revealed. It might help at projectiles though but the time to set it up doesnt justify the outcome again. You will be better of doing something else as thief like refugee, blinding powder, smoke screen as projectile block.
Smoke fields are another source to get into stealth for thieves but dont offer much utility in bossfights.

Water: Healing, nuff said. Did you know using leap finisher here

Nice to see that you basicly ignore everything I wrote and claim me wrong. I already told you that water is one of the not sucky combo fields, but hey, you need to be right no matter what, dont you?

With that said, we have 8 fields out of 9 that are amazing 5-6 that are good-great vs bosses. Thanks again for demonstrating that you truly knew nothing about the usefulness of fields and finishers. Hopefully now you know the rest of the story (sorry, inside joke)

And you have shown us that you have no clue about usefullness and just look blandly at some words and numbers and think it is great.
When combofinishers are so great, who does no one uses them active and just takes their passiv effect and is fine with it? Its simple, combo finishers do suck and only Trash Wars 2 players find them all good and usefull.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Lightning: Use it in combo after smoke field to super speed your team as you run past stuff to get to the bosses. If that’s not good enough, whirl is cleansing bolts, projectile is cure conditions.

And again we fight Trash Wars 2, or rather Skip Wars in this case. The swiftness is pretty unimportant at bossfights and only helps you to a minor part, with kiting a boss.
Cleansing bolts and projectiles are again a “drop it and dont care” approach.

Poison: Weakness doesn’t mean you stand and tank the hits, hell protection doesn’t mean that either. It just means that IF you do get hit, it won’t be so bad. Always useful.

Wrong, it means that you play a revolver on your head and hope that the bullet isnt in the chamber. Weakness is unreliable and unreliable things are not desired at bossfights.

Smoke: Drop a smoke field near downed guy and spam blast, boss is now deagroed off you for long enough for you to res the guy in safety. If you use smoke screen, added protection from projectiles while doing same thing. Use hs through it to do dmg with the hs then do a back stab. Smoke field now adds dps.

We were talking about combo finishers and not smokescreen, so please dont mix up topics.
Smokefields offer only stealth if you do a leap or blast finisher through it. It can help to drop agro at a downed person, but why stealthing in the first place if the boss is melee? You will just get yourself revealed. It might help at projectiles though but the time to set it up doesnt justify the outcome again. You will be better of doing something else as thief like refugee, blinding powder, smoke screen as projectile block.
Smoke fields are another source to get into stealth for thieves but dont offer much utility in bossfights.

Water: Healing, nuff said. Did you know using leap finisher here

Nice to see that you basicly ignore everything I wrote and claim me wrong. I already told you that water is one of the not sucky combo fields, but hey, you need to be right no matter what, dont you?

With that said, we have 8 fields out of 9 that are amazing 5-6 that are good-great vs bosses. Thanks again for demonstrating that you truly knew nothing about the usefulness of fields and finishers. Hopefully now you know the rest of the story (sorry, inside joke)

And you have shown us that you have no clue about usefullness and just look blandly at some words and numbers and think it is great.
When combofinishers are so great, who does no one uses them active and just takes their passiv effect and is fine with it? Its simple, combo finishers do suck and only Trash Wars 2 players find them all good and usefull.

exactly im not going to stop dpsing the boss to go leap or w/e in a combo field to gain lets say retaliation so if the boss does hit me that sucker will feel the full MIGHT of 300 damage returning off his 5k atk. Wont he feel dumb?

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Even if the thief is not the best support or dpser out there, who cares again? There’s no end game here, but for some reason people need to finish the content in the minimun time possible, even if that means rejecting any player that doesn’t play a zerker warrior/support guardian. Grind for the grinders, I guess…

“We need dem goldz to buy our legendariez, that are no different from our exotics! Why? Coz i need to show my e -peepee off in Lions Arch!
I can’t stand losing 5 mins of my life, coz mr. thief there can’t hit as hard as my 100b!”

Sigh…No wonder I have stopped playing PVE since Cursed Shores