Thief Specialization: Burglar

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: lordhelmos.7623


Hi all,

Since specializations are coming, here’s an fun idea that I wanted throw out for the thief.


By becoming a burglar, the thief throws out all of the finesse that comes with being a normal thief. Burglars rely on brute force and dirty tactics to subdue their enemies and rob them blind. Burglars always work in a team so if you see one, chances are the other has already got you set up.


Burglars gain access to the mainhand mace. The “Trickery” trait line is replaced by the “Organized Crime” trait line. Organized Crime increases the effectiveness of the henchman as described below.


When becoming a burglar, the thief’s steal is replaced by a fat henchman that always follows you “the boss” in stealth. The henchman must be fat, that is a MUST.

The henchman has two simple controls. F1 shadow steps the henchman to your target and has it stalk them. F2 returns the henchman to you. The henchman shadow steps up to 900m when commanded and runs the rest of the way if the target is too far.

The henchman cannot be seen by the enemy unless revealed and does not interact with the environment or take damage unless skills that activate it are used. Henchmen become vulnerable if revealed (i.e. stealth trap) and can be CC’ed but not killed.

All of the Burglar’s new slot skills and some weapon skills utilize the fat henchman. For example, one skill might cause the henchmen to grab your enemy and immobilize them. If the grab is successful the burglar can shadow step to the enemy for a follow up.


Swap: Break stun and swap places with your henchman.

“Get him!” > Beatdown: Your henchman unstealths and attempts to grapple the enemy, immobilizing them. If the enemy is struck you can press the key again to shadow step to your target.

Choke: You henchman unstealths and chokes your foe, dazing them.

“Hey you!”: Your henchman unstealths and taunts the stalked target.

Wild Swing: Your henchman unstealths and performs 3 large sweeps at the target with his club. You gain might for each hit.

Bodyguard: Your henchman jumps in front of stalked target’s next single target attack, blocking it.

Take the Pain: Your henchman unstealths and can be damaged for 5 seconds. Each time your henchman is damaged allies around it is healed.

Say Hello to My Little Friend (Elite): Your henchman appears out of stealth, gains stability, and brandishes a large gun. He then fires repeatably at the enemies in a cone facing at your target, dealing damage and causing vulnerability with each it. Enemies must move out of the cone to avoid taking huge damage.


Blood Hound: Your henchman can now shadow step up to 1200m.

Extra Muscle: Your henchman’s bodyguard blocks an additional attack.

Dependable: Your henchman gains stability when you are stunned, disabled, or immobilized.

Loitering: Conditions applied by your henchman last 50% longer.

Aggravated Assault: You and your henchman deal 5% damage to a target your henchman is stalking.


The burglar is all about total disruption. The enemy can see you but not your invisible henchman. They have no idea where he is, or when he will pop up to annoy them. The burglar can be huge fun when having your invisible fat friend jump from enemy to enemy, disrupting their attacks, taunting them, and causing all around havok while you make the kill with your weapons.

The burglar is a petclass but not a petclass. The henchman does not interact with the world and cannot be hit or disabled unless it appears to perform actions. This gives the enemy small time windows to CC it or push it away to disable its attacks. I like to think of it not as a pet, but as a persistant and moving trap.

The burglar loses steal but can access all of the thief’s normal skills. So you can build a normal thief, give up steal for the henchman, and use a limited set of henchman skills to supplement your play style.

(edited by lordhelmos.7623)

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Pfft, should have an F2-4 Henchmen as well. One super tall skinny creep, a midget and a sarcastic guy in a trenchcoat and hat who always smokes and always think’s he the boss when you’re not nearby. Then you can go on a crime spree. One of them should also be able to summon and drive a getaway Van.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Mincsk.6028


Amazing, It’s unique and imo a great idea. Some shiny new ideas for a rogue/assassin/thief class. They are always very similar in each game I’ve played and I’m ready for new. It’s also iconic with lore from the 1920s to the Ham-burglar.

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

The henchman must be fat, that is a MUST.

lol! brilliant

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


How does it relate to rifle O.o?

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Sigpaos.2615


You had me at mace. I’ve been waiting for a chance to use The Moot on my Norn Thief.

Thief Specialization: Burglar

in Thief

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Love it! It’s so different from all the thing people are expecting, it’s a blast!

How does it relate to rifle O.o?

This could probably relate to rifle because the henchman is here to keep your foe busy while you pewpew it from afar.
Anyway, There ain’t any proof thieves will end up with a rifle, like said in a tons of previous thread, the headband on the norn in the trailer is just a norn basic hairstyle feature. So for all we know, it’s just an engi with it’s rifle.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.