Thief- To survive and to kill

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Noha.3749


Well, not sure what to say.
I watched the entire video but i was not impressed..
You fought a bunch of PvE players which didnt even pressure you or your friend went stealth.
Its just bad in comparison to the skilled thieves you can find out there.

80 Everything except Ranger & Guardian.
Theorycrafter & trickster.
Friend, father & lover!

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Coronit.9432


I have to agree Noha. Trolling part was somewhere amuzing but I don´t get that excited after all the trolling-videos I saw in the past years. Hell, Yishis did it better 2 years ago with zerg-surfing. Players without even food or anything fighting full-buffed ones or going panic-mode after some hits (that warrior at 7:12 ^^).
And pls get rid of anything of valkyrie you have there. Seriously, everyone can kill players fullbuffed, shadowarts and being so tanky. I think you get like 3500 health through guard-stacks and 2 points in acrobatic. You have 5k because of valkyrie-parts? At the very end nothing special, sry. But a big +1 for the music though. I know not everyone likes it, but some years in south-america gives a nostalgic feeling :´)

Thief for Live – Noc
Pls more Noc-Noc-Jokes…
How to counter Unrelenting Assault… Not anymore :<

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Drennon.7190


Can we rename the Thief forum to the Salty forum?


Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Coronit.9432


Can we rename the Thief forum to the Salty forum?

Could you explain me where we have been salty?
Its a Fact that there are better videos published by better palyers. That doesn´t mean he was the worst I saw. Every video published in the forum will be criticized. Thats the point in the hole thing. The trolling-part was somewhere funny but not spectacular and I said what I don´t like in the fight-part. There were a lot of video where the thieves where fighting palyers without buffs (food, guardstacks, whatever) so had a advantage from beginning and were running around like headless chickens. My point here, find better players, fight them and everybody will be happy watching it.
About getting rid of that D/D SA valkyrie stuff. I am totally ok with using SA on D/D. Its more difficult to play with than D/P or S/D (playing it without SA is possible of course). But you wont improve much when being so tanky with that much valkyrie-stuff. Thanks to a lot of armor, health and health-regen you don´t get punished for big mistakes. Took a lot of damage not dodging mirror blade or eviscerate (which didn´t oneshot you)? Just sit back in stealth until full regenerated. Being full zerker you just NEED to dodge what has to be dodged. And I don´t speak about oneshotting everyone with some 66200 signet-build.
At least I was glad not to see them in the video running around with their 2 condi-thieves, 1 (hybrid?) mesmer and 2-3 other thieves – group trying to gank some players.

At the end we just want to help to improve

Thief for Live – Noc
Pls more Noc-Noc-Jokes…
How to counter Unrelenting Assault… Not anymore :<

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Verilan.2963


Standard OdS video of a bunch of clowns roleplaying with the good old 06620 trait spread

Of course, as you look at the fight, the poor ranger did everything right,
yet was beaten by an omnipotent, invisible assassin of justice, or whatever.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Drennon.7190


Can we rename the Thief forum to the Salty forum?

Could you explain me where we have been salty?

C’mon man don’t play dumb. Read the first two post again and tell me that they aren’t passive aggressive. Not to mention the mouth breather above this post. Every time someone post a video on this forum, the self proclaimed pros pop out of the woodwork to down talk the OP.


Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Coronit.9432


I think the ones being salty here are you and Verilan obviously…
For myself I enjoy watching good Videos. If you don´t want videos to be watched and criticized then they shouldn´t get posted.
Self proclaimed pros? lol
I never proclaimed myself as a pro. Being above average though.
Noha didn´t the same. He gave his honest answer and that should be respected exactly the same as the video.
kitten-talking about every new video posted on the forum?
I will give you 4 ones one the first 2 pages…
Akimbo Assassin Build V2
[Video] Weaponless Dueling 2
[PvP] Guide for (new) Thiefs in Ranked Arenas
My first roaming vid, D/D Thief

In the last video the same things I criticized where mentioned. He mostly was full-buffed while his oponents at least had buff food. Highlighting some moves by slowing that moments were well done. Especially for a first roaming video.
And in comparison to Tikitaka (nice name ^^) he has like 16k health. 1k difference can be made out of the acro-line. So there are 3k left. Thats far more squishy, so he gets more punished for mistakes. You get my point?
—-Forgot about Practiced Tolerance if he uses that. 2k left ^^
Videos get watched, if the people like them they say it and give a review if necessary. There are always salty people though.

Thief for Live – Noc
Pls more Noc-Noc-Jokes…
How to counter Unrelenting Assault… Not anymore :<

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


C’mon man don’t play dumb. Read the first two post again and tell me that they aren’t passive aggressive. Not to mention the mouth breather above this post. Every time someone post a video on this forum, the self proclaimed pros pop out of the woodwork to down talk the OP.

It’s not often possible to survive a 2 vs 1 or a 3 vs 1 with skills that affect only one person, such as single target CCs. It’s important to know that some features like stealth and mobility, especially when combined keep their full impact when playing against many, because it directly affects all of them, if they aren’t that smart, you can easily outplay many foes at once as if they were only one, and it’s fairly easy to execute. Of course, it will take one person within that crowd that knows the simplier patterns and he will end the said Thief, but the point is that it’s not rocket science anymore, that’s pretty much expected of everyone that a Thief does this nowadays, and this is why it’s not impressive anymore. When you disguise those into them MLG plays it’s sort of cringe-worthy for the player who knows this.

The rest is up to the community, I remember complaints against haters who came hating on the Thief forums, yet, these same people were bathing into these tears and looking to shed more when possible.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Noha.3749


Can we rename the Thief forum to the Salty forum?

Could you explain me where we have been salty?

C’mon man don’t play dumb. Read the first two post again and tell me that they aren’t passive aggressive. Not to mention the mouth breather above this post. Every time someone post a video on this forum, the self proclaimed pros pop out of the woodwork to down talk the OP.

Passive aggressive?
I said nothing to offend him, i just pointed out that it wasnt that skillful in comparison to a bunch of other thieves out there. Not saying it was bad neither, just that it was baseline.
As mentioned its so much backed up defense vs some fairly low skilled enemy players.

Another note, i might have been slightly salty, and i know why and its solely due to the title of the thread:
Thief- To survive and to kill, sounds a bit self-boasting whilst the video attatched to it is mere baseline.

Im still not saying he is bad, but the video was nothing to boast about since, as above posts mentioned. Baseline is expected of anything and anyone, including thieves.

And no, im no pro neither, but i can redo this most days when i wvw, and for me, i would feel bad if i dont win a fight if the enemy is really dull.

I guess i maybe watched the video with too much expectations when i first read the thread name.

Still not saying he is bad. He is decent, baseline in the video atleast.

This reply might have had a bit of salt to it, but thats because im moody for other reasons.

80 Everything except Ranger & Guardian.
Theorycrafter & trickster.
Friend, father & lover!

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


The one who says that to do it of the video is easy I invite him to do it.
I do not like to use the build that uses 80 % of the thieves (meta) either the d/p that puts you in seal automatically.
Always I have looked for the balance of hurt and survival because I think that it is the function of the thief, to kill and to survive.
Also I have videoes of duels in Sacrarium of Obsidian. Thank you very much the people who values what we do and to the crybabies are invited by me to a duel 1v1.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Sadrien.3470


I don’t really understand the critique because this is just an above / average thief roaming around fighting average wvw players ( terrible ).

Have fun. Be Alive. K Thnx Bye.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Vavume.8065


Oh man, the resolution was horrible, do you play on a tablet or something? :P and 5 mins before you even kill someone? geez, why post this? Also the music “pull your panties to the side” really? do you think this is good fight music? so many wrongs with this vid.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Xtinct.7031


I don’t really understand the critique because this is just an above / average thief roaming around fighting average wvw players ( terrible ).

But is that not the point? As thieves we want to showcase the potential of one skilled player vs several players not quite at the same skill level. (overall showcasing the skill based combat mechanics of gw2)

If I had shadowplay and shared my recorded out numbered fights would I face the same critiques? I personally enjoyed watching the video and guess what, I had the audio on mute so I can greater appreciate the game play. (very few missed cloak and daggers was nice to see)

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


Why are charr thieves always so terrible? I don’t want to sound racist, but in most cases I have witnessed this is true.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Sorel.4870


The one who says that to do it of the video is easy I invite him to do it.

My toaster doesn’t allow me to do so. But feel free to contact me IG and I will gladly duel you, and on a mesmer even. I know that it is unfair, because I know how you play, but since you offered it yourself…

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Why are charr thieves always so terrible? I don’t want to sound racist, but in most cases I have witnessed this is true.

Actually, it might go beyond charr thieves, and it seems to be mostly a question of attitude. Asuras are perceived like Pro-MLG deuchbags, Humans are perceived the same way except they have one, or many sticks up their… well. Sylvaris are helping, Norns are trolls, and Charrs are a mix of Sylvari and Norn. :P

You simply need to pick your poison, hehe.

In terms of performance… Well. Charr Thieves are rare, because apparently, to be a Thief it’s compulsory to be 2 feet tall or to be a mysterious human, reducing the chances to see a good Charr Thief. Add on top of this that those deciding to focus on PvP and making another class will forsake the Charr and Norn, (due to their height and gestures that can potentially be read) in order to have a semblant of (meaningless) advantage and that doesn’t brighten the picture.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Noha.3749


The one who says that to do it of the video is easy I invite him to do it.
I do not like to use the build that uses 80 % of the thieves (meta) either the d/p that puts you in seal automatically.
Always I have looked for the balance of hurt and survival because I think that it is the function of the thief, to kill and to survive.
Also I have videoes of duels in Sacrarium of Obsidian. Thank you very much the people who values what we do and to the crybabies are invited by me to a duel 1v1.

We didnt cry, we just said your video and skill was not so good.
We didnt compare you to our selves (mostly), we compared you to a bunch of other thief videos which are better than yours.

If you want to prove how much better you are than the avrage/lowbie player, then duel someone of the famous skilled thieves out there, since they have proven their skills vs good players.

80 Everything except Ranger & Guardian.
Theorycrafter & trickster.
Friend, father & lover!

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Eremes Guile.1480

Eremes Guile.1480

Good effort and fun video! Keep it up. Ignore the pro-thief wannabe try hards.

Hottest Thief [Ever]

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Klowde.9876


Really enjoyed the video, makes me want to build in a similar fashion.

Some people really don’t understand that sometimes, if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say it. OP obviously was showcasing a video, not asking for opinions, and he received unnecessary negative attention.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Kury.8210


Actually, it might go beyond charr thieves, and it seems to be mostly a question of attitude. Asuras are perceived like Pro-MLG deuchbags,

Guess I haven’t been playing GW2 often enough to see this. Kind of funny because at least a few Asura players I’ve thought were similar to Lalafell players in FFXIV. (They got an interesting reputation to say the least…) I always thought of Asura players as people who are into cute/irony and supporters of the master race. You will find the master race of any MMO in the smallest playable race. Although in GW2 Asura have a rather legit claim to the title. Well, that really wasn’t on topic at all…

Personally, there’s nothing wrong with blunt feedback. Make anything on a video and you’re going to get it, doubly if posted on the forums. It’s unlikely I’d be able to avoid sugarcoating stuff, but I wouldn’t expect that if I were to put something up. In all honesty, as a newer player I appreciate criticism of videos. It’s harder for newer players to know if something is good or bad and this sort of thing gives players trying to improve a better perspective on what they’re seeing.

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Puz.8529


Good effort and fun video! Keep it up. Ignore the pro-thief wannabe try hards.

Really enjoyed the video, makes me want to build in a similar fashion.

Some people really don’t understand that sometimes, if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say it. OP obviously was showcasing a video, not asking for opinions, and he received unnecessary negative attention.

Indeed. Nice video, some good skill at timing and being patient. Which is what a thief is about 99% of the time.

I have played against some of the ODS. And you really seem to be into the way you play. And even made me play a bit different around you. Which means you are effective in your own way! :P

Cya around on the battlefield!

@all those that say they have seen better. Like, be constructive or please just move on. And I dare you, make your own video and let us comment.

Puz – TDA

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Noha.3749


Really enjoyed the video, makes me want to build in a similar fashion.

Some people really don’t understand that sometimes, if you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say it. OP obviously was showcasing a video, not asking for opinions, and he received unnecessary negative attention.

Well he didnt ask for anything, he just posted a video of himself in WvW on the forum.
Didnt ask for praise, feedback or critisism, and to be fair he got a bit of everything.
Which is the way it works. People highlighted what they liked, and some people like me highlighted what i/we didnt like and therefor leaving room for improvement.

There is nothing wrong with critisism, positive or negative as long as it isnt harrassment or unprovoced flame.

80 Everything except Ranger & Guardian.
Theorycrafter & trickster.
Friend, father & lover!

Thief- To survive and to kill

in Thief

Posted by: Gabriell.4856


While this may not be the most entertaining thief video I’ve seen, I will admit the video showed that you’re a solid thief player.

Good timing of skills and resource/cd management. You don’t immediately use stolen iteams like most thieves but instead wait for the right moment. Good use of shadow step and positioning in general. Overall, a good player.