Thief World vs World Builds
My WvW build is:
30 Shadow Arts
30 Acrobatics
10 Trickery
Take all the stealth/blind/might/survival traits possible, wear offensive gear for balance eg. zerker or rampager and go fencing with S/D. I have Blinding Powder, Shadow Refuge and Infiltrator’s Signet with Thieves Guild. There is so much crazy stuff you can do with this build. I can take 3-5 players simultaneously (I won’t win against them all 100% of the time, but I will put up enough of a fight to attract friendly attention that can clean up the rest of the mess).
Resident Thief
30 Trickery
20 Shadow Arts
20 Acrobatics
Full Carion gear (Power+Vitality+Condition damage)
Caltrops+Shadows refuge(can be swapped for Scorpion wire)+Signet of Shadows.
Common misconception is that the thieves who are built for glass cannon and solo killing are effecting the war effort, they are not. In this build one of your primary duties is to run with your servers group(s), and when they are engaging or about to engage a zerg, you jump (IA, Steal) into the middle of the most bunched part of the enemy group, drop caltrops, death blossom a few times and dagger storm whilst moving back torwards your own group. This nullifies a lot of the enemies ability to retreat, causes confusion among the uninitiated, and at the same times gives your group more battlefield control by having a more successful retreat/kite if need me.
I’m running 10 deadly arts, 30 crit strikes and 30 trickery with full berserkers gear and in group fights people just die whereever I am.
Granted I don’t engage in zerg warfare, but instead usually hang back with a group of 3-5 guildmates taking on enemy groups of 10-15 people, so it’s rather small scale, but yeah it’s working out quite well so far.
Pistol Whip gives you enough evade to actually survive long enough before you shadowstep back into safety where you can heal up or stealth or disengage to recover and the damage, especially when hasted, is still very strong.
Also cluster bomb crits for 6 to 10k.
Well, here’s a build thread
Right at the top of this board…
Your question is too general. It’s best to determine what SORT of WvWing you’ll be doing. Run with the zerg? Run solo? Pick off stragglers? Aid teammates? Run supply and take camps?
Not every style of play is going to appeal to every player.
Knowing what you want to do first, then building around that is the easiest.
The Assassin’s Clan (TAC)
Thanks for those builds guys, I will have to try them.. But as for what I will be doing, I will probably be running around with a few friends, not really into the whole zerg thing.
I run something similar to knyx in wvw.
D/d and short bow.
C&d → steal in middle of zerg→ db spam→ dodge twice → switch to bow(spike on switch rune)→ shadow refuge→ drop out poison fields.
Caltrops are extremely powerful. Mine stacks 12-14 stacks on its own if people dont get out of it and the dodge one gets up 6 stacks for a few secs.
1. Hide in Shadows
2. Shadow Refuge
3. Blinding Powder
4. Signet of Shadows
I Steal to initiate and proceed with a Black Powder, if they choose to stay and fight I will be ok provided they don’t do gtAoE or a Multi Attack. if they begin to run, I Shadow Shot them and proceed to chase them down.
i just use my PvE build, but replace P/P with SB for mobility and AoE poison.