Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Sceinna.3561



My IGN is Laela Blackbird from The Civil Rebels [RiOT], I make thief (& some guild) related content. The infamous D/P build Yishis currently plays was inspired by my build (check out his latest video and read the description, he credited me for it ;P).

If you are a WvW roaming thief that likes outnumbered fights you definitely need to check out my videos. I swap builds around often, currently playing P/D which I started to solo keeps with but grew to love it, this is my first roaming P/D video and a lot more to come.


Greetings Laela Blackbird,

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Raven.9603


i like your vids, but you fast forward way too much to actually learn much from them. its just “oh yup bleed damage”.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


You’re right, I’ll try to cut down on speeds in my next vid. P/D is not the fastest build as it lacks bursting so I sped up my footage to be able to show more stuff. I do realise a lot of players watch to learn.. so I’ll keep that in mind. ^^

Thanks for constructive critism

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Crovax.7854


Short question: how do you kill fleeing targets? I run p/d sometimes myself
but if my opponent just decides to leg it, i have nearly no way of reliably illing them before they get away into a keep or a heavily guarded area.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: matthen.5024


Interesting video. I agree that it should be slowed down… maybe show fewer fights, focusing on those that either demonstrate interesting tactical decisions or are against more skilled opponents.

Also, why not caltrops over the venom?

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Sceinna.3561


Skale Venom is amazing since it has Torment and a lot of people still don’t understand how it works. If I blast 6 stacks of bleed into you and 3 stacks of Torment and the target is moving, that is an instant 12 stacks of bleeds.. people melt, especially if they have no condition removals.

Skale Venom over Caltrops anytime.. I only use Caltrops to cap camps/towers/keeps. :P

@ Covrax, that is why I run with Thieves Guild, the pull is so amazing. I’m also using Centaur runes again as in my previous build and with Withdraw this means perma Swiftness 24/7. Good luck outrunning that. :P

Generally I try to seek larger fights I cba with 1v1s much.

(edited by Sceinna.3561)

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Cempa.5619


was the build in the video?

Also, could you tell me what you think of my P/D build (any one):


(edited by Cempa.5619)

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Short question: how do you kill fleeing targets? I run p/d sometimes myself
but if my opponent just decides to leg it, i have nearly no way of reliably illing them before they get away into a keep or a heavily guarded area.

i run p/d as my serious build as i see its best overal for wvw. i run a difkittend of p/d tho. 10 0 30 0 30…..use long reach…bountiful theft…..sleight of hand setup so 1500 range on steal with a 2 sec stun and 1200 range on sshadow step adds up to almost 3k range in less than .2 seconds. thatll do it. every 20 secs on steal….. plus make sure you throw dancing dagger at 33% hp and keep it on him.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: rutilus.2643


p/d thieves always reminds me of :

it just takes ages to kill anyone :P
(not hating, maining a thief myself)

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: matthen.5024


was the build in the video?

Also, could you tell me what you think of my P/D build (any one):


All builds have their strengths and weaknesses. The two things that stand out to me:

1. No stunbreak. If you are fighting other players, it’s hard to get by without a stunbreak. This is especially true with a condition build that kills slowly. SoS can be activated while stunned, but it’s not the same.

2. Centaur runes + Signet of Shadows. The main reason to run centaur runes is to keep fast movement without having to dedicate a movement slot to SoS.

Personally, I’d either run SoS and switch to runes with condition duration, or keep centaur runes and swap in shadow step (great utility + stun break). However, it all depends on your play style. You need to get into some fights to get a feel for how it meshes with your playstyle.

Good luck.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


The infamous D/P build Yishis currently plays was inspired by my build (check out his latest video and read the description, he credited me for it ;P).

Inspiring a D/P build is an achievement?

Also P/D kills are not an achievement either. Beating a P/D build solo is an achievement.

Call me cynical but I’ve seen too many bad D/P thieves around (all of them) to be happy that you inspired someone who inspired people to play D/P.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Cempa.5619


was the build in the video?

Also, could you tell me what you think of my P/D build (any one):


All builds have their strengths and weaknesses. The two things that stand out to me:

1. No stunbreak. If you are fighting other players, it’s hard to get by without a stunbreak. This is especially true with a condition build that kills slowly. SoS can be activated while stunned, but it’s not the same.

2. Centaur runes + Signet of Shadows. The main reason to run centaur runes is to keep fast movement without having to dedicate a movement slot to SoS.

Personally, I’d either run SoS and switch to runes with condition duration, or keep centaur runes and swap in shadow step (great utility + stun break). However, it all depends on your play style. You need to get into some fights to get a feel for how it meshes with your playstyle.

Good luck.

Thanks, I struggled deeply with not having a stun breaker, every other profession I play has a stun breaker as a permanent fixture. TBH I never even considered Centaur Runes as a way to compensate for SoS which I deemed mandatory for CnD to work -at least for me, I have little chance of landing it without movement speed enhancement up.

So how exactly would Centaur Runes compensate for SoS? Via dodge/evade?

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Lavadiel.6231


Short question: how do you kill fleeing targets? I run p/d sometimes myself
but if my opponent just decides to leg it, i have nearly no way of reliably illing them before they get away into a keep or a heavily guarded area.

and it should be like this. You play easy mode build. Its the build not your skill that guarantees you 1v1 win (or draw). If anet decide to make that build mobile/bursty and capable of catching opponents it will make automatically a build that any lame player can kill any other – potentialy skilled – player. Ofc anet balance team is not as that bad.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: matthen.5024


was the build in the video?

Also, could you tell me what you think of my P/D build (any one):


All builds have their strengths and weaknesses. The two things that stand out to me:

1. No stunbreak. If you are fighting other players, it’s hard to get by without a stunbreak. This is especially true with a condition build that kills slowly. SoS can be activated while stunned, but it’s not the same.

2. Centaur runes + Signet of Shadows. The main reason to run centaur runes is to keep fast movement without having to dedicate a movement slot to SoS.

Personally, I’d either run SoS and switch to runes with condition duration, or keep centaur runes and swap in shadow step (great utility + stun break). However, it all depends on your play style. You need to get into some fights to get a feel for how it meshes with your playstyle.

Good luck.

Thanks, I struggled deeply with not having a stun breaker, every other profession I play has a stun breaker as a permanent fixture. TBH I never even considered Centaur Runes as a way to compensate for SoS which I deemed mandatory for CnD to work -at least for me, I have little chance of landing it without movement speed enhancement up.

So how exactly would Centaur Runes compensate for SoS? Via dodge/evade?

Either a fast cast heal (e.g., withdraw), or using traits like “swiftness on dodge” and “thrill of the crime”. I run the later with HiS, which yields permanent swiftness.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


p/d thieves always reminds me of :

it just takes ages to kill anyone :P
(not hating, maining a thief myself)

wrong wrong wrong :P ill make a video showing you how fast you can die. usually (unless its a troll heal build) it only takes about 15 seconds. is that a long time? considering you wont die…i dont think so. plus u can do 2-4 people at the same time.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Sambuca.9754



My IGN is Laela Blackbird from The Civil Rebels [RiOT], I make thief (& some guild) related content. The infamous D/P build Yishis currently plays was inspired by my build (check out his latest video and read the description, he credited me for it ;P).

If you are a WvW roaming thief that likes outnumbered fights you definitely need to check out my videos. I swap builds around often, currently playing P/D which I started to solo keeps with but grew to love it, this is my first roaming P/D video and a lot more to come.


Greetings Laela Blackbird,

What’s your build?

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: TakaEagle.9486


Awesome vid, but you have a couple immune c/d’s that you could work on, especially considering the revert stealth buff

S H U N P O [TS]
Sea Of Sorrows Commander

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Raven.9603


Skale Venom is amazing since it has Torment and a lot of people still don’t understand how it works. If I blast 6 stacks of bleed into you and 3 stacks of Torment and the target is moving, that is an instant 12 stacks of bleeds.. people melt, especially if they have no condition removals.

Skale Venom over Caltrops anytime.. I only use Caltrops to cap camps/towers/keeps. :P

I thought tormet while still was 75% of bleed, and while moving it was 150% of bleed? Thus, 6 bleeds + 3 tormets = 9.5 stacks of bleed. Still, nice cover condition, something we lack.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Skale Venom is amazing since it has Torment and a lot of people still don’t understand how it works. If I blast 6 stacks of bleed into you and 3 stacks of Torment and the target is moving, that is an instant 12 stacks of bleeds.. people melt, especially if they have no condition removals.

Skale Venom over Caltrops anytime.. I only use Caltrops to cap camps/towers/keeps. :P

I thought tormet while still was 75% of bleed, and while moving it was 150% of bleed? Thus, 6 bleeds + 3 tormets = 9.5 stacks of bleed. Still, nice cover condition, something we lack.

i think ur right. either way the first day or 2 scale venom wasnt working on movement…so i didnt use it…even so i dont notice a huge hurt when its on me….. then again i can afford to stand still/remove so idk. i dont think its worth dropping your defensive skill in wvw .

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: matthen.5024


Skale Venom is amazing since it has Torment and a lot of people still don’t understand how it works. If I blast 6 stacks of bleed into you and 3 stacks of Torment and the target is moving, that is an instant 12 stacks of bleeds.. people melt, especially if they have no condition removals.

Skale Venom over Caltrops anytime.. I only use Caltrops to cap camps/towers/keeps. :P

I thought tormet while still was 75% of bleed, and while moving it was 150% of bleed? Thus, 6 bleeds + 3 tormets = 9.5 stacks of bleed. Still, nice cover condition, something we lack.

I tried skale venom again after reading this thread. I still like caltrops better. It’s good for clearing space, minor damage, cripple condition, and I love dropping it on downed players when I’m too busy to get to them.

The OP does fine the the venom, though… so, it seems to boil down to play style.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: borgs.6103


Oh hey, it’s you. Your vids are what inspired me to play my thief again. Too bad I experimented too much and wasted all my gold on rampager gear and other useless trials.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.7658


Skale venom is good for putting pressure on somewhat, but I’ll keep caltrops instead, especially vs. thieves (and D/P in particular). When they drop Shadow Refuge, drop a caltrops on top of them. Most try to get on the edges and re-appear on accident or run out entirely.

Thief WvW P/D Roaming #1

in Thief

Posted by: Engels.8537


If you are a WvW roaming thief that likes outnumbered fights

Hahahahahahaha, don’t your guild transfer to blackgate to join the bandwagon?

When was the last time you guys have fought outnumbered fights?

RIOT… come on, I saw 6 or 7 of you using all your CC’s against a single guy and running away when the fight is not overwhelming to your favor,

Lovely guild, not as bad as MERC but lovely anyway,

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game