Thief changes from livestream
Necromancer gets more corruption, thief should get more boon steal (ofc not to crazy, will be op otherwise, not on auto attack for sure). On Steal would be fine (1 boon steal by default).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Necromancer gets more corruption, thief should get more boon steal (ofc not to crazy, will be op otherwise, not on auto attack for sure). On Steal would be fine (1 boon steal by default).
Nah, I think it’s fair that mesmers continue to have the better boon strip.
Necromancer gets more corruption, thief should get more boon steal (ofc not to crazy, will be op otherwise, not on auto attack for sure). On Steal would be fine (1 boon steal by default).
Nah, I think it’s fair that mesmers continue to have the better boon strip.
They should differentiate the Thief’s steal and Mesmer’s steal. Thief should only steal tangible objects (i.e. Axe, Seeds, etc) while Mesmer should only steal intangible objects like boons — Thief shouldn’t be able to steal boons. I think that was a bad decision in their part and now it’s a mess. If they want Thief to steal boons, they should give them off-hand Focus and make them an Arcane Thief — otherwise, it’s not making any sense why Thief is better or should be better than Mesmer in stealing boon.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
The Bandits Defence “fix” will be interesting – a bit vague but I hope it means the skill is now a flip-skill and doesn’t auto kick
It will be a flip skill now rather than auto-kicking. It looks as though the kick stays available for five seconds after a successful block while the cooldown counts down in the background, similar to Palm Strike for Fist Flurry.