Thief...falling more and more behind

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


yes you can still play thief at a 1v1 competitive lvl or Daggerstorm and get out if ur lucky enough. but generally (especially in this new wvw EoTM map) it seems very hard to get in…get it done and still not die. i find thief (and yes im extremely seasoned and a great dueler) falling more and more behind other classes.

engineer can str8 up own condi builds bc of no bleeds under 25% trait. god knows we dont have any other condis that will do enough dmg to kill them. this trait should be for a small period of time (10s or so) OR….. thieves shoudl get burning. we cant rely only on one condi to get the job done. cmon.

warrior can win at will bc they just go attack and if low on HP just use GS to have the most mobility and best sprinting skills in game… even more so than thief (excluding shadowstep which is 1 timer per 50 secs) . the worst part is they are short cooldowns . these should be treated like RTL. or atleast if u dont have “blocked” “missed” “stunned” “dazed” or “hit” after they use them they should go on a long cooldown. atleast 2.5 x longer.

or hp needs a boost. it really does. since day 1 our dmg has ATLEAST been cut 50% ooverall and we lost our entire burst. now we just have a big hit (backstab or CND + backstab) ther is no more burst…. that is to say combos where we go 3+ moves hitting big. we have to go signet build to really stand a chance at that.

im not sitting here QQing but when i see more nerfs like SB poison getting cut 60%…. i see that as nearly useless. 60%!?!?!?!? well if u look at it in normal terms…. most players get hit by it 1-2 times as they dodge out. 3 if ur lucky. so at 3 secs per poison ur at 3-6 seconds and really left with 2-4 secs as they are dodging out of it. 4 init for MAYBE 4 secs of poison. yes its aoe but still thats not long enough to deter a player from using a heal. they just do 1 dodge…then back up and use it. thats about 4 secs.

its not just 1 thing i just see thief getting chipped away so much that im at the edge of quitting. and this isnt a rage quit post. i have 4 legendaries on my thief and full ascended and good AP….. its just a perspective from a seasoned thief i can only hope anet will look at. dont have to take the 3 things i mentioned above as THE problem its just small fractions of the problem. also…you guys should give some serious love to rangers too. they need it. you should make their aoe traps as formidable as gw1. that would be a nice start.

what would i ask for if i could get anything right now? i would ask for thieves to be put in the middle HP pool….i think that would help us enough to be able to play team fights and larger zergs….. since i supposed asking for our dmg back to be in 1st place is asking too much.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


I agree. I feel certain parts of thief are simply sub-par to that of other classes. However, prepare for the incoming flame.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


i got a little off topic. anyway i dont mind other classes being better than thief or as good as or whatever. my MAIN point is that even in 1v1 (where a thief should excell) i find it more and more exerting to beat even average players in other classes. ive won tournments and and def no slacker. but in the sense that we should be able to str8 up own AVERAGE or less players in other classes bc we str8 up suck at team style builds and stayign alive in zergs. there is so much aoe we have like no chance.

for instance. i had 19.5k hp in a condi build i was running that i tried to cast 1 heal near about 8 vets (only like 3 near me and i had about 15 people with me) …. what happened? i tried 8+ times to cast that heal all were intertuped and i was owned without using 1 skill. i was perma immobed too bc of glue and other stuff. it was in EoTM near the NPC vets that stand in a circle …. anyway poitn is we arent made for large battles. and in 1v1s we are so so which means we dont really have a place anymroe it feels like. when i play my guardian (like 1-2% of the time) i find everythign to be so easy and cupcake level. i never play guardian and i do better in zergs with him. i dont mean surviving i mean dmg too.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


I agree. I feel certain parts of thief are simply sub-par to that of other classes. However, prepare for the incoming flame.

what flame ? you mean from haters on my post?

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


I agree. I feel certain parts of thief are simply sub-par to that of other classes. However, prepare for the incoming flame.

what flame ? you mean from haters on my post?

Yeah. I would honestly be surprised if you could bring about he topic of thievies being in a bad spot w/o people from other parts of the forum saying it’s either A. a l2p issue, B. you’re bad, or C. thieves are op sthu.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


well thieves are decent in 1v1. however. they ahve to play perfectly to be so. warriors can afford a bunch ofm istakes. thief can maybe afford 1-2. that alone says the problem. this is regardless of build too.

i think thieves should still have a chance to stay alive and fight if hit with 2 AOEs. you get 1 aoe attack from a decent engie and it takes 20-25% of your HP plus gives you poison stacks bleed stacks burning stack and ice/cripple depending. PLUS thats an AOE attack. . . imagine if thieves could do that. the people would be screaming OP. memsers basically hide while their clones/phants etc do the work (75% of the work) warriors and guardians are hard to kill even if its somebody who has onlyplayed one for a couple weeks. necros have HP and aoe/condi for days….. rangers and thieves are the ones that come up short really. all the other classes have some sort of really good quality or qualities

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I’d like to comment on my recent engi build. I looked up ZERO guidance, and aske for no help on it. I joined a pvp test server to test it’s ability, and to keep in mind, I have never used a profession who actively uses F1-F4 (most I’ve dealt with is F1-F2) so I don’t have the upmost experience with multiple profession skills. I literally just live. No joke, I’ve fought a condi thief, a miniomancer, a power ranger, etc etc. The second I drop low I burst heal back up and am ready to heal up more. Granted I cannot damge them but I can just live for ages and this is with ZERO knowledge of engi mechanics. I’m sure if I learned their tricks this would be even worse.

My point being, the skill level to be a good thief is FAR higher than to play a mediocre build from the other 7 professions. I can sit on a point, burst heal easily 14k in 20 seconds, and provide constant heals in the mean time with no risk.

I have at most 12 hours with engineer and I already made a kitten bunker build that just sit’s there and kites without losing capture point progress. Try jumping onto a thief and doing the same. Anet should stop pretending that they can make all classes do the same thing, just admit to the flaw and work past it. It won’t ever work without some variation of wack a mole.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Tachii.3506


Again the problem is just how powerful condi builds and/or minion builds are in 1v1. We have limited access to allies and a bunch of other classes outshine us in condi builds.

WvW roaming wise though we’re still one of the best so I don’t really have too much of a complaint.

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Our ability to almost one-shot many classes has really stopped us from having a fair assessment of our abilities.

The fact is, all of our traits are “old” and in need of a serious revision like the Warrior underwent.

We have one source of reliable condition removal, we still have a large number of passive +5% damage increases, we have lackluster synergy between trees and rely on stealth for practically everything.

It’s hard to argue that we’re in a poor state considering our WvW prowess and sPvP abilities, but the class would benefit A LOT from a serious trait/skill revision.

I mean even our signets are half as powerful as those of others.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Peow peow.2189

Peow peow.2189

I think thiefs are pretty kitten balanced at this point, the only minor issue is their condi management. I hardly have initiative problems or dps problems these days, if there is one thing I would like its more weapon/build variety… but kitten maybe you just need to practice more? This is not a low skill level class, you actually have to be patient player and not make mess ups to do well with a thief.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


id say we are in top 3 1 v1 classes.

i put up these classes in no order top 3


and guardian/warrio tie for a very close 4th.

thief is nto in a good position. bc every class has a build that can (almost every class) annihilate thief although its not good for their team play. we dont really ahve that unless we get lucky with GC signet build. we used to but even 6 months ago thieves were still dying to other skilled players on other classes. now mix the buffs EVERY other class gets with constant nerfs we thieves get….and the scales of equilibrium tip in favor of any other class (excluding ranger which is why you see our thieve videos MOSTLY killing rangers).

you take 2 people with the same skill …put 1 on engi or necro or w.e. and fight against the same skilled type player on thief… the thief SHOULD lose. id say about 65-35 against the thief odds.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


thieves are dam good in team tournaments and the best at what they do and the best mobility, hands down.
and beast in wvw.

i have no idea what else do you want.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I mean even our signets are half as powerful as those of others.

Unlike Rangers, you don’t have to spend 30 points into a traitline to make em work, so stop crying about signets.
Thief signets are not that bad, it’s just that warrior signets are way too good.

But yeah. was playing on my ranger today in EotM, i feel sorry for you guys since you have no reliable stability. I kept sending thieves flying off bridges time after time, never had such an easy time against thieves in my life.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Form.8741


Actually thief HAS to put 30 in crits to be viable, otherwise we don’t do enough damage to kill any bunkers at all.

Any bunkers at all. None. They just take 5 damage from us every second and laugh while it takes 10 minutes for them to need to heal, all the while they’re smacking us or melting us with condis.

And thief doesn’t have best mobility, they haven’t ever since people discovered warrior’s gs charge and spin and permahaste. I was doing that with ele’s fiery gs before ele got nerfed, plus the lightning spam to charge everywhere easily…back in the earliest days.

Thief has no way to counter hambow warriors. Too much HP and healing signet and condi immunity and damage and stuns, we can’t get enough stability or keep blind up enough to not die. They are the #1 build/profession in pvp.

I can kill some crappy minion necros tho, they are much easier than condi necros that melt thief instantly.

The moment thief HP gets buffed they will have taken a critical step in the wrong direction by homogenizing the profession (making them all too similar instead of focusing on their differences). Anything else they do to make thief more like other professions will also be the wrong direction.

This stupid world is full of kittenes who think that everyone should get along as best they can and be as similar to each other as possible to make life easier. Except that this destroys uniqueness and character and the purpose of being able to choose distinctly different professions in the first place. The reality is, everyone is DIFFERENT and they have the right to be so (and the world needs the diversity), even if that means not getting along with some others.

It’s OK for someone to dislike someone else. It’s OK. It’s OK for some people to want a stealthy, glassy, high-damage profession that relies on deception/blind/evades to survive. It’s OK. It really, really is OK. It shouldn’t be taboo just because some people who need to L2P complain about it.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


my MAIN point is that even in 1v1 (where a thief should excell)

I actually spat a little on my screen when I read that, makes no sense whatsoever.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.

Thief...falling more and more behind

in Thief

Posted by: Simon.3794


I mean even our signets are half as powerful as those of others.

Unlike Rangers, you don’t have to spend 30 points into a traitline to make em work, so stop crying about signets.
Thief signets are not that bad, it’s just that warrior signets are way too good.

But yeah. was playing on my ranger today in EotM, i feel sorry for you guys since you have no reliable stability. I kept sending thieves flying off bridges time after time, never had such an easy time against thieves in my life.

warriors’ signets arent even that good, signet of rage is only good for being a low CD elite so you can combine it with lyssa, the buff it provide can be easily stolen or corrupted and doesnt provide much actual plays. signet of might and fury are pure useless and signet of dolyak is a 60 second CD stability. only good signet is healing signet.