Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Now before I start this, let me just say that I in no way play pvp. I pve only. The things I’m about to suggest are for pve play only and should be relatively simple to code to be unavailable with in WvWvW and sPVP.

Also I’d like to add that I love the game. It’s fun! I love the Thief profession I find it enjoyable being able to excape at a moment’s notice and sneaking around. In that spirit there are some things that bother me.

Thieves really didn’t get many of the mechanics they should have. Like disguise, an aggroless stealth like ability that is 1 minute timed with 1 minute cooldown where the humanoids think I’m friendly(that one cannot use in pvp btw). a distraction ability to turn enemies around or even make them run off for a few seconds thinking a greater threat is elsewhere, nothing to sap or stun with outside of combat, no real stealing (we don’t even get extra baggies, If I’m to believe that suddenly a mob that’s supposed to be bleeding to death has no blood when it’s dead, why can’t it be made that the humanoid mob i just killed and looted had a hidden stash that other professions wouldn’t be able to find while looting a body? or that i have to kill each and every humanoid on the planet to get the items i need from their little baggies? Why does it have to be a 100% kill fest to get the baggies?)

None of the intrigue went into the making of the thief that we would normally find in the RPG’s and the books of those rpg worlds of the past that made the thief/rogue style characters great and memorable. Subtlety has always been very effective a tool especially in worlds like Tyria where (if I’m to read the lore correctly) there are factions working to gain the power of the crown. Not an overbearing criticism I just find it odd.

I’d love to see a little more time spent with this profession to make it even more fun, more like the tabletop RPG versions of the profession. It was extremely fun to pickpocket and steal (because I don’t do that in RL of course! clears throat) so it was a great passtime to spend seeing what I could get from the pockets of unsuspecting humanoid mobs.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: STRanger.5120


Now before I start this, let me just say that I in no way play pvp. I pve only. The things I’m about to suggest are for pve play only and should be relatively simple to code to be unavailable with in WvWvW and sPVP.

Also I’d like to add that I love the game. It’s fun! I love the Thief profession I find it enjoyable being able to excape at a moment’s notice and sneaking around. In that spirit there are some things that bother me.

Thieves really didn’t get many of the mechanics they should have. Like disguise, an aggroless stealth like ability that is 1 minute timed with 1 minute cooldown where the humanoids think I’m friendly(that one cannot use in pvp btw). a distraction ability to turn enemies around or even make them run off for a few seconds thinking a greater threat is elsewhere, nothing to sap or stun with outside of combat, no real stealing (we don’t even get extra baggies, If I’m to believe that suddenly a mob that’s supposed to be bleeding to death has no blood when it’s dead, why can’t it be made that the humanoid mob i just killed and looted had a hidden stash that other professions wouldn’t be able to find while looting a body? or that i have to kill each and every humanoid on the planet to get the items i need from their little baggies? Why does it have to be a 100% kill fest to get the baggies?)

None of the intrigue went into the making of the thief that we would normally find in the RPG’s and the books of those rpg worlds of the past that made the thief/rogue style characters great and memorable. Subtlety has always been very effective a tool especially in worlds like Tyria where (if I’m to read the lore correctly) there are factions working to gain the power of the crown. Not an overbearing criticism I just find it odd.

I’d love to see a little more time spent with this profession to make it even more fun, more like the tabletop RPG versions of the profession. It was extremely fun to pickpocket and steal (because I don’t do that in RL of course! clears throat) so it was a great passtime to spend seeing what I could get from the pockets of unsuspecting humanoid mobs.

You´re right, I somewhat miss these features too, but still would like to see the bugfixes for classes first (working ones, not like Dragon´s tooth and Evasive Arcana).

#ELEtism 4ever

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: Elmuerto.9840


Correct however the Gw2 eye was supposedly on e-sport, and at the end of the day all classes are simply variations of the same thing with different implementations, I mean what is really the difference between 100 Blades and pistol whip essentially, or Stealth and any other ability that makes a player invisible. As a former P&P RPG player here that kind of immersion belongs there and MMOs just aren’t really for that depth of play. There have been a few good Single Player games that may have some of those elements tho.

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: ASP.8093


Like disguise, an aggroless stealth like ability that is 1 minute timed with 1 minute cooldown where the humanoids think I’m friendly(that one cannot use in pvp btw).

Have you tried Shadow Refuge? I “steal” skill point nodes and mining resources out from underneath monsters all the time using SR. All you seem to be asking for is an easy-mode Shadow Refuge that doesn’t require you to be quick about doing whatever it is you want to do.

a distraction ability to turn enemies around or even make them run off for a few seconds thinking a greater threat is elsewhere,

I’ve seen this suggestion multiple times. I don’t get it. 80% of the time I go to stealth in PvE, the monster will turn around and start walking back to its starting position, just like this feature that’s being requested. What are y’all missing, exactly?

nothing to sap or stun with outside of combat,

If you’re hitting things with stunning attacks, then by definition you’re in combat, aren’t you?

no real stealing

The problem with this is that uneven drops are a mechanic that’s 1% roleplaying/“immersion” and 99% farming.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: STRanger.5120


no real stealing

The problem with this is that uneven drops are a mechanic that’s 1% roleplaying/“immersion” and 99% farming.

You are talking like if the Tigirius was requesting to steal legendaries
I think that he meant something like an occasional junk (grey) items, maybe some coppers if you´re lucky
Probably with some chance to fail and draw aggo on yourself.

#ELEtism 4ever

Thief from the nostalgic old school RPG POV

in Thief

Posted by: tigirius.9014


no real stealing

The problem with this is that uneven drops are a mechanic that’s 1% roleplaying/“immersion” and 99% farming.

You are talking like if the Tigirius was requesting to steal legendaries
I think that he meant something like an occasional junk (grey) items, maybe some coppers if you´re lucky
Probably with some chance to fail and draw aggo on yourself.

yeah that’s exactly what i mean actually like getting extra baggies with some mats for crafting or something in them nothing big. definitely not rares or legendaries. And as far as rares or anything go no. I was thinking tho that it might help with the daily costs of teleporting especially since I use my thief exclusively to farm. Just more fun to run around on her because of her speed and escape options in pve.

Also the sap would start combat yes, but we’d be able to use it without having a left over sap occassionally from some mob we stole it from. see my thing, we shouldn’t have to steal a bone to smack someone dizzy.

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