Thief & his damage

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: Ayurox.1069


Hello everyone,

to those that play a thief you will notice or know what i’m talking about.

Atm im full exotic and I choose to put Power/Tough/Vit to be a bit more non squishy,
my crit is still 40% & my attack is 3K which is not bad but also not the best or max.

Well I must say people start stacking toughness these days because they see else they cant survive. This means we thief will have lesser and lesser chance of being able to kill someone.

For those who will start to whine about yeah whatever 10K crit backstabs and so on yeah well thats not WvW and PvP doesnt really feel good in gw2 atleast not for me its way to easy.
WvW is more my style and thats what im talking about here.

The ability to choose to take more power / tough / vit is kinda kittened we have no choice of choosing to go pure power or anything what so ever I find this really a bad aspect in the game and this also is going to ruin our class.

I’ve encountered several classes that we just dont stand a chance against, either they just outheal the damage and kill you overtime or you just plain don’t do enough to them to kill em …

- Guardians, there is just no way of killing em, there high stacking in thoughness and healing makes em almost immortal
- Warriors, im not even gonna start talking about em, they are just a wrecking train
- Necro’s, I see alot of ppl whining about em but in the hands of a trained person he will kite you all day and his dot’s will kill you in NO time
- Ranger, the burst is sincerely high and again with a well trained ranger you stand no chance
- Engineers, also as good as immortal healing + invurnability + there toolkits makes em almost godlike

This is just a tip of the iceberg, i’ve seen 100x of post where Thief is being smashed against the wall of being to OP, but this is really not even close to the truth

YES its true we can kill people in 2-3 shots, those are ppl that are below lvl 80 and have no gear !!!

You think im joking around or whatever learn to play … go ahead prove me wrong roll a thief and show it, you’ll get the picture fast enough.

Thief is really a great class fun to play but soon the class will be kittened down into the ground !!!

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Thieves can usually only score kills by being glass cannons, we have to sacrifice too much damage for defense, save for a venom build that can score around 2400 defense and over 19k HP while dishing insane condition damage, which is personally what I run. I can post that if you like.

Guardians are invincible, you will never kill one 1v1 unless they are terribly bad. You can easily outrun one, though. Yay. (lol)

Rangers? Easy as pie, don’t share your troubles there. Just pop a condition remove on their bleed burst. Most are condition built.

Engineers, a good skilled engineer is hard to beat and I usually see the condition spammer build. You can beat them, but you will need to avoid as much bombs you can. Lots of AoE. Personally I’ve been waiting for a talent to reduce AoE damage taken in stealth, or something to that effect.

Warriors, kitekitekite, short bow is your friend. If you find yourself in melee range of a warrior, be sure you have a stun break. Only go melee if you have a CC or you’re feeling ballsy.

Necro’s, I can’t think much on them right now.

Surprised you haven’t mentioned Mesmers…

This is from an spvp perspective btw, with max stat’s and sigils. Also remember that some people may be a lot more geared than you in WvW. It isn’t balanced.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: Nefarious.2014


Allow me to summarize:

1. The thief class is ruined because we can’t go “all power”
2. Everyone is stacking toughness and we can’t kill them
3. 10k backstab burst is to be avoided as viable because it “doesn’t feel good” and it’s "
way to easy"
4. Guardians are immortal
5. Warriors aren’t even worth talking about as they are wrecking trains
6. Neco DOTS kill you in no time
7. You stand no chance against rangers because their damage is sincere
8. Engineers are both immortal AND godlike
9. To prove the OP otherwise, you must roll a thief and get the picture


Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: elithrar.7143


Thieves can usually only score kills by being glass cannons, we have to sacrifice too much damage for defense, save for a venom build that can score around 2400 defense and over 19k HP while dishing insane condition damage, which is personally what I run. I can post that if you like.

Plenty of viable and popular tPvP builds can manage 19k+ HP & ~2100+ armor with strong damage. D/P and S/P builds with Runes of Divinity & Knight’s Amulet; e.g.;TsAA2CnoqxUjoGbNuak1swYgxECA

No need to spec pure glass cannon. Go watch a few tPVP streams if you’re not convinced.

[TKG] Mollify

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


I find I score kills with heavy Trick, Acro, or Shadow Arts builds because of the survivability. You can outright outlast people with the right Acro or Shadow style.

Of course, I also tend to roam and assist teammates rather than pick fights. I’m no tournament level player, I just think glass cannon is only critting yourself, as it were.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: Ayurox.1069


Thieves can usually only score kills by being glass cannons, we have to sacrifice too much damage for defense, save for a venom build that can score around 2400 defense and over 19k HP while dishing insane condition damage, which is personally what I run. I can post that if you like.

Plenty of viable and popular tPvP builds can manage 19k+ HP & ~2100+ armor with strong damage. D/P and S/P builds with Runes of Divinity & Knight’s Amulet; e.g.;TsAA2CnoqxUjoGbNuak1swYgxECA

No need to spec pure glass cannon. Go watch a few tPVP streams if you’re not convinced.

As I said before mate, PvP is not even close of what WvW is like, the 2 can’t be compared …

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: kinetik.6375


I’m getting plenty of kills in WvW and staying alive just fine with my backstab build.
I went with power/vitality/crit damage gear. Self buffed I sit around 20k HP.

I’m mostly full exotic gear with the exception of my helm. My accessories and amulet are still green so I have a ways to go to reach maximum potential.

I don’t see toughness as a viable stat on gear for me. I jump in get my kill(s) and jump back out to range way to quick to take much physical damage. Ranged classes with bleeds/burns/etc are the ones that get hits in on me and toughness does nothing for that. Only way to counter is a large health pool.

With the gear I choose I’m sitting around 2900 power and 60% crit. I can usually run down 2 foe’s before I run out of initiative and need to shadow step to range, heal up with a stealth and jump back in.

I’m truly enjoying the class and the mobility. You’re not supposed to play thief like a tank, play it tactically and you’ll see the real potential.

Kinectri [IDOL] Human Thief – Jade Quarry

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: metaphorm.6904


Bleed and Poison is not mitigated in the slightest by toughness. condition damage is an extremely potent way of killing high toughness enemies.

Guardians have some good ways to remove conditions (if they’ve built for that anyway) so i would recommend using some “filler” conditions to make it hard for the guardian to get rid of your damage stacks. its pretty easy to get some cripple, weakness, and blind applied frequently in addition to your bleed and poison. keeping the conditions coming heavy will make it really hard for even a Guardian to get them all removed.

Warriors have almost no ways of removing conditions and are truly truly weak to bleeding and poison damage.

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: bwillb.2165


For those who will start to whine about yeah whatever 10K crit backstabs and so on yeah well thats not WvW and PvP doesnt really feel good in gw2 atleast not for me its way to easy.
WvW is more my style and thats what im talking about here.

What? Most of the people that whine about thief damage being to high ARE talking about WvW. Between those orb buffs and fighting undergeared underleveled players, they get screenshots of huge damage numbers and then claim them as a universal truth.

Anyway, thief is fine. It’s not too powerful, it’s not too weak. The only real problems with the thief class arise from bugs that have been reported but not yet fixed, and game design choices such as the overzealous visual effects that make it harder than it should be to dodge powerful attacks.

Thief & his damage

in Thief

Posted by: elithrar.7143


> As I said before mate, PvP is not even close of what WvW is like, the 2 can’t be compared …

As another player has pointed out, you actually do more damage in WvW when geared, as there’s no “parity” like in sPvP.

FWIW, I run a D/P build with (mostly) the same traits and similar utilities for WvW, and it’s definitely effective. S/P is also pretty strong in WvW, although there is a higher risk as you have fewer avoidance tools.

[TKG] Mollify