Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I must admit i rarely talk abaut a class as “i like it” , but i still do, because Thief is fun to me right now.
The only thing i found amiss was the lack of : Weapon selection and options.

I understand that there are not to many ingame right now, and thief-s cant have more then others, for no reson. So lets assume we are talking abaut next expansion, or big patch.

I will list the weapons i would loved to see, and why (if there is any reson besides the good look and character costumization).
And explain later, in “lore”.

First of all i must mention, how moch i missed gadget utility-s.
Trough many say thief is a complementer for the lack of Assasin (and it is true, since there are many skills that point to that, like death blossom, and lotus or 9 tail strike and so on) while others say, it is not, thief is a thief, it can steal and has many tricks.
Lets stay to the opinion of : it is a rogue like class.
And if it is it should have many gadgets to get araund the world. I would like to suggest, take the privilage away from enginers to use gadgets, and give us some atleast.

Ok on second :
I would love to see rifles. Why? (Besides the totally mind blowing The predator skin, i could not pick a weapon i actualyl liked to be my legendary. And like every third thief i asked sead the same)
Because thief lacks the “long” range single target “spiker” damage. WE alredy have an aoe – tricster – party weapon as shortbow. We have a decent medium range pistol-dual pistol that is a constant pressure, but not a slow burster weapon, that burts, but has a decent cooldown to.
A slow but high damage weapon. (dont even bother talking bs abaut : Bf, CoD…you dont 1 shot ppl in this game, and there are many others with max range weapons to.)
Besides, we can use pistol but not rifle?
I think Rifles have a right to be in the thief arsenal and not only for its looks and feel, but they could make a decent combat role variety to.

I also would love to see : Glaivles or so called Naginata. Why?
Thief lacks 2 handed weapons totally!
Its mobile and acrobatic? And? You seen Xin Zhao or Wu kong in Lol? Any East ern martial art film? Any Anime at all? You seen Star wars phantom menace and Darth Maul?
Glaivles represent the tipical long weapon (that has a close medium range) it keeps the upper hand against cavalry, it still keeps the upper hand in close combat because of its range.
It can block and take offense in a second. It can cut, bash and stab to.
Its the ultimate weapon that represents fexibility and it becomes truly powerfull only in the hands of a swift agile character….: Its the thief wow….
As combat role i could imagine a really movement based skillset, or an combat style based araund whirling and constant sweeping motians that keep the defence but also strike with a single motion. Something like close range aoe -er.

Do to limited time i can only say this moch right now. I will try to bring in more weapons that are carefully selected, and not just would love to se, but also have a rightfull pace for resons.
Also please exuse my terrible english.


(edited by Nekroseth.5186)

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Kerishan.8460


I would love to see more weapons for thiefs.

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: ZLE.8293


Omg ,i would rather to be found dead in a ditch,than looking like this creature in the picture you posted.

Ss Ninja- Rank 50 Asura Condition Thief (The Bulgarians [BG])
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

That pic looks like your average Mesmer rather than anything Thief related.

But yes, the lack of weapon variety is pretty daunting.

I too have a soft spot for Spears/Nagitatas etc. but I’m not sure how much of a Martial Artist a Thief really is. He’s more of a Rogue archetype than a Monk/Assassin/Ninja Archetype.

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: MasterGeese.4756


Would like to see arm-blades for a more close-quarters combat weapon. Sort of like a D/D that relies on something other than evasion/stealth.

A crossbow would also be nice, but I’m not sure what its abilities would be.

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


That pic looks like your average Mesmer rather than anything Thief related.

But yes, the lack of weapon variety is pretty daunting.

I too have a soft spot for Spears/Nagitatas etc. but I’m not sure how much of a Martial Artist a Thief really is. He’s more of a Rogue archetype than a Monk/Assassin/Ninja Archetype.

Thief is still Assassin, as it replaces it and still uses all it’s main skills. It even uses the famous Ninja from Mortal Kombat’s skill. .-.
Some of the actual weapons “Ninja” used and everything that influenced that style were Naginatas, Spears, Scythes, Sickles, Blow Darts, War Fans, Katanas, Staffs, Claws, Polearms and a lot more. Thief would need a hell of a lot more weapons.

We have no Hand-to-Hand (wish we did) and Ninjas all start with martial arts as well before weapons. GW1 Assassins used Scythes before they got nerfed and Longbows and pretty much were designed as Ninjas. Assassins in general also have a huge variety of weapons. Pretty much every weapon imaginable would be a viable option. If it kills, you use it.

Thief steal and improvise by grabbing anything and using it as a weapon, and yet our actual weapon arsenal is the smallest of all classes. Ironic, really.
Maybe their just missing their “Way of the Master” when they stepped in to replace Assassin: The skill that made Assassins deadly with any weapon. Should be placed more into the lore of the game and into Thieves.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

(edited by Doggie.3184)

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Sons.5493


Thieves are Thieves, not ninjas.

A ninja would never use pistols for example

This doesnt mean i dont agree with the “we need more weapons thing”

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Hehe, soryr for the pic i just thout it can fits for the theme. But what ever.
On “fist” weapons: I also would love to see them, trough they need to add something unique to gameplay, becaouse they sound like another skin for dagger combat actually.

Martial artist or not, Ninja or not, the Thief has many skills indicating it is not a simple “thief” unlike his name represents.
It has the right to wield anything in my opinion.
There are many movies, games animes and books that actualy center araund a swift acrobatic hero with a 2 handed weapon, mostly a sword able to be used 2 handed and single handed to. ( somehing like bast. sword)
Not to mention Gw has no right to call on class stereotipes, when it totally reworked them, and is missing fundemental rpg and fantasy classes.

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: pugo.8039


IMO most of the thief’s ‘arsenal’ comes from the utilities. poisons with different effects, traps, and gadgets like shadowstepping, caltrops and scorpion wire. this is opposed to other classes where utilities are just spells or shouts (going from wvw experience and one alt here, don’t get mad if i’m totally wrong about this). while this isn’t the greatest design for the gameplay, it makes thieves shine in particular situations that are not always straight up combat

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Retanaru.2901


It’d be interesting if thieves got a torch as a weapon and whenever they used a stealth skill while wielding a torch they wouldn’t stealth, but would gain some other buff or attack. More of a saboteur approach to the class would be cool. Although it would never be allowed to drop a fire field as cluster bomb spam in it would be too powerful. A dark field on “stealth” when wielding a torch or fire shield that gave them protection to make up for the lack of stealth would be fun.

(edited by Retanaru.2901)

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: JackWest.8974


Agree on rifles, stealthy sniper fits pretty well the thief, the gadget thing is for the engineer and the engineer only, i don’t know why you would want that instead of Steal, and the nginata would make much more sense for the ranger, since the class focus more on the martial arts than the thief imo

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I just mentioned Naginata for metafore. Glaivles are a LOT swifter. And are used in a differeant way.
They are mostly cutting like swords, but meantime used as a quarterstaff.
Lets keep in mind switching between staff-sword attack and defence also requires decent agility and dexterity.
If you think abaut it, Staves can be used many ways. If you hold it close to your body and constantly switch hold it is extremely flexible as defensive weapon.
If you extend it and use sweeping attacks, it can parry spears or crush armor, or hit multiple foes, even knock them away, or sideways.
You can even use them to trust, to partially stun, unbalance or daze opponents for a second. (And since glaviles have a semi pointy end they stab for wounding to.)

Glaivles are practically insanely flexible weapons, but only the most agile and dexterious can use them.
I do think the “way of the master” was truly designed for some weapon like this.
I must also point out, the combat animations in Gw2 are the best i saw in mmo-s since gw1. -_- If any game can implement this correctly…it is Gw2. And Thief is the only class maybe that can, should wield the weapon.

If you take a warrior, you would be correct, do to the heavy armor and crudely implemented combat moves, they would propably use it more like a Naginata.

Actually, if we are at topic : I play with 2 friends, and they started talking abaut… boring it is becoming using the same weapons, not to mention there are so few of them…..i seriously hope they wont quit……..-_-
hopefully threads like this will give some feedback to Anet, to put in some more content….before it is to late

Thief, i like it, but the weapon "arsenal?"

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


Thieves are Thieves, not ninjas.

A ninja would never use pistols for example

This doesnt mean i dont agree with the “we need more weapons thing”

Then why is my Sylvari a Ninja? And Ninjas do use guns, it’s Samurais who refuse guns. :P If it kills, you use it. Same with a Thief, anyways.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.