Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

in Thief

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186



I understand many of you are extremist suicide bom…i mean fans of Gw2, but you must understand, its still 2! and many players are here from Gw1, and you all must understand, this game only exists because Gw1 was so awesomely designed, that it lured a big audience.

I still feel, that Gw1 was a LOT more innovative then Gw2 is. but in any case another topic.
Getting to point : I think Thief wont really stick out as an substitute for Assassin, which it clearly wants to be.
I dont want to lie, but i am sure i seen some official statement that they dont plan on making Assassin.
I understand, that it was quite Eastern culture themed, and would not fit in here, but then again, its exactly why it is different then Thief.
I also understand that Thief would be actually shallow without Dual dagger, Assassin ish skill set, and adding another class with almost same skill set would be a sad excuse, BUT then again, most players are dissapointed, that they are not getting such an amazing character theme instead of a common want to be class.
There are many skills that i found more innovative in Assassin then i find thief overall.

for example way of the master skill where you could pick any other weapon, and go and spin gracefully around with a scythe. Or Shadow form.
Or the general concept of Main hand Off hand finisher attack sequences for more damage or optimal rotations, that you could mix infinitely. . . That was a LOT more innovative then this : Steal and initiative resource bar we have…makes Gw2 feel a AAA category game crippled down to general audience. Way to simplified….like Rogues were in Wow spamming eeeeeeq eeeeeq . …and win. (ok ok not that simple, but you get it)

My real problem is not that we dont have Assassin…i can get on with it, it was a choice they made…they problem is, you cant customize your play style to feel like one.
Gw2 is SOOOO rigid on this part. I experimented for like a whole week with Elementalist to see how many builds (mostly with traits) are differing in play style…and realized hardly 2-3 that moderately differs (not in look, but mechanic) and like 3 more that only differs lightly. Not to mention…the differing only meant using the same skills in differing order or not using some…unlike other games, where you get differing skills or use differing gear…
Truly made me realize, Gw2 offers extremely minimal game style and combat customization (but its another topic)
So even as Thief supposed to be a substitute for Assassin….you cant play it like one. You cant pick “sniping” skills (you cant even use rifles).
True…many of Thief-s skills are basically Assassin skills ripped of, but they are NOT the same…a “shadow refuge” means something entirely different then it means for an Assassin.

At any rate…this is my opinion. You can flame me..hate me, have a differing opinion, but keep in mind, forums exist to share ideas and opinions, and players that actually post here do it to see others opinions on it, and not flames, blames, hate and blindfolded fanatism not to change anything.

So my idea is (to suggest a solution to this problem at least) : In future “expansions” that might be Eastern cultured (like for god only knows our beloved Cantha) , “ascend” classes, make them be able to use differing themed skills. They can even be the same ones, with differing effects.

Good luck and have a good day all.

Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

in Thief

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I agree. Thief is the kitten child of the Assassin.

I wish the Thief was like GW1 Assassin but its just not.

Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


You know, I’d read somewhere that they renamed the Assassin to Thief around the same time they got rid of the Canthan district of DR, because it was too closely tied to Canthan lore.
Thinking it over though, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. Anton was an Assassin, and he was never even in Cantha as far as we know.
He was an Ascalonian Assassin.

Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

in Thief

Posted by: nathan goossen.9546

nathan goossen.9546

your absuluty true about thief not its spiritual succseaor of assassin.
loved the critical agility with daggers in gw1 uber fast dagger spammer skils and deal a ton of dmg without even getting hit alot =) stil thief have some nice mechanics that does make them fun to play but not an assassin =)

Naomi DragonFury

Thief is not a substitute for Assasin

in Thief

Posted by: DigitalBAZOOKA.3940


Yes! I am but a thief, yet I steal not gold nor jewels. No! I steal lives!

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