Thief or mesmer pvp and some pve?
Personally I’d go with thief, but that’s cause I main one and I absolutely hate mesmers :P
Bias aside, they are both equally useful and wanted in PvE (dungeons, fractals) and both are really strong in PvP, although mesmers have a bit more variety when it comes to playstyles.
My advice, play both and see which one he likes the most, they are both VERY different to each other.
thief, because
easier to play, easier to level up pve wise, it eats mesmer for breakfast in pvp, and more useful with less skill.
for everyone says other wise, you are biased, it’s only fact. and i have champion shadow, i don’t even have champion illuionist.
Assassins don’t leave pink butterflies over enemy’s dead body.
Take it from a guy that mains Mesmer and Thief. Go Thief. Mesmer is heavily Trait-dependant. As such, levelling one is a royal pain in the tush. Now, on the other side … nothing stops you from going Thief in the beginning and making a Mesmer later on, once you’re more accustomed to the game.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
Thanks for the replies guys;) between the two of them I think I’ll stay with thief another thing guys, I recently read that engineers gain more and more on popularity as roamers. are they really that strong and would be better to create one instead of a thief? From what I know thief is a pretty squishy if compared to engi.
Need your help once again friends ;p
Thanks for the replies guys;) between the two of them I think I’ll stay with thief
another thing guys, I recently read that engineers gain more and more on popularity as roamers. are they really that strong and would be better to create one instead of a thief? From what I know thief is a pretty squishy if compared to engi.
Need your help once again friends ;p
Engies are certainly very strong but thief still has the best disengage abilities in the game due to stealth. However, if you’d like to try a class that is useful in every game mode and versatile as well, engies are perfect. Once in a while I roam with my engi in wvw, and although I have both power and condi sets for him, I mostly use power since I like big numbers. Zerker engies have awesome burst and still good survivability in a fight but thieves can run away better :P
If you’d go with condi build, then only other condi builds would give you problems.
try out both, take the one u like more
if u like pvp more, check the pvp eu qualifiers of yday night, the tcg vs MiM
first 2 games, they were the best matches i ever seen , and they highlight both mesmers and thiefs a lot, sizer plays an s/d build , redlevin plays a d/p build(thieves)
both helseth and the other guy play the same builds (mesmers)
create all profs you want and test them at spvp. It’s available from 2 lvl
I went from Ele to Thief as my original mains 2 years ago. I played thief for a solid year, and then went to mesmmer for 4-6 months, and went back to ele. I recently played thief because last time I played it I was nowhere near as good at the game and I must say thief is the way to go. I love Mesmer, always will because it reminds me of the Kensai from Baldurs Gate 2, but the Thief is useful for every situation
All three are good both in PvE and PvP.
- Engineer are more versatile. There is a lot of different way to play it and you can adapt to a situation rather quickly. But they usually harder to play. You need to remember your skills and your cooldown when you switch from 1 kit to the other. In PvE, they are rarely needed, but rarely hurt your team.
- Mesmer can be powerful, but can be hard to master and need timing to make the best use of your illusions. Two Mesmer with the same outfit and look can be so confusion for your enemy. In PvE, Mesmer are well known for their utilities. For some dungeon like Arah or Fractals, they are fantastic. For other dungeon, they bring little.
- Thief are the best in small encounter. If you can’t outfight, you can disengage without much problem. Depending on your build you can burst down in a hit and run gameplay or have really high sustain for longer fight. But thief are usually easy to see coming when you know how to play them. They usually only have a limited amount of trick they can do depending on their weapons, so one you figure out their type, they are easy to counter if you have the right setup yourself. In PvE, like Mesmer they are mainly there for utilities. Blind and Stealth mostly. They are invaluable in fractals like dredge and dungeon like Arah or CM. But for other dungeon, they don’t bring much. Back when FGS what a big deal they had a bigger role.
I’ve tried both and thief just enticed me more. I guess I’m more into being an assassin rather than a rogue.
Both contribute greatly to dungeons/wvw/pvp, just in different ways(Aoe Quickness VS group sneaks; Different PvP playstyles; Portals vs Solo Special Ops caps)
(edited by Evalia.7103)
i loved mesmer due to the clone mechanic, like, u can summon 3 copies of u! how awesome is that!
and mesmer reminds me kind of a mage assasin hybrid, like arcan thief
and i always loved both mage and assasin in every game i played, so i just choose mes, and i got no regrets besides switching over and wasting one of my legendarys for a meteorlogicus just to switch back after a few weeks to mesmer…
i kri everityme