Thief pve build in 2014
Thief is as strong as his group is. Yes most bigger hits will one shot you. But if everyone is doing their job (stack mobs, everyone is in melee etc etc) and damage is high enough (+ you learn what special attacks you need to dodge in boss fights) you will be ok. Ofc when party is full of PVT riffle warriors, bearbow rangers and guardians camping staff in the far corner you will most likely kiss the floor a lot or surrender to shortbow 111 spam.
Full dps build is 25/30/x/x/x. S/P for trash fights – black powder works wonders on stacked mobs, pistol whip works great with signet of malice, specially in aoe situation. Best dps (or so they say) for boss fights when you can get to boss back easily is d/d, but you will be fine with S/P which will also add more survivability with Pistol whip evade frame and will allow you to evade while doing damage. S/D is useful in some boon heavy boss fights (Dredge fractal boss for example). While puging LFG Shortbow (Aoe not stacked mobs) and P/P comes in handy when ppl refuse to melee. Ranged will always be less damage then melee, but as soon as single party member starts using ranged weapon in boss fight feel free to do the same and switch to P/P, because that kitten just reduced your 10 k HP survivability by another 20 %.